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Jared Gregory

Family As My Spiritual Awakening

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Since the beginning of June this year I was grateful to my cousin ( best friend) for introducing me to spirtuality and meditation. So after reading books like the power of now by Eckhart tolle and understanding more about spirituality. I decided to discuss this wonderful feeling of presence to my mother. I was not shocked at all when observing her reaction as she dismissed the topic so quickly, at the time I had only started reading spiritual books and was getting to grips with the ego. So in the weeks to come I continued to read Eckhart tolle's books to understand the difference between unconsciousness and consciousness, and then it hit me my mother's ego was looking for conflict against the topic her conditioned mind was still very much in  charge. 

Before I started my spiritual journey I would of reacted badly to this, I would of got angry, annoyed etc but I used this as spiritual lesson.  Other members of my family just like my mother are very much run by their ego, but i found this to be a useful lesson in the following weeks to come. It has helped me to understand that you cannot force people to change as i have found that is not helpful in anyway. My mother has become like my teacher in a way i observe how she reacts to certain situations and it has helped me to keep present and aware.  

So my advice summarized up is this. You may have family members too that do not share or care to know about spirituality as it's ' to deep" for them or think it will not help them one bit. I love my mother to bits and forgive her. I know one day she will either compel or surrender to this, I thought i would share this experience with you all. I hope it helps. 

Peace and love

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14 minutes ago, Jared Gregory said:

I know one day she will either compel or surrender to this

If you attempt to break anybody's sleep, she will take revenge on you, she will be at your throat. 

The family gives you conflict, ambition, and ambition is one of the hindrances for meditation. It gives you desires, it gives you a longing to be successful, and all these things create your tensions, your anxieties. Don't create unnecessary trouble by focusing too much on family members.  

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You just be the change you wish to see in the world by shining your light and if others are ready, they will join you... including family members.

You cannot force change in anyone, trying to so do would just create more disillusionment and suffering.

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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