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Diamonds of Time (poetry or poetry like)

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Title: Can you... Handle the truth?

(typed just now on my phone)

How the sun appears in the sky, and gives life as much as it can take it away

How the moon appears, and how the wolves resonate their howls with its midnight glow

That you were born, that you cannot know if you were born as it reflects as a mere memory, that you will die, and live on, as a mere memory that one day too, will die

That you are an intrinsic part of the universe, so much so that no matter what mental gymnastics you wish to perform in your mind you'll never be able to escape this fact

Can you... Handle the truth? Or do you need to escape it

Escape it in mind, in distraction, in doubt

Or can you sit with it

Without mind but body, without thought but feeling

Why do you need to invent a place of torment, a place of hope, a place of... Imagination... In order to live

Why can't you... Handle the truth... Sit in this moment... In its raw essence... As it appears and continually changes in perception

Can you hold this? Or do you wander off again in your mind or your mind wander off with you?

Grab it, sit with truth

How it is now

Without cause or reason other than being at the centre of the universe in the context of your being

Can you handle this truth?

That when you are at the centre of the truth of your being, without thought or mind but body, feeling and consciousness, that you are at the centre of the universe right then in that moment, and that you cannot be more with the centre of the structure and fabric of the universe as you are right now focusing on your breath, the essence of your being

Again, without thought or mind but body and feeling

Can you do this too, without the need to control, for what is there to control when you're at the centre of the universe? How can a human control the centre of the universe? If you can entertain that thought for me I'd appreciate it because I don't see how

Can you... Handle.... The truth?

The truth of any memory you've had or have, the truth of any memory anyone had or may have of you or anything in existence... The same too with any feeling

Can you sit with this moment

The truth

However it appears

Or do you need to control it, escape it, reject it?

The truth of you is only truth and nothing else

It is only the mind that wants to flee, control and reject

How can you... See you... Beyond the mind?

And even... beyond the body

I say sink into the body, the deepest essence there you can fathom with consciousness I didn't say you were the body

Sit with it... Whatever it is

What is the truth of the experience and why do you have loyalty to it

Is your loyalty resonant with truth on the level of being?

Or is it covered up with lies, lies which reject the truest essence of your beings communication and resonance with the centre of the universe

Can you, handle the truth?

That you are truth and nothing but truth, thus to do anything else is violation against your own being, bringing it destruction through distortion and distortion through misappropriation

Why does truth equal freedom?

For how is a being constrained when they're resonating with the truest essence of their being? They're not constrained by their body at this point, they're not constrained by their mind, they're not constrained by any thought, person or physical construct

So what is the truth of this life for you? Truly, so no answer by merely sinking into the memories you have but by sinking into and resonating with the truth of your being

You may be shocked to begin with, how is it that I haven't felt my being this deeply before? Worse, how is it that I feel this pain within my being no wonder my mind wished to distract me from this it hurts. But if you continue to sit there, at the centre of the universe, just like the skies began to fill with stars that birthed life so too will life begin to be reborn in you

Can you... Handle the truth? Or is it too much to handle?

I hope you can be courageous, not just for yourself but for all of us, for the entire universe, for me, for whoever is relevant to the true essence of your heart and being

With each move you make, you hold us all together in ways you cannot imagine, I hope you can stay courageous, as I, will for you

Together, for those of us on the side of the creativity of the universe more than its destruction, we will hold the universe at the centre of our being, we will... Handle the truth... Act, from truth, and that is all you need to know about the truth of who you are, in this moment, as truth


Edited by Origins

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Title: This dimensionality, intelligence, aren't you free?

This dimensionality, that holds you, born to be free

Fragmented times, soiled minds

This is how we learn to use the brain,

By understanding truth.... Read in this journal, Can you... Handle the truth?

That is how we, channel truth to stay sane

But sanity is merely one measure,

From here we should make things more together

We have the beginning now we should make this forever

By extending the mind and side-stepping what previously sent us blind (in our use of it)

Reverse engineering necessity, we become our true entropy

How to use the mind? A simple question for mankind

Yet very rarely is it taught, for look at all the useless wars that have been fought

With not just guns and bombs that destroy cities, but with guns and bombs as thoughts that destroy inner treaties

So look inside, see the implied

Understand from truth, how to use your mind

See it from the perspective of utility, utility though that is founded upon your highest nobility

Use your intelligence, to find what should be your eloquence

As this life does need instruction, but it must come from your deduction

Felt from the essence of your being, as we've already gone and seen (see prior journal entry as described)

Now we need to enter the Eiffel tower (your mind of course), to find out how to instruct this will power

Intelligence is your design, from being, now follow what can best be truly seen 

Augmented memories are your bloodline, with them, you know how to extend

They are your how and why, where further intelligent questions only amplify

This is how you grow your mind, beginning with the truth of your being, and thus, via accepting (handling) the truth of your being

As the questions grow, if you'd only know

That you are just one mind, in this time

And if we appreciate this climb, for all its crime

The universe will be continually reborn through your creative action

And no action will be unaccounted for as there's no retraction

So with these insights, see dissatisfaction as a mere distraction

Something that brings cause for a renewed alignment

Outside that confinement

This is the universe expanding and contracting, as you, for you and with you

Hold true to handling the truth well, and you too, will learn to use your mind to break through your cell

Imprisonment is just the minds disease, and the truth of intelligence, how you can begin to plant trees

That spring fourth from underneath the prison floors and walls

Breaking down all the illusions like appreciating Niagra falls

You are free now, free to build your mind from the truth of being

This dimensionality, has secrets, that you will begin to see

And when sight cometh alight, you will know how to fight

So from day to midnight, seek to understand your intelligence and how to use it

And as the days to midnight progress, you will begin to access

Not just the truth of your being, but how to move it beyond the presently seen (through the higher use of your intelligence)

This dimensionality, that formerly held you, born to be free

Now you are



Edited by Origins

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Title: Being to mind not mind to being, okay got it, then what?

Why are you here?

Potentiality is the only clear mirror with stuff of the mind

These instrumentalities have little to do with mind locked in time

So say hello to being smarter, better yet wiser so you’ve no longer got the geyser

No foreign coloniser, an advertiser paid by some devisor yes your brain is the reviser 

Of these empty platitudes, planted on the western crime

Where’s East's real empty attitudes, peace held in the calm of a wind chime

West, confusion’s best, to enzyme space-time of mind-time anytime you want to get lost in its so called springtime
An’t no rhyme of reason, just double time like Christmas time, empties your pockets more than your delusions

So what are you waiting for, these are the conclusions, fusion the music of your soul, now no longer bound by exclusion of truth, illusions planted on that mirror staring back at you

Oh, don’t we all just want this to be through

Can’t take it anymore, this empty space that the west fills up with mental pollution

Surely, this is not my personal solution

To take part in the ongoing growth of the universes dance

Dancing shoes parted, my feet feel like concrete blocks without a chance

Potentiality, if you’re it, what am I to do with you if the west has taken my lance?

This is your war dance, something you knew when you came into this world and had your first glance

Not tainted by the same happenstance, or a civilisation that planned on programming you in advance

Finance!?!?! Maybe I’ll go to where its expensive, give me France, closer to the Pope though in all his deceptive religious trance

The minds circumstance, is not as simple as it seems, for its so easy to grow up getting lost in dreams

Potentiality though, is that not the dream that this is all about?

Yes but to dream beyond being a machine, so get out of your head, I’ve almost beheaded all that needs to be said

Follow this course, down the stream of no workforce, labor force, sales force or neither tour de force (or France)

And chase the quarter horse, the stallion out the gate, uncontrollable by any illusions, quarter bound on its potential

Not held down by any assertions, just a realisation of the real universe’s agitation

No dictation of man, just the hydration of natures litigation, of your potentiation

No thought, no mind

Just a mind that understands principles to live by

Go fly, get shot at through a mother fucking abstract existential drive-by

Mentation, let’s lose our sedation, in quick gradation

You will feel your purity, once again

No longer lost, in what’s pretend

Our childhood’s cooking a fire, of imagination so we could inspire

Beyond the present moment when we felt lost, but now that you are found 

You can let go of those god awful sounds, that once brought signal but now noise creating the un-proud

Here now, on the ground

With the truth of my being (see the first journal entry here), and the truth of my intelligence (see second entry) and the truth of the world, I know how to use the imagination, by first seeing foreground and background, in any town I wish to call home

That's how you make the world go round

That’s how we stay in touch with ultrasound, no longer pushed around, common ground with natures innocence and hardness put together, 

This is now your song, what do you need me for, as this is all forever

Stare into your abyss, now held by a true kiss

No lies to live by, just mind locked in being rather than being locked in mind

Thus only an imagination, that learns to rebuild a nation

Not just a nation of country or a nation of man, but a nation of universe

We just forget that word when we began to rehearse, this false cultural dance that all man lives by

Natures true whispers, only heard, when we’re about to cry

Her tears felt, as we look up and pierce the sky

Beyond the ordinary, imagination used now for what its meant to be used for, the extraordinary

Who are you miss and mr potentiality? This is of your minds design

Now bound by truth, you can remember your youth

This time with a wisdom tooth, in your pocket you hold, a treasure that sees through the non-truth

Potentiality so it is, now you know, but wasn’t this just all eventuality?

Stumble upon me, no existential theory, just true instrumentality

Now go build, your subjectivity, a city of mind, that you call home, and de-thrown this western cult

Beginning with heart or heart starting from being

So that no mental material, is merely the ethereal 

All again, rebuilding, the conspiratorial

That built the prison of the West, north, south and East, instead of at the centre of you

Oh yes, now you can see through

“Phew!” You say, well few do in the right way, 

Now go on, enjoy your day, the universe doesn’t stop, so there is no delay

Go begin, your essay, in thought, feeling and action

Truth is, the only compassion, so get rid of all other nonsense contraptions, including the same for everything to do with anything else, built by a being locked in mind instead of a mind locked in being

This is, your expansion, your potentiality, so go on now evoke your personality

Pass it on well, all dispelled in a collective rebel, is this not a good farewell now?

A life well lived, you know what and how to do

Your Elysium, for this millennium

Time to speak to the cashier of real dimes, now that all spells have been cut through

Breakthrough of mind, now true, breakthrough into true potentiality

Arrived at last, but no arrival, just truth, there's only one centrality

Potentiality, why are you here?

For no other reason than to have one cohesion, that binds life together

Finally now, mentation becomes a meditation

With, as and right at the centre of the universe,

From being to mind and the universes extension

Who cares for ascension, just move to this natural invention

Edited by Origins

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Title: Challenge to potentiality, is all there is to potentialities extensionality

So potentiality, in all your misery 

When you’re misjudged, when all the ink on your canvas is smudged

By man, without a plan when he’s in the dark

An’t so smart, but you my love and all of love

Can learn to fly, like a pure white dove

If only we shove, away the right reasons

For what is right, but what works

Don’t get lost in all them fireworks

For you’re the firework maker, of love

So no need to be a taker, of truelove

The mourning dove, when he’s lost without reason

For he’s in that season, when he does not know

How to row down the river of truth (see journal entry 1, 2 and 3)

So I’ve written this, something to borrow, for a better tomorrow

And when you’re there, you’ll wipe this bare, and write your own

No need to disown, the world you’ve outgrown

Integrate that sword in the stone, for is it not, when we revisit it in memory

Away from the sensory, where we turn mere imagination into diamonds of treasury

Guiding us now with light, dove white

Wings outstretched, its potentiality outside any misery

Away and off, to make its history

So here we go, to describe no end

Just an embrace of truth and through that where to extend potentiality

The suns rays, the snowfall, the rainy winds, tornados abound, the world so sound

In the doves morning whistle, at the beginning middle and end of the universes fissile

Extensionality of Potentiality

Is our only challenge, the world mismanaged, this writing will go unchallenged

Beyond a savage, the need to scavenge, damage or carry unnecessary baggage

Just the knowledge of how to fly, purity is yours, with your third eye, combined

As we’ve talked about, don’t get lost in time, unwind to unbind and side step any aspect of the world’s decline

Remember as we’ve discussed in entry three, the world is no rollercoaster ride, its just the rollercoaster blind

State of mind, is the only mental concern from being moving to springtime

With the creativity of the universe, as discussed in entry 1, we're all being courageous as One

Together now, in one universal dove sound, the universe abound much larger than the worlds hunting ground

With galaxies and milkyway's, why bother with an ashtray of lost time

Make the most, step out from being a ghost, no need to be, grandiose

Grandiosity, is just compensatory, when you do not know natures generosity, 

Of truth with a mind clear enough to see and live it and only need it

No matter how unfit you are, truth is always the best cigar, of black holes and nebulae

All is lost for those who pray, what they already have, in the quiet moments of the suns rays

Streaming fourth from their beings blaze, lighting the fire of the mind no longer a maze

No lines like straight and narrow, criss-cross or chaos just moving from the inner beings gate with an arrow, souls kiss beyond profit and loss, let’s go to Samos

A beautiful Greek island, not far from where my grandfather resided 

This paradise, like potentialities its the only dice, to roll in this game of life

But release the game and listen here, we’re now about to enter the gates of reason

Beyond all prefaces in entry 1, 2, 3 and this poems beginnings we can begin to see

One of the true meanings of potentiality, the assignment of personal challenges to measure boundaries

These stories are for those foundries, stars looking down, at their hometown

That they call you, wandering this planet figuring out what to brew

A challenge in creativity, to do all with your potentiality

What is another measure, you know there’s no other so let’s bring 1, 2, 3 altogether

In your measurement of time set a challenge to the best of your knowledge

And carry yourself to the end of that challenge by handling the truth of being so all obstacles don’t go unseen

Nor unmet, but feel that upset, if that comes

For at least you can say, you don’t run from pain or its darkest night

And so, you can call yourself as one in One, that stands within the only fight of life

In truly following your potentiality from 1, 2 and 3, there an’t any medicines for misery because of 1, 2 and free

Dom, free-dom, to dominate what but truth, in this difficulty set by you, to test the boundaries of being true

Extend it rightly to measure the human hand

Wasteland to quicksand, there’s no need to be desperate

It’s all just, spirit

You say you want to be fearless, then all you need to do

Is carry this light of truth, bare the weight of 1, 2, 3 and here, or maybe, you don’t hear?

Now we’re moving to challenges, how to measure from mind to its possibility in action

All we need to do, is hold, that chemical reaction

Release it when its done, while not forgetting that this is all fun

Move on, to the next one

Challenge ourselves, its what the universe does, feel and see with our new imagination all the changes its gone through since the beginning of time that’s sent the world blind from seeing the present moment as it is exists now

Herself and himself, its all the same, but unity required, between he, her, 1, 2, 3 and now four

Yes there will be, more

As that is the great challenge, to open the door

Of truth

Knock, knock

On the portal of potentiality, this is the only way we ever learned

To be free

It’s opposite to, slavery

Now we can see, is just blindness, in the deep dark blue sea

Swim to the surface, beyond the sky, to finalise, all the minds light

You see the earth looking down from outer space

All prior distortions, on what to do, lost without a trace

Amen, but no need to pray to truth, your essence is it 

For what is it but non-truth in all we need to condemn

Winter turns, so too minds begin, to learn to ascend

Even if, it is all just a natural invention we should follow (as stated in three)

Ascension done right, is a mere reflection from tomorrow 

Of today, so make this day, yours, and you’ll know your way

Challenge to potentiality, is all there is, to potentialities extensionality

Realisation, is all there is

Said my grandfather from the grave as he was, a Freemason (truth/Truth)


Edited by Origins

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