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Thoughts of Awareness (reflexive)

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This has all actualized itself perfectly for me (intersections of time coalescing into one well timed insight for radical transformation).

Note to self: Remember to sign post this using the method of loci, utilise this as a tie into mapping consciousness now for now what I realise to be best production (there's nothing else).

Patterns over answers, actions based on best patterns relative to mapping in the moment (designed to connect to former mapping). Recursive feedback loop. Release ideals but work towards increasingly refined sculpted versions of them them.

Context for consolidation - as a part or just colour to add to the sign posting noted above:

"... I just don't want to be like my father (i.e. unable to properly update his memories in the present moment about his perceptions of others - that's one of his difficulties, especially as he's gotten older. I'd like to really look after my mind throughout my life to avoid that). That's one of my goals. Reveals the importance of me poking holes in my own awareness and what I believe in the context of the present moment. I guess I could say the same about my mother, but their difficulties merge in different ways, thus still could to use them both as a compass of what I'd like to avoid.

It's all just patterns and adaptation, the rest is history in the end on how to work those patterns better. 

And I realise only just now that that's really the only war that exists for me, getting those patterns right. Everything else is just noise.

For me its just about my own awareness, but there are no restrictions. It's just about my own awareness. 

And as for my parents. For all people including myself there's things I'd like to learn and things I'd like to not learn/unlearn you know, so they've obviously got some positive traits as well, its really just about the whole picture and how all those patterns fit together."

Edited by Origins

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Note to self:

Every experienced moment, the ease I take advantage of due to past successful attempts at psychological, emotional, intellectual and physical integrations, and the challenge a moment that will make me proportionally experience future ease to the extent that I rise to said challenge; of course, intelligently. To the latter, this is why the investigation of the mastery of consciousness over being, is even more causal than focusing on mind and body, we must instead have the mastery descriptive of the interplay between consciousness and being, being and consciousness, this makes mind and body then, points of mastery consequentially and thus more fully, rather than rudimentarily using mind or body to compare itself with only a mirror that only it sees itself and not the shadow that it casts nor the makeup of the mirror itself. 

Mastery of being is the mastery of consciousness, but, the mastery of consciousness must involve the full embracing, unifying and integrating of being for naturalised growth to be made full manifest, without false strings, pulleys and mechanisms that rely on a distortion of perception for growth, like that of using images of the mind as vehicles for growth rather than merely being a supportive gesture to the underlying essence (I.e. focusing on the level of being and consciousness over body and mind) that makes up this existence. 

This paradigm shift is necessary to focus on in light of prior conditioning and what is ultimately popular among the cultural rubble, an inferiority complex the vast sum of humanity is often plagued with in the context of realising their potential. To reach ones potential, one must understand at the deepest level, what makes up potential itself, and then, what at a fundamental level, best makes up its extensionality. And to do so outside of surface level intersubjectively derived memetic chains that only act as vehicles of growth through group think and it’s subsequent introspective irrationality that false reports on its validity and workability. The former is potential realised that makes an individual whole and begins a new culture, the latter keeps a person bound to no sense of real individuality and culture caught in the feedback loops of unchanging slowly degenerating consciousness feedback loops made up by its unoriginally inclined only near thinking populace about its own designs.


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Most of life has to do with simply intelligently and wisely identifying what to go to war with versus what to love, and it's an act of will which is the symbiosis of both the love and war aspect that personifies the completion of the intentionality that carries out that process and action in the moment.

To that end, here is how I presently divide the expression of some of those aspects for me:

1. To go to war on both my mind and body

2. To go to love (if that's a thing) with both my consciousness and being 

Consequentially, in creating pairs like this via their divisional but complementary (because mind relates to consciousness and being body) cause, done right, a positive energetic growth spiral begins to emerge relative to the subsequent actions produced in that interaction.

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And there's an auto-correct mechanism to that feedback loop of course, like obviously you're not completely energetically going to war with your mind or body in so much as it compromises your consciousness and or being, to me it's just the maximisation of war relative to the maximisation of growth, everything else is just style, grace and beauty.

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What technologies am I using to measure the accuracy and efficacy of my actions? Why would it be anything other than self awareness? Self awareness being in line with well thought out self knowledge, ambitions, goals and the like plus, plus, plus. This tied in with obvious technologies that improve/aid self awareness like things that improve our ability to track, compare and organise time. Self awareness and how we get it, be it other people but most importantly our own awareness inclusive of meta-awareness, is not only our most reliable technology so far to measure how close we are to our own potentialization, but our only technology. It is our primary medium of exchange with reality and the transmutation of its contents into intelligent appraisals, that without which, internal progress loops with being would demonstrably be short-circuited. Thus a good idea to improve our credit score with self awareness where we can, Mozart of inner psychology, that kind of thing.

Thank you Draenei Paladin ?, my conversations with you here will always be treasured.

“This may be too crude of a framework for what we define as real versus not, but it’s all we have reliably discovered up to this time in the 21st century. We need a verifiable pattern, and intersubjectively we require at least one other person to verify that reality (and sometimes just a very good measuring tool we’ve created, like a microscope or telescope). So it’s important to differentiate between reality and our framework for deciding what is real from what is not, this framework that speaks to the latter, is purely best fit relative to this time in history, but it’s not the same as reality of course, but to its credit, it does help us glean a very simple, straight down the line materialistic appraisal of events, and the ability to do so with extremely high accuracy a lot of the time. 

We’ve built all these technologies to help us measure all the physical objects around us, but not enough yet to measure love. Imagine if we did, how much future pain we’d be able to save people from experiencing, or sometimes, potential love that they should continue pursuing based on that external measurement being better than the internal measurement.”

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Note to self:

Always aim for self awareness over self punishment, especially SA directed in the context of ongoing potentialization and remedying any dissonance in that ongoing process.

Remedying the dissonance is a payoff in itself, so instead of seeing it as something blocking you at any time, see it as a key part of both the challenge and the prize to overcome and feel the points of growth that result from that as well. When you’re tired, still, meditate on SA, truly, it’s the gateway to all future highest creative payoffs, treat even the slightest improvement there as video game points to achieving the next level. The results will be better both in the short and long term. 

Edited by Origins

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