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Paradigm Shift - "Hard Drugs"

1 post in this topic

Dr Carl Hart on:

- drugs overdose the "opioid crisis in this country." 

- on closeted drug users,

- drugs in academia and environments requiring high-performance

- what's wrong in mainstream media's approach to the drug problem

- how the general culture portrayal of the "hard drug" use is damaging to us all

- why high consciousness materials - [such as this one ;-] - should be the prerequisite for taking drugs safely



As I listened, I realised I was locked in the closed-minded paradigm about "hard drugs" and war on drugs. Worst, I was using scapegoating "thought templates" to navigate that space, contributing to the mountains of bullshit about the issue.

All that despite being a long-term, and an avid psychedelic user.

This pod was long-time coming for me - a profound paradigm shift.

Edited by k0ver

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