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what are dreams ?

54 posts in this topic

more from a metaphysical pov .not a psychological one. im not interested in how they are a manifestation of the  unconscious mind. but the actual substance of the dream if that makes sense . what is it? where is it occurring? how is it possible? it is not obvious at all especially if you are not coming at it from the materialist paradigm . dreams are surely not happening "in the brain". your brain is maximum 15 cubic cm. how would a dream world that is sometimes cubic kilometers be couched inside this little brain ?  and if you come across someone dreaming you do not see his dreams floating around his head. if we cut open his skull ...we merely find brain ..the dream as in the 3D world is surely not occurring inside the physical brain in a literal sense even if it( the brain) plays a role. so what the hell are dreams? and "where" are they occurring? and how they come about?

Edited by Someone here

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They're you, silly. They aren't happening anywhere, same as you. 

Though please don't listen to me, ultimately I know nothing... 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Exactly! There's really nothing to say, but, enjoy! 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Someone here you ask good questions.

Not really an answer, more of an observation: dreams and waking reality are identical manifestations. So whatever generates dreams is also generating your waking state right now. Ultimately, it's a philosophical question.

I'd say the main difference is not in nature, but just in cohesiveness. Dreams are less rigid or cohesive; everyday waking reality is very strict and unbending. If you examine dreams, they are very staccato and full of non-sequiturs. Then again if you really examine waking reality, it's very similar.

Edited by LastThursday

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

so what the hell are dreams? and "where" are they occurring? and how they come about?

A very interesting question, and I do not claim to know the answer, but this is what I think:

Could it be that we intrinsically emit certain transmitters, that develop a unique frequency with our already existing memories, and that helps us sense it through dreams? 

Our eyes send the signals to the brain, and hence, we are able to see. Perhaps, dreams can be an amalgam of our sensory organs reacting together, through memory - and we are living that too - but in the other  ‘dream-like’ sense? 

In real life, you do things out of your memory - you won’t touch fire, because you’ve recorded that as being painful; so it’s the same with dreams, maybe?

Another example : in present life, you’ll have to touch the cupboard to feel it, but your memory has already recorded what it feels like and you just recreate it in your dreams.  


Where are they? The same place you are right now. Your present reality isn’t outside you, either - everything is internal - same way with dreams. 

Once I had a dream where I hurt my knee - and I could feel that pain, but when I woke up, it was gone. I have felt a similar pain before, so my memory did use that in my dream, as well.

The thing is - could dreams make you feel things that you have never felt before or have come into contact with? As in, you have never touched lava, so could can you possibly know how lava feels like? I do not think so. Dreams have limits, too. 


I do not know if this is pertinent here, but I read this a long time ago — that once during brain surgery the doctor touch a certain part of the patient’s brain, and the person began recounting their entire life from their birth (from their mother’s womb too, I think)- that’s pretty splendid, right? If I find the article, I’ll share. 



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I think dreams shows us how reality is getting created, just first a sort of blankness when falling asleep then instantly manifestation,  you are taking a role as an " ego" and other people are as real as here.


God is the dreamer of the universe but we as contracted and limited versions of GOD can generate our own world with dreaming.

As above so below.


Leo is exactly right when he says that reality is imagination. 

All we ever do is imagine shit.

But still a human form of dream is not the same as when GOD is " dreaming" for he has infinite power to manifest things which is not even possible to comprehend for us in this form.

Unlimited imagination is the only thing which nothingness uses to produce an experience. 


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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From an Absolute POV, there's nothing that differentiates Dreams from Waking Consciousness.

So, Metaphysically speaking, there aren't many new things to say about them. Their "substance" is of course Consciousness and their "where" is of course No-where.

Their only Metephsycial difference with Waking Consciousness is that Dreams are subtler/higher vibration/lower density or whatever you like to call it. Which is what makes them more fluid than Waking Consciousness.

About their cause, from an Absolute POV there's nothing new to say either. They are not occurring "inside" the brain, but as we know, when Consciousness experiences itself from a human POV, there's a correlation beetween brain activity (which continues in sleep to an external observer) and perception. This brain activity, plus the psychological subconcious factor you mentioned, could be said to be the cause in a Relative sense.

Edited by Fran11

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I had a really interesting experience last night (one day after an Ayahuasca trip). Basically when I was sleeping I dreamed that I was still tripping and my awareness was centered as Awareness not as my typical ego identification. When I woke up, I couldn't figure out if I was dreaming this or if I was experiencing this. And then the two collapsed, and I realized there's not really any difference. The dream state last night was the same as my present state typing these words, "I" just am more identified with my thoughts than I was during the dreaming-not-dreaming experience. I hope what I'm saying is making sense. It's really hard to put into words. 

When we space out and daydream, isn't that essentially a lucid dream? 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

this little brain ?

don't underestimate how powerful the human brain is. 

your "little brain" has about one hundred billion neurons, and they're connected by trillions of connections. 




one day this will all be memories

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1 hour ago, kag101 said:

your "little brain" has about one hundred billion neurons, and they're connected by trillions of connections. 

SIDE NOTE: All those 3 pounds of porridge must be doing something right? Otherwise why not replace it with air? Still, there are normal people living with only half a brain. There are actually 1000000000000000 connections in the brain, and one neuron for each star in the galaxy. Geek out.

57% paranoid

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what is it?



where is it occurring?

Why reality would need a "where"?


how is it possible?

Why reality would need a "how"?

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4 hours ago, Someone here said:

but the actual substance of the dream if that makes sense . what is it? where is it occurring? how is it possible?

Nothing. Nowhere. None of your business.

4 hours ago, Someone here said:

it is not obvious at all especially if you are not coming at it from the materialist paradigm . dreams are surely not happening "in the brain". your brain is maximum 15 cubic cm. how would a dream world that is sometimes cubic kilometers be couched inside this little brain ?

That's because when you go to sleep, the "I" that was you in the waking dream gets smaller than it is in the waking dream. It becomes smaller and merges with the cells of the brain and occupies one cell to dream in. So you actually change sizes and become smaller, and that's why your brain (the dream world) becomes so big.

4 hours ago, Someone here said:

and if you come across someone dreaming you do not see his dreams floating around his head.

Because you're using the wrong instruments. The eyes can't see imagination. The mind can.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Someone here from personal experience, they are as real as real life. Only thing I experience them finishing and being less coherent and consistant. And " real life " at least from this level of consciousness seems to be more steady and lineal.

I've had out of body experiences so realistic that they  snapped me out of the materialistic paradigm in a blink.

have a read if you want


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Energy experiencing itself but no one knows that.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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15 hours ago, Someone here said:

. dreams are surely not happening "in the brain". your brain is maximum 15 cubic cm. how would a dream world that is sometimes cubic kilometers be couched inside this little brain ?  and if you come across someone dreaming you do not see his dreams floating around his head. if we cut open his skull ...we merely find brain ..the dream as in the 3D world is surely not occurring inside the physical brain in a literal sense even if it( the brain) plays a role. so what the hell are dreams? and "where" are they occurring? and how they come about?

You're dreaming the brain :)

Yeah its so funny how scientists still think they will discover how the brain creates consciousness.  It's really laughable at this point.  Recently heard a Joe Rogan podcast where they spent the whole time discussing dreams and scientific explanations - the guy was a scientist of some sort.   Joe brings up DMT and how when on DMT  you can't tell the difference between dreams or reality...and the scientist shoots it down.   It is the episode with the brain scientist Matthew Walker.   And the funny thing is that all of the stuff he attributed to dreams coming from the brain is yet also a dream they just don't know it yet.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I have been keeping a dream journal for years.  The one thing that stands out for me is that the dreams are coming from a consciousness that it clearly separate from my everyday consciousness.   The dreams are of things my everyday consciousness would never think of in a million years and they are far more creative.  Freud said that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.   Dreams are the best way to track your unconscious mind.

This is the best book I have found on dream analysis.


Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

You're dreaming the brain :)

Yeah its so funny how scientists still think they will discover how the brain creates consciousness.  It's really laughable at this point.  Recently heard a Joe Rogan podcast where they spent the whole time discussing dreams and scientific explanations - the guy was a scientist of some sort.   Joe brings up DMT and how when on DMT  you can't tell the difference between dreams or reality...and the scientist shoots it down.   It is the episode with the brain scientist Matthew Walker.   And the funny thing is that all of the stuff he attributed to dreams coming from the brain is yet also a dream they just don't know it yet.

Oh that´s funny. I actually find very "amusing" to watch some JRE episodes because Joe clearly is still so attached to the materialist paradigm that it´s interesting to see how all experiences they talk about are filtered down behind that paradigm.

Having said that precisely because of dmt experiences Joe sometimes have an "intuition" that the materialism might not be as accurate as society thinks. 

Will give it a watch to day to have a laugh haha :) 

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2 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Oh that´s funny. I actually find very "amusing" to watch some JRE episodes because Joe clearly is still so attached to the materialist paradigm that it´s interesting to see how all experiences they talk about are filtered down behind that paradigm.

Having said that precisely because of dmt experiences Joe sometimes have an "intuition" that the materialism might not be as accurate as society thinks. 

Will give it a watch to day to have a laugh haha :) 

Yeah that is exactly right.  Joe is in the materialist paradigm but it's like his intuition his pushing him towards breaking out but he's too attached to his own life to ever give it a shot.  Though maybe one day on enough psychedelics....:)

Good stuff bro.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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