
Terror in the night

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Hi everyone, I'm 27 years old, I am satisfied and more happy in my life with meditations practices and more moments of "presence" that I encounter in my everyday life.

This night, I had a moment of terror (scariest moment of my life) I was thinking this morning am I going mad? Or I had an insight/spiritual thing ? (sorry for my english I try my best)

I was awake, laying in my bed and I had a subtle thought about a ghost/demon while I was starring at my arm. There was no ghost or demon in my direct experience so I don't think it was a paranormal phenomenon.

Then I told to myself "If I think about it, it's real because there can't be anything unreal" I don't remember exactly the sentence I had in my mind, but it was a bit like "everything is consciousness so everything is reality"

Right after that thought, I had a moment of terror, I heard a big noise in my head and I was afraid like never in my life.

Maybe I just realized this insight at this moment and my ego created a strong resistance to accept it/see it ? But I'm not sure, I'm afraid to devellop a mental illness or maybe it was a "sleep paralysis" but I never experienced such thing in my life so IDK what sleep paralysis feels like.

Thank you.



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Everything is fine. Sounds like you put yourself in a light trance and started experiencing hypnagognic audible hallucinations and dream memory, yes probably mixed with a strong reaction to your insight. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Hello Gabith,

I’m 20 years old and I have experienced many instances of paranormal phenomena. While reading your post I felt empathic to what happened to you that night. It sounds like your mind got the best of you and you freaked yourself out. I have been guilty of this in the past and I felt that way my whole childhood. I’m not experienced or knowledgable when it comes to spirituality, but I am more so with the paranormal. I have seen dozens of demons and ghosts. I have also seen, golems, gnomes, and banshies. It’s funny, the paranormal is usually subtle but not always. I can also look into a dark room and I can see what looks like ghosts moving around. I think I might have some sort of brain disorder because I see thousands of little sparkles in my visual field. Here is where I see ghosts, demons, etc. I slept with my parents until I was 13 because my night terrors were so bad. When you see your own imagination materialize a demon in front of you, it is hard to fall back asleep. Even to this day I still experience paranormal phenomena, especially since I incorporated some spiritual practices. My message to you is this; Do not be afraid of the paranormal! If you do see a ghost, don’t worry, your not going to die. Believe me, if demons could kill, I would be very dead right now. A demon actually tried to scratch my face out and I felt it’s claws dematerialize on my face! Wether your a materialist or not, the paranormal is in your imagination and its a part of you. Keep doing your practices you have nothing to fear. Peace.



Edited by PigeonPark

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A shot in the dark, but maybe the insight to derive is you think of the present now moment as smaller, gentle, manageable, enjoyable...and the ‘bigger picture’ of life, reality size, worldview etc, as bigger, or a big deal. The insight might be to notice only one is actual, thus trusting in source and dialing that much more into the now. 



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This doesn't seem like sleep paralysis to me. 

It doesn't sound like hallucination either. 

You're were simply in some deep trance probably because of the overlapping of sleep and overthinking. 

You're completely normal. Nothing was wrong. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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