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Why so many doctors and medical staff refuse to get vaccinated?

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Hey guys! I think the title says it all. Here where I'm from in Romania, many doctors and nedical staff refuse to get the vaccine. Don't know why I can't find any relevant reasons as to why.....  The thing is that these doctors have created a national group of doctors antivaxers. The thing is that here if the population sees that the doctors refuse to get the vaccine they will assume that they are right therefore say "hey I won't get the vaccine because hey, if doctors say it's bad and won't take why should I?" 

Many relatives  and acquaintances of mine say that they talk with "important" people like psychologists that know famous doctors who refuse to get the vaccine and are discouraging me to get it when my time will come. 


They are willing to even limit themselves like from travelling and stuff because here slowly slowly of you don't have the vaccine made you will be limited to certain activities. And they still wouldn't get it because they say it's bad. 


How do you guys see this? 





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They are linking the same old conspiracy  theories with this vaccine and pandemic. That it's not safe, there are reverse side effects, global control of the elites etc all this BS. 

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17 minutes ago, Radu97 said:

They are linking the same old conspiracy  theories with this vaccine and pandemic. That it's not safe, there are reverse side effects, global control of the elites etc all this BS. 

Umm... I guess if doctors agree with the conspiracy theories, maybe there is some truth to them....? I don't know man, it's the doctors. It's the 'experts'. They have the facts that are necessarily objectively true because they're experts.

This, my friends, proves that the conspiracy theories are true. The mainstream hasn't been able to debunk them and now the experts aren't taking the vaccine under the table. Hence, proved. I bang my fist on the desk and I make an absolute statement that the conspiracy theories are true, based on this absolutely irrefutable proof. ;)

Edited by Parththakkar12

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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