
What technology do you use?

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A question about infrastructure - and purely out of curiosity, what kind of systems or technology do you use? And what do you use it for and how do you use it to benefit you? By this I mean, for example Leo mentioned he uses hard drives (I think) for a storing a lot of important information, what computer you use, or if you record videos or do some form of digital art what softwares or hardware do you have? Anything worth mentioning. 

Although I try to avoid the whole scene about technology as most of it is low conciousness consumerism but theres definitely an amazingly useful aspect to it, or if you dont use much technology at all, feel free to mention it, I'm very curious. 

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I use the Kitchen Safe to hold TV cords during the week. It's basically a timed lockbox. I watch movies, usually high quality, on weekend evenings.

I also use OpenDNS, a free website blocking software for youtube, reddit, and other similar timewasting websites. I recently allowed myself access to this forum because I need to develop the willpower to use tools effectively. So far I've been using it well, though I could cut back a little. I have 50 minutes of work, followed by 10 minutes of break and I've been respecting that. 

Honestly, the vast majority of technology I use is to quarantine off unconscious use of technology lmao. 

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The problem with tech is that it has been co-opted by the ego.

Thus, much of our tech is low consciousness and does not serve the well-being of the Whole.

The good news is that higher consciousness tech does seem possible. After all, building tech is a Gift that humanity has been given. We're really good at it.

But that skill, that gift, must now be directed properly towards service.

So I don't use much tech right now. Most high tech items are probably my iphone and a laptop. But honestly, if I felt I could reasonably get rid of those, I would. I don't feel they inherently bring me joy, it's more of a societal obligation to have at this point.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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4 minutes ago, Elevated said:

I use the Kitchen Safe to hold TV cords during the week. It's basically a timed lockbox. I watch movies, usually high quality, on weekend evenings.

I also use OpenDNS, a free website blocking software for youtube, reddit, and other similar timewasting websites. I recently allowed myself access to this forum because I need to develop the willpower to use tools effectively. So far I've been using it well, though I could cut back a little. I have 50 minutes of work, followed by 10 minutes of break and I've been respecting that. 

Honestly, the vast majority of technology I use is to quarantine off unconscious use of technology lmao. 

Nice! I often try to stop myself from using all the unconcious areas of the internet or tech overall, I only really use YouTube as means of free music or learning, but its more than easy to get sucked down a rabbit hole, and I've had to really force myself to hold myself from the temptation of clicking something like "Minecraft Dream SMP best moments" or any of that dumb shit, I try to tell myself when I'm in the moment that it's damaging.

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15 minutes ago, aurum said:


The problem with tech is that it has been co-opted by the ego.

Thus, much of our tech is low consciousness and does not serve the well-being of the Whole.

The good news is that higher consciousness tech does seem possible. After all, building tech is a Gift that humanity has been given. We're really good at it.

But that skill, that gift, must now be directed properly towards service.

So I don't use much tech right now. Most high tech items are probably my iphone and a laptop. But honestly, if I felt I could reasonably get rid of those, I would. I don't feel they inherently bring me joy, it's more of a societal obligation to have at this point.

Agreed, to the point where large corporations have developed insane algorithms to specifically target your weak and primative points of your brain, all for profit.

Its hard to get away from it, especially if you're going to school and are 17, surrounded by those who would consider it a norm. I can normally recognise when something is harmful for me or not, but the result of me cutting all this shit out is me not having many friends at school - and its great! Only surrounding yourself with people who'd benefit you.  

Edited by Luc1nda

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5 minutes ago, Luc1nda said:

Nice! I often try to stop myself from using all the unconcious areas of the internet or tech overall, I only really use YouTube as means of free music or learning, but its more than easy to get sucked down a rabbit hole, and I've had to really force myself to hold myself from the temptation of clicking something like "Minecraft Dream SMP best moments" or any of that dumb shit, I try to tell myself when I'm in the moment that it's damaging.

That's exactly why I use the blockers. It's not that I can't get any work done, it's when I start feeling just that little bit too bored and I decide to click on a video. Then the rabbit hole consumes way to much of my life. I think they're great to get started, but I've come to conclusion that rely on them way too much. So, as I said, the process of learning that willpower has begun. 

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1 minute ago, Elevated said:

That's exactly why I use the blockers. It's not that I can't get any work done, it's when I start feeling just that little bit too bored and I decide to click on a video. Then the rabbit hole consumes way to much of my life. I think they're great to get started, but I've come to conclusion that rely on them way too much. So, as I said, the process of learning that willpower has begun. 

I get the same thing, its extremely frustrating. Once school ends for me its become a habit to reward myself with dopamine, and I hate it, but I can never stop myself in the moment, and it carries on until its night and I need to sleep, wasting a whole day, and I go to sleep thinking about how annoyed I am with myself wasting the whole day, telling myself that tomorrow will be better and i'll work on what I want to work on, then I wake up, and its just a repeat, so indeed, I need to change some thing up, ALOT, with a lot of willpower. 

I suppose its down to intention, vision and habits, some day i'll be working on my dream and vision in almost exactly the way I want, and i'll be trying everyday to push myself forward. 

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@Luc1nda My advice to you is to read the book, "The Slight Edge," by Jeff Olson, as well as watching Leo's video on, "How to Stop Backsliding." 

Key points, start with a small goal. If you haven't been able to get into consistent meditation, I highly, highly recommend you do so. Just make the goal 10 minutes when you first get up. Sit upright in a chair so you don't fall asleep and focus on your breath. Once you've got that down, try to increase it to 20 minutes.

That'll be one of the best habits you'll ever implement. 

Edited by Elevated

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4 minutes ago, Elevated said:

@Luc1nda My advice to you is to read the book, "The Slight Edge," by Jeff Olson, as well as watching Leo's video on, "How to Stop Backsliding." 

Key points, start with a small goal. If you haven't been able to get into consistent meditation, I highly, highly recommend you do so. Just make the goal 10 minutes when you first get up. Sit upright in a chair so you don't fall asleep and focus on your breath. Once you've got that down, try to increase it to 20 minutes.

That'll be one of the best habits you'll ever implement. 

Thank you for the recommendation!

I suppose it does indeed have to do with me backsliding - as everytime I somewhat make some progress, I backslide, so its time to fix that. I do need to prioritise meditation, it'll be a great habit to implement, infact, i'll try it tomorrow again, as I previously had a meditation habit until my father passed away which dissolved all my motivation and momentum, but no matter. 

Thank you :)

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@Luc1nda I'm really sorry for your loss, that must have been extremely difficult. Losing motivation in a time like that is perfectly expected. You've got the tools now though, so you can start taking action again and get closer to those dreams!

All the best:)

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