
How is/was your transition from Stage Green to Yellow?

55 posts in this topic

Wow, that's self development 101

do you have a youtube channel or something? and please share with us the podcast when it's done.

for me personally i think i'm too caught up with life stuff, i should be doing more actual self development than just watching videos.

thanks for sharing.

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48 minutes ago, Happy Lizard said:

@DocWatts something I've been wondering about for a while. Is reaching a sort of freedom in one's life necessary for this, or is it a society matter ? for example Green college students in a southern state. they obviously can't go all the way green in their environment that have issues with different race marriage and trying to block abortion. 

I'm sure most of them would like to move out to a place where Green values are more acceptable, but they might lack the means to do so. I guess what I'm asking is: is that a part of the challenge ? or is it just a society thing where you can be lucky to be born in Europe, and be susceptible to a Green worldview.

Axiomatic to the SD Model is the idea that the stage someone is at is in large part a Survival strategy in response to life conditions and environment. So while it's relatively easy to reach the SD-Stage that's the Center of Gravity in one's Culture/Sub-culture, going beyond that is going to be more difficult.

As far as Yellow goes, I do think there are some prerequisites that would make this very difficult to achieve without some level of freedom in one's life and circumstances. Not the least of which are Education, access to ideas from other Cultures, time and energy for reading, contemplating, etc. All of which are going to be the consequence of at least some degree of privilege, something the Yellow individual would be cognizant of due to their experience of Green.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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@StateOfMind We're recording the first one later today, then mine probably next week sometime. I'm not sure if it violates the rules on self-promotion, but I'll try to post it if I can.

And I would say the most foundational course you could ever do is Leo's Ultimate Life Purpose Course. Ever since doing it I have immense degrees of clarity and purpose. You'll know exactly what the next step is. 

Edited by Elevated

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I think I am mostly Green but I do aware to the complexity and the evolution everyone has to go through, I understand myself much better than even one year ago. I see how my thoughts are affected by what I eat and how I slept etc and what I need and I has craved many years in the root - be more connected and to love myself more.

Blue doesnt trigger me at all now. In the past it was, but Orange toxic medicine with his manipulation on nature and his thought that he is smarter than nature and outgrew nature - this toxic attitude triggers me a lot.

Orange is so stupid! How dare he to think he has got nature and better than it.

So basically I feel I think many times in a yellow way but I "walk" green.

GREEN-yellow today.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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4 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

So basically I feel I think many times in a yellow way but I "walk" green.

Good way of putting it.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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@Nivsch I've definitely noticed myself becoming more and more triggered by Orange, will tells me that I'm making the transition to Green. I have enough Yellow in me to mostly identify it, but my core is still very much Orange-Green. I think my introduction to Green was through the criticisms of Postmodernism from Jordan Peterson, Areomagazine, etc, so it's taken a while to let go of that toxic fear of Green enough to actually begin growing into it. 

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I definitely find myself reflexively taking a step back and putting arguments from ideologies into a larger context, and consequently find myself both more detached and more engaged at the same time.

That said, I'm still not above getting triggered by toxic aspects of Blue, Orange, and sometimes Green; though I've become much more tolerant and understanding of these in thier more Healthy and reasonable forms.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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Death and rebirth.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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9 hours ago, Rilles said:

And a Yellow mind would say "Me being judgemental of Green is judgemental in itself"  Although Im probably just 20% Yellow I've noticed how open-ended the mindset is, everything becomes a loop, judgement of someones judgement is judgemental and judging that is judgemental in itself!!! It never ends xD

*Bangs gavel*

Yeah. But then you start to realize, there is not something inherently wrong with judgment as well. It just depends on how you're using it and how much you are attached to it. If you make your whole life about judging people and groups and start creating the ideology around it - there is probably a problem and it will surely backfire on you. But having an honest outlook on things and seeing the flaws can actually benefit you tremendously.

Cool example:

Let's say you have a good hippy friend who is trying to hype you up in starting a marijuana business with him. He wants to give you 50% equity or whatever and really is hyped up about the idea.

But you give a very honest judgment about the situation. He is a good friend of yours, sure, you've been on this retreat with him, you have a great connection. But on the other hand, you can see that the guy is clearly unreliable, he has shitty beliefs about money and business, he has all kinds of crippling addictions, he has no mastery at anything, and now he wants to do 50\50 business with you.

It's pretty apparent what's gonna happen if you go that route

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Is it true that a stage yellow person has more shadow work to do integrating green than blue and orange? This is what I hear from Jeff Salzman. Even though I see the limits of green and am heading towards integral I think im still green because I dont have a green shadow and see green as my tribe still.

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4 minutes ago, EddieEddie1995 said:

What does a "Shadow" in the spiral mean? 

Unconscious or sometimes conscious resistance towards a previous or future stage. Like Blue demonizing Orange or vice versa. This is basically the ego keeping its homeostasis.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Id define it as the parts of you that you push away and disown so if you had a stage orange shadow you would project your judgements about materialism etc onto these ppl who are like this but not realising that this is just a part of yourself that you have disowned. - We all have the potential within ourselves to be materialistic.

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 "Hey, orange guy, don't remaind me that I have orange desires for sex and money that Im repressing  here in the shadow and can't express because doesn't fit my worldview, because I demonized you and if did express it, it would mean that I em a bad person, and I desirve punishment" 

So when you say that Trump has a green shadow, what that means?

Ty for response ?

Edited by EddieEddie1995
i suck at English

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You realize how unaware most people are. Including yourself. And then, real philosophy and actual metaphysics. These things become a part of your daily life. They directly affect how you behave & see the world.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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If I am correct in perceiving this transition as stage yellow: i feel a soothing humility rolling in at this stage, which finally starts disarming the ego and all its arrogance and feelings of superiority/inferiority. Also, from realizing how relative everything is, I feel a huge thirst for understanding. This is where @Girzo talked about reading more. At some points just recently I had this deep feeling of wanting to study all there is study, to learn about how everything works, what all the different perspectives out there are, what was, what is, what could be. But I also saw that this can become a red herring really quickly.

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1 minute ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

If I am correct in perceiving this transition as stage yellow: i feel a soothing humility rolling in at this stage, which finally starts disarming the ego and all its arrogance and feelings of superiority/inferiority. Also, from realizing how relative everything is, I feel a huge thirst for understanding. This is where @Girzo talked about reading more. At some points just recently I had this deep feeling of wanting to study all there is study, to learn about how everything works, what all the different perspectives out there are, what was, what is, what could be. But I also saw that this can become a red herring really quickly.


Can relate so much. Curiosity overcomes judgement in this stage, I want to know why instead of demonizing people. There is so much to learn. xD

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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On a very daily life / practical level, my transition to Yellow came with a re-integration of so much that I had let go of during Green. For example, I had a desire to live in a city again after several years of living in remote nature. I reincorporated technology and stage Orange aspects of the internet in a more healthy way (like joining this forum). I started managing my money in a more thoughtful and long term way after having donated much of my savings in the form of “personal reparations.” I reached out to stage Orange friends I had lost touch with but now better understood and was less judgmental of. I bought new clothes and had a healthy interest in fashion after basically just wearing old clothes until there were holes in them during my stage Green days in effort to reduce my consumption. Basically, in some ways my life starting appearing on the surface more Orange, but the key difference was that I was bringing my stage Green values with me, like buying new clothes but from sustainable brands, or putting my money back into the stock market but only with select corporations that passed certain ethical standards. 

Lots more I could mention but have to run. Will share more this weekend if I remember to!

Edited by tuckerwphotography

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2 hours ago, Rilles said:


Can relate so much. Curiosity overcomes judgement in this stage, I want to know why instead of demonizing people. There is so much to learn. xD

But then you could easily fall into Qanon conspiracies you def need discernment. 

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2 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:

But then you could easily fall into Qanon conspiracies you def need discernment. 

Of course, but that has nothing to do with an honest curiosity for why these beings think and act the way they do. And why am I repelled by that or why am I drawn to it? Why are others? Why do I feel superior to them or hate them? This all comes down to absolute love for every single being. You can love the Qanon conspiracy people for seeing that they are you and they are confused or whatever. And still you can recognize that their ideas are childish, stupid and toxic, and act accordingly - but not out of hate, but out of love and understanding. 

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