
Where would you put MrBeast on Spiral Dynamics?

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He gives all his profits away to others, which gets him views, making him even more profit, which lets him give even more away.


Would you say this is Stage Green? I'm thinking it's peak Orange 


Here is his channel:

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The last thread I saw i said orange but like im giving a second thought on this and I think he might be high orange / low green

I'm not getting a strong enough service mission oriented vibe from him

I get more of a drive for public image and money 

But he is opening up a charity and hosts 100% charity streams so that can be a giving kind of vibe but I couldn't tell if that was for image or service. Could be image 

Although... he said his #1 inspiration is Steve jobs (57:03). who is green/yellow 


I feel like I can see aspects of both in him 


55:08 is what im talking about 


Edited by Jacob Morres

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1 hour ago, mmKay said:

orange transitioning to green. period. mostly orange though

2 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

Low Orange. Def not Green.

What makes you guys think that? I don't disagree, just want to understand your analysis. 

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@Jacob Morres

What do you think he would need to do to transcend Orange and fully transition into Green? 

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@Vision also check out the titles of the topics they talk about in the podcast 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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Slightly off topic but I’ve always wondered why people use this mouth-open-I’m-so-excitited thumbnails? To lock whom?


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Highest, he's actually helping people unlike the didlo spiritual gurus who do nothing but yammer on and do NOTHING in the real world.

He is a true prophet because he is out in the real world unlike these dildo online gurus who run and hide from people.

They remain cowards at heart; they found the validation they need/seek and they cling to it like children.

Pathetic cowards that run from people, they cannot take even an ounce of rejection, so they refuse.

They refuse to go and follow their path and actually enlighten the people by being a sage.

They'd rather get worshiped by morons who suck em off for nothing all that great.

Then their followers do their best to beat down others who are basically same.

So yeah Mr.Beast is a fucking beast because he lives among the people.

He ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING, unlike some people we know.

Pathetic cowards who didn't move from step one tbfh fam.

I guess all paths lead to one, but it's still SAD ROFLLLL!



He does GOOD and LOTS OF IT.

Do others do that or too busy?

Too busy seeking validation?

Too busy running?

Filthy casuals tbh.


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