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Heavy Metal Poisoning From The Air?

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I'm sitting in a studio, outside of which is an underground garage - they are separated with a heavy door though. There has been a lot of dust collecting (probably since years before I even entered the studio) on top of some of the furniture. Are these ways you can get poisoned from heavy metals? 

What would be some good ways to measure and provent possible heavy metals in the air of my studio from the dust and/or from the garage outside? I'm thinking of getting an automatic air-cleaner.

Anybody got some good resources or suggestions?

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People who live 1 mile within a major high have increased rates of cancer and other diseases, thanks to exhaust and polution from the road.

Obviously any trace chemicals in the air will immediately get adsorbed into your lungs and brain. Within 30 seconds, just like DMT.

Buy high quality air filters for your house and HVAC system and replace them often. And don't live near toxic places. When you live in a filthy area don't be surprised when you get health problems.

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I'm not sure about the metal poisoning. 

But that kind of air might be a problem. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

People who live 1 mile within a major high have increased rates of cancer and other diseases, thanks to exhaust and polution from the road.

Obviously any trace chemicals in the air will immediately get adsorbed into your lungs and brain. Within 30 seconds, just like DMT.

Buy high quality air filters for your house and HVAC system and replace them often. And don't live near toxic places. When you live in a filthy area don't be surprised when you get health problems.

do you think ecigs and vapes can cause health problems?

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

People who live 1 mile within a major high have increased rates of cancer and other diseases, thanks to exhaust and polution from the road.

I heard it goes deeper than this. The constant vibration is slowly damaging DNA and mitochondria of every cell to a point that there is risk of birth defects, autism and severe mental retardation of newborns. I'd be really curious to see if anyone ever studied the extend to which this goes. 

Also living close to powerplant has never really been documented but as an anecdotal experience, my grandma who lives in a village about 5km near a nuclear PP says the number of invalids in the village is excessively higher than other, further villages. I dunno if there is anything to it but maybe the wisdom of old people can tell us something.....

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Lyubov They are projected to have about 5% of the harm of traditionally cigarettes according the Royal College Of Physicians. You still have to consider that you might be getting some other contaminates especially from cheaper Chinese devices. 

I was vaping for about 5-6 years and I can say my life is much better off  without it. It is a shitty addiction to have. You'll have to come to your own conclusion on what is best for you though. 

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8 hours ago, Average Investor said:

@Lyubov They are projected to have about 5% of the harm of traditionally cigarettes according the Royal College Of Physicians. You still have to consider that you might be getting some other contaminates especially from cheaper Chinese devices. 

I was vaping for about 5-6 years and I can say my life is much better off  without it. It is a shitty addiction to have. You'll have to come to your own conclusion on what is best for you though. 

5% of the harm compared to tobacco is still a major step. I want to quit vaping one day but I really do enjoy nicotine and the flavor. It would be dishonest to say I don't get any value/pleasure out of vaping. 

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20 hours ago, Lyubov said:

do you think ecigs and vapes can cause health problems?

Of course, they will ruin your lungs.

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like 3 years ago I decided to try out vape as a more "healthy" replacement for my other habits (Which was junk food/sugar). I vaped nicotine-free things, but still after 1-2 months of use I experienced its negative effects on my lungs. It felt like I was consuming 30-40% oxygen with each breath and I had some weird sensations in my chest/lungs. They were not necessarily painful, but it felt like something not quite right was happening. Noticing these sympthoms made me stop doing this stuff over-night. After a month I felt completely normal again.

I think this stuff is not worth it at all, especially if you do it with nicotine

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course, they will ruin your lungs.

Also with non-oil, dry herb electric vapes? I’ve read they are not so bad.

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Vaping that e-juice oil is like dumbest thing for your lungs.

You might as well be eating asbestos.

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Vaping is a new thing relatively, we just don't have any long term data. Give it 10 more years for epidemiology to catch up 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Plenty of people have died of it already. That should tell you everything you need to know.

Vaping vitamin E oils will kill you faster than smoking a pack a day.

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Propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and nicotine make up the majority of what you commonly see. The main issue revolves around black market products and lack of regulation. That is where you would find poor quality ingredients being added. 

Should someone make it themselves and get quality products and do the research it can help cut down any BS coming in. Use of essential oils and alcohol would be a poor choice in flavoring too. This can be monitored by who is making it and it is relatively easy. You can find flavorings that are based with propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin.

I have seen first hand hundreds of people have success with quitting cigarettes by using this stuff. It will be revolutionary in getting people to stop smoking if it is utilized properly. 

I still think it is harmful and only recommend air for the lungs. As others said there is a lot unknown. Still versus a cigarette I think I'd take my chances vaping. 

I don't do either though. 


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9 hours ago, Value said:

@Leo Gura Wait is Vaping in general worse than smoking cigarettes?

Depends on what you are vaping. In some cases it will kill you faster.

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Vaping is healthier to smoking, but you have to consider what you are vaping. In terms of cigarretes, you smoke the tobacco, so vaporising dry herb as in IQOS will be way healtier, but if you instead choose to vape some e-liquid with nicotine - that has nothing to do with tobacco.

It's a different product, so you can't automatically compare it to cigarretes and say it will be healtier. In that case you have changed not just the method of ingestion, but the product itself, too.

Edited by Girzo

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On 1/13/2021 at 6:10 PM, Keyhole said:

I think I got some sort of poisoning from the air in my place.
For the first time this year it flooded and today especially, my everything, but especially my head, feels very stuffy.  It kind of clarified the belief that this is a huge component to some autoimmune/mental issues I am facing.  It isn't everything, but certainly a big factor.
I get out in 6 months.  I get to help find the house my family will buy.  Everytime I go and stay with them for a while I stay out in the garden and it is like a reset.  Then I come back here and it all comes back again.  I live right by a busy major city street, too.

Will get an air filter this Feb for sure.  Sometimes living in certain areas, you have to if you are poor.
Fortunately for me, it doesn't have to be forever, but for some they get no choice.

I looked into good air filters, been wanting one of these for years, will save this month and treat myself...

Here, they have ones with pretty panels.  Expensive, but very good quality.

Yea and if it flooded. Your gonna have to be on the alert for mold. Some of those species of mold can really inflame your tonsils. So be on the alert for that. Trust me I've dealt with it. Living in some swampy part of the world. You dont want to deal with that shit. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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