
We are all fakes

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Lol are they stuck on the same level? Do you think you are better than all of those people? Such an annoying attention seeker.

Stay cool & dry.

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@ConsciousOwl10 you are growing more conscious.  One of the obstacles you will run into as you move up the spiral (if we wanna use spiral dynamics but we could also use the stages of ego development or just a growth in consciousness) is how to interact with those below you on the spiral.  And the answer is they are you.  When you advance a stage you still encompass the stages below.  So part of your growth is to not shun those at a different level of consciousness.  This is probably the trickiest minefield to maneuver along the path.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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It wasn't my intention to be an annoying attention seeker.  If that is what you think please refrain from commenting further thank you very much.

Edited by ConsciousOwl10

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Yes, I thought of that before! But I am far from knowing they are me haha. Funny because my mum actually introduced me to all this though vedanta.

Edited by ConsciousOwl10

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9 minutes ago, ConsciousOwl10 said:


Yes, I thought of that before! But I am far from knowing they are me haha. I don't know if this is just in my head but some people feel uncomfortable just from my presence. Its not everyone but some people get uncomfortable just by me smiling at them. And my smile is not creepy in all honesty. 

Haha...I would not go out of your way to please people either...just do your thing but with compassion...and of course its in your head.  Where else could it be? 



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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7 hours ago, ConsciousOwl10 said:

Hey guys, 

Just thought I'd share something that's been on my mind lately that is kind of related to spirituality but not completely.

I have had the terrifying realisation lately that as much as I am different to a lot of people who are sucked into mainstream society etc, I realise that most of who I am and what I think, my conception of true and not true, my morals and sense of justice are all basically given to me from someone else.

Not to ‘pick on you’, but why stop the inspection at ‘terrifying’? This is like shopping restaurants and eating at the one that sucks for you. The relating you really want is with the source within you. Listen to it. It’s not excluding, and it never blames or attributes the feeling of discord to another as the source of it. It’s quite inclusive, non-judgmental, and ever-loving. If you are experiencing “sucked into mainstream society”, it’s as simple as you are still sucked into it. This is your thinking, not “theirs”. Own it to inspect it to see through it & release it, and feel how you much more truly want to feel. 


I watched a video from Shunyamurti saying the ego that I have is basically a cultural artifact or product despite us thinking we gave birth to ourselves haha, metaphorically speaking. I realise that much of my learning as a kid wasn't learning at all, it was just listening to adults without question. Because of this, part of me knows its good in terms of enlightenment work that I should strip everything I know back more and more in terms of this 'person' i.e. born in the 21st century, living in first world country etc, but I have a bit of fear that I won't be able to relate to anyone anymore once it is taken to its extreme.

Attune more deeply & acutely in feeling than settling for ‘fear’ as well. If a thought doesn’t feel aligned to you, you don’t have to dine on it. Feel around a bit. Maybe the path is of relating by expanding your understanding and compassion, while not attaching to thoughts about others which don’t resonate with you. No one else has any hand in wether you’re attaching & identifying with thoughts or not. They have their whole gig going, you have yours. Feel your way to the best of both worlds. 


For instance, since being more into spirituality, I don't have any interest in speaking to certain family members anymore since they are stuck on the same level, or speaking to people who are stuck in the matrix so to say, and I don't want to pretend that I care about whatever it is they find important, I am not buddha, but I have noticed it already. Has anyone experienced what I mean?

Owl x

This is the orientation of ostracizing & isolating yourself. Unchecked, it can lead to nihilism and or solipsism, making your path exponentially more difficult than need be in the much longer term. If you don’t like liver, give it no mind ?. The buffet of this place is far bigger than this. You’ll never truly empower yourself in the focusing on and believing of thoughts oriented in empowering yourself by disempowering others. See their very best, set your own bar, and you will live, be, and feel your very best, free of these mental fetters. 


You are special. EVERY ONE is special. Existence is profoundly special. Earth is inexplicably special. We are walking talking impossible miracles, One, yet no two the same. When you align within you shine of within, and you self recognize creation. 



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18 minutes ago, Nahm said:

You are special. EVERY ONE is special. Existence is profoundly special. Earth is inexplicably special. We are walking talking impossible miracles, One, yet no two the same. When you align within you shine of within, and you self recognize creation. 


I swear there's this Nahm character who produces a heart opening at least twice a week. Very convenient to keep around ?

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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