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Food production solutions for the near future.

2 posts in this topic

A worthy watch.
I never knew these were an option.

And a huge pdf on "the blue revolution" by


Edited by Yog

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As I understood the very problem they are trying to address is reducing the amount of land and water that is used for agriculture. Right now the greatest problem are plants raised for feeding livestock. But still the same problem remains, its ruining the land by agriculture and spending a lot of water.

As the world develops and more and more people rise to middle class and the demand for nutritious foods scales bigtime, by using land based farming, we might end up where we are now. At least that is my interpretation.

According to what the guy said in the video, it turns out that this is one of the most environmentally friendly, space friendly, water friendly, energy efficient, nutrient efficient and not to difficult to implement solutions,  Mostly because of the farming location and the nature of aquatic/insect life. There are seaweeds and kelps on the menu too.

Edited by Yog

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