
IFS Therapy can give psychedelic experiences without drugs

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IFS (Internal Family Systems Model) is a new form of psychotherapy that involves viewing the human mind as having a 'true self' which due to traumatic events split off into 'false selves' as a defensive maneuver. The goal of the therapy is to relax and integrate the false selves to move with the goals of the true self.


Many people who do IFS report having psychedelic like experiences and making rapid progress compared to traditional therapies. Tim Ferris did a brief live session on his podcast and has said it was similar to his experience with some psychedelic drugs.

IFS connection with the spirituality:

To access the true self, the easiest way according to IFS is to identify all the protective false selves. Then through multiple therapy sessions for each part, you embody the false self and eventually they step aside. Eventually you go through the exiled parts, and then the inner child parts. As you relax the false selves, eventually you feel emotion and compassion welling up, that is supposed to be the true self coming closer to the surface.

Though it hasn't personally happened to me, I have heard reports of people saying that eventually they were watching their 'false selves' all around them and feeling a sense of weightlessness, and that there was a 'self' full of love and emotion that was just out of sight. I'm thinking that they themselves are the true self, basically viewing everything from that perspective. I am thinking if this state is achieved, it could somehow be combined with self inquiry for rapid spiritual progress.

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I took the two online classes on IFS taught by Jay Early.  After some practice, I believe that it is the correct model of the mind.    At a superficial level, we experience ourselves as one personality, but it is an illusion.  We have multiple personalities that weave together in real time and come to consciousness depending on the situation.  We are unaware and experience them as a single “I”.   The more trauma we had in our life, the more fragmented we are.   It shouldn’t be surprising that personality is modular.  We already know that modularity is a basic feature of the brain – vision and speech in distinct areas, etc.  Multiple personalities appear throughout psychology:  Carl Jung talked about complexes, Freud had the ego, id, superego.  



Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Very interesting , I had already heard of that therapy but I didn't know the details of it. Seems very promising, thanks for sharing!

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You can try doing this with writing - - create a lucid daydream where you embody a false self and then literally write it out of your life. 



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