
Your favourite medium for consuming personal development in 2021?

6 posts in this topic

In 2021, which medium do you prefer for consuming personal development material? reading blog posts or books, listening to audio courses or podcasts, watching youtube videos or online video courses?

Factoring in all of the following:

the amount of hours you have in the day and what fits in with your lifestyle (e.g do you have time to sit down and watch videos or is audio/text better if you have time constraints)

how much you can connect with the personal development teacher and buy into their ideas (e.g do you still feel you can connect with the personal development teacher through blog posts)

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Mostly audible as of right now. Listening to a book is easier than reading for me. Maybe because humans have evolved to listen to spoken language for much longer.

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I made a habit of listening to personal development content in the form of audiobooks, podcasts and YouTube videos every time I'm driving or jogging. I feel like consuming this type of content while doing tasks that don't require much of your conscious focus is optimal if you don't have much free time. Of course, I try to make some time for other mediums as well, but this is the main one for me.

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Books. I can absorb the information much better by reading than by listening, but this is different for each person. 

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Youtube have tons of good materials to watch.

I also have audio players on all devices with audiobooks.

Also have ebook readers ready.

I read a lot. Can't help it as I am currently self employed and have lots of free time. 

Some days when I am not working, I listen/read books 10-18 hours a day.


Edited by hyruga

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@ryank940 Try different mediums and see what works best for you.

I like reading books because I can take notes in my commonplace book and mark helpful passages much easier than when listening to an audiobook. Kindle is great too.

Videos are also a useful and I plan to use more often.

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