
Question About The The "do Nothing" Technique

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So I do a different technique for two weeks straight and then switch to another one. The next technique I am want to try is the "Do Nothing". Though my over-analyzing mind is making the simplicity of the technique a little hard to grasp. Do you simply sit and watch as awareness? Let's say you just sit and you get caught up in a thought do you just acknowledge that like with other techniques, such as breathing in and out, and get back to just watching? Is it more recommended to do with eyes open or eyes closed? 

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A few quotes from Shinzen Young's "FiveWays" hope it helps.



1. Let whatever happens, happen. 

2. Whenever you’re aware of an intention to control your attention, drop that intention.


And you only have to drop an intention when you happen to notice the presence of an intention, which may or may not be very often.


Notice also that the instructions do not ask you to continuously check for whether you’re intentionally controlling your awareness or not.


When you Do Nothing you may notice intention to control your awareness frequently, occasionally, or hardly ever. Any of these possibilities is fine.


Edited by mr lenny

[insert quote here]

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