
Describing the Profundity Psychedelics Have Given Me

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"If you think the Universe is mundane, if you think there are no more frontiers to cross, no more adventures to be had, I'm telling you, you can turn your living room into the bridge of Magellan's ship on a long Saturday evening with five grams of psilocybin in silent darkness." 

- Terence McKenna

100% right and 100% necessary for more people to implement, especially in today’s crazy political climate. Take some fucking mushrooms. Lose your fear of death. Experience the core truth that all religions and spiritual disciplines are based upon. See shit no human being has the capability of imagining without this enhancement. Experience things no human being has ever experienced that might never be experienced again by another human being. These experiences are tailored to you and are oftentimes purely unique to you. Lose your worldview. Gain a new one. Lose that one. Meet extra-dimensional intelligences that could be more real than any of us or completely generated by your own mind - you’ll never truly know, but it’s cool as fuck any which way you could look at it. Get possessed by a cephalopod goddess for 5 hours transforming your physical body to cephalopod form while speaking in tongues, potentially communicating on an intergalactic scale with beings no human has likely contacted before, like I did. I can’t say this will happen for everyone or happen on mushrooms, but after taking a moderate dose of ayahuasca two nights in a row, my life changed forever. The ayahuasca “trips” were almost nonexistent as I ended up sleeping through them both nights due to the initial nausea I chose to avoid with sleep. In the months that followed, while no longer chemically under the immediate effects of the substance, I started having what certainly appeared to be and felt like telepathic communication with the Gray Aliens, Archangel Michael, Lucifer, the cephalopod goddess mentioned above, deceased human beings I had a strong intellectual or emotional connection to, ghosts, and other entities that escape my memory at this time. I potentially became the first human being to share what sexual experiences are like for humans to an extraterrestrial species through this telepathic connection. Again, I’m not saying everyone will get this result, but I seemed to accidentally teleport small objects over hundreds of miles on two occasions. Clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, and much more just might await you if you choose to use psychedelics. This isn’t only for the duration of the trip either, at least potentially. I experienced time dilation to the extent of minutes feeling like hours and seconds feeling like minutes. I was potentially saved from a car accident by my “guardian angels” or other metaphysically capable beings looking out for me. I’d like to point out that I’m just scratching the surface of what I’ve experienced. To go into detail of every remarkable thing I’ve experienced due to my decision to take psychedelics in only roughly a dozen moderate- to extreme-dose trips in the past few years, I’d likely need to write multiple books, and there’s literally an infinite amount of things I haven’t yet explored in the psychonautical or psychedelic landscape. It’s quite possible that my life has been more strange, unbelievable, exhilarating, and meaningful than anyone you’ve met due in large part to what psychedelics sparked in me. It’s not for everyone. The faint of heart should stay well away. If experiencing terror possibly exceeding that of physical death even by torture or extreme experiences such as being burned at the stake or gassed in a concentration camp, this might not be for you. If you fear experiencing hell on Earth, this might not be for you. If you are currently attached to your personal beliefs to the point you don’t want to lose them or find yourself believing something radically different, this might not be for you. On the other hand, if you value or seek adventure, the potential for an incredibly rare understanding of existence as a whole, and Truth, you’ll likely find no other method as effective as the psychedelic method. Slaying a dragon on Mount Everest with Jesus as your comrade while wielding Excalibur very well could pale in comparison to what you’ll find in the psychonautic/psychedelic landscape. I could go on. This is most certainly an unpaid advertisement for psychedelic substances. Many of the good ones are physically safer than alcohol with psilocybin mushrooms being likely physically safer than marijuana according to a recent study. If you wish to be the next great explorer, look not to distant galaxies or the edge of the universe as your goal and a starship to get you there. Instead, look to exploring the infinite potentiality of consciousness as your goal and psychedelic substances as the metaphysical transportation method to get you there. I didn’t even mention you recognizing with utmost certainty the likes of which you’ve probably never experienced that you are God. It sounds like the paramount impossible Truth and experience to most, but honestly, I’ve found some of the other experiences psychedelics have given me as even more profound than that. Experiencing Infinite Freedom might be one good example. If you do wish to pick up the gauntlet I’ve laid at your feet and assume your role as the sovereign navigator of your own infinitely powerful creative vessel aimed toward untold realms of splendor, glory, ecstasy, delight, intelligence, and pleasure, I wish you luck. I say Godspeed to you my fellow explorer. Know that these journeys will mature you in ways normal humans will likely forever be incapable of fathoming. 

With Love, 

Your fellow traveller on his own ineffable journey

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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You know what all your great trips didn't teach you. 
The great hidden arcane knowlege of "paragraphs".B|

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That seems very interesting and exciting, and I wouldn't want to down-value your experiences, but honestly I think one or two trips of deep mind-fuckery is more than enough. More than that and I start to feel I "owe" reality something. I prefer to abide in Truth, rest as the Self, create the best possible life in this human form, share the best love and wisdom I can, and ultimately, simplify things a little bit. Although those deep travels to crazy worlds can be tremendously valuable in certain points of our paths/life's, they can ultimately become a distraction from what is important for us imo 

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@emptiness dancing I’m well aware of this arcane knowledge. I just happened to not give a shit about following it during this individual writing. Separate the text into paragraphs for yourself if you struggle to read without them lol. 

Do you need my help in grasping the esoteric mystery schools of the question mark, since we’re being nit picky? 

Also, your last period needs to come before your last quotation mark if you are using American English. 

There’s a big difference between knowing how to use something and choosing to use something. Don’t assume someone doesn’t know something simply because they don’t follow it or use it. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@Javfly33 I think psychedelics are instrumental for me to experience everything you describe other than simplicity, and even then, if you are describing simplicity in understanding or a simplified knowledge of the truth, psychedelics can help get you there from my experience. The journeys themselves just aren’t what most would call simple. 

How can an atom in a table come to owe the table something? Or conversely, if you can recognize yourself as reality, how can you come to owe yourself something when you are all that is? 

I can agree with this on many levels, but ultimately what’s important comes down to an individual value judgment imo. If exploration and experiencing the extreme limits of existence is not important to you, then you’re right. This is certainly the case from specific spiritual traditions and schools of thoughts, but I think this is not an absolute truth by any means. It’s an opinion. If a monk on Earth in year 2,500 said the endeavors of the Starship Enterprise (living in the Star Trek universe for a moment) were useless for example, he could reasonably be considered to be both right and wrong from different perspectives. For me, the deepest realization of Truth shows the ultimate futility of Truth. Once you realize worldly pursuits mean nothing, what makes you still believe spiritual pursuits mean anything either? Just curious how you see this. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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The deepest realization of Truth is not needing to chase exhilarating fantasies to feel alive, but resting in the realization of the infinite Peace and Love that you already are.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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20 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

@Javfly33 I think psychedelics are instrumental for me to experience everything you describe other than simplicity, and even then, if you are describing simplicity in understanding or a simplified knowledge of the truth, psychedelics can help get you there from my experience. The journeys themselves just aren’t what most would call simple. 

How can an atom in a table come to owe the table something? Or conversely, if you can recognize yourself as reality, how can you come to owe yourself something when you are all that is? 

I can agree with this on many levels, but ultimately what’s important comes down to an individual value judgment imo. If exploration and experiencing the extreme limits of existence is not important to you, then you’re right. This is certainly the case from specific spiritual traditions and schools of thoughts, but I think this is not an absolute truth by any means. It’s an opinion. If a monk on Earth in year 2,500 said the endeavors of the Starship Enterprise (living in the Star Trek universe for a moment) were useless for example, he could reasonably be considered to be both right and wrong from different perspectives. For me, the deepest realization of Truth shows the ultimate futility of Truth. Once you realize worldly pursuits mean nothing, what makes you still believe spiritual pursuits mean anything either? Just curious how you see this. 

Of course it´s all relative. When I say "what is important" make no mistake I know that important here is totally relative. My intention of abiding as the Self is purely selfish from an EGO POV, I value bliss and peace over suffering and struggle. That is a preference and is relative and I accept that. As ego´s we are limited by that preference and I think it´s OK.

And of course when I say "share the love and wisdom" with humanity, is more of the same. I know humanity care about good-feeling and peace over suffering or other explorations that might not be totally peaceful. This is not to say that explorations are bad, is just that most people don´t care about explorations. 

Having said that, there is people who prefer and show more interest in going deeper, in explorations kind of way as you said. I actually had a similar conversation some time ago regarding this, in this forum with a known user here. I was saying something like If Had been happy and at peace 24/7 I would have never started any spiritual search. He would say more or less what you are saying, that he entered into other realms just because of pure adventure and curiosity even though knowing it might be scary or terryfing. Which I value but I have never been able to empathise on a deep level since I have always valued peace and bliss before anything else.

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7 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Slaying a dragon on Mount Everest with Jesus as your comrade while wielding Excalibur very well could pale in comparison to what you’ll find in the psychonautic/psychedelic landscape.

If you wish to be the next great explorer, look not to distant galaxies or the edge of the universe as your goal and a starship to get you there. Instead, look to exploring the infinite potentiality of consciousness as your goal and psychedelic substances as the metaphysical transportation method to get you there. 

Right. In. The. Fucking. Feels.

Edited by SirVladimir

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Awesome @BipolarGrowth It seems also a good resource for writers and creators like filmmakers, comic artist, etc... hehehe...

Definitely something cool to be experienced.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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3 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

It seems also a good resource for writers and creators like filmmakers, comic artist, etc...

You would not believe how much you just hit the nail on the head. 


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1 hour ago, SirVladimir said:

You would not believe how much you just hit the nail on the head. 

Hahaha... right?

Everything is in consciousness... so all stories are there. We only have to get in touch with our true self and they will arise. 

That's how we "create" ... they are not our ideas in reality... is something that already IS and we just channel that energy into something creative.

I notice a lot of times on movies and songs, books, art  those ideas that come from our higher self that I didn't notice before. It's amazing.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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8 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

Hahaha... right?

Everything is in consciousness... so all stories are there. We only have to get in touch with our true self and they will arise. 

That's how we "create" ... they are not our ideas in reality... is something that already IS and we just channel that energy into something creative.

I notice a lot of times on movies and songs, books, art  those ideas that come from our higher self that I didn't notice before. It's amazing.

We are humble refracting prisms; swaying gondolas on the lake's ripples. We ferry the words we are given, and we safely transport them for others to read. 


Have you found your life purpose in the domain of Art by any chance? You seem like a well-grounded, insightful dude who has seen the indescribable beauty.

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4 hours ago, SirVladimir said:

We are humble refracting prisms; swaying gondolas on the lake's ripples. We ferry the words we are given, and we safely transport them for others to read. 


Have you found your life purpose in the domain of Art by any chance? You seem like a well-grounded, insightful dude who has seen the indescribable beauty.

Thanks @SirVladimir I has seen it indeed. 



Right now I am on my way to make Art my life purpose. In reality I think that always was the case, I always liked to draw since I was a kid. 

But...but... (there's always a but) because I choose the "safe" option I become a graphic designer.  I know design is also art, I like it too... but what really wanted is to create comics and illustrations, children books, etc... so I am right now in the middle of a change of career... or better said is a little adjustment, going from graphic design to comic and illustrations. 

During the day I am a designer and in the nights I am a comic artist. 

Working on that right now!




Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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10 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

@abrakamowse Godspeed then, best of fortune in your life purpose! 

Thanks Vladimir! Same to you!!! 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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