
What's some information you were once told that made you a better person?

13 posts in this topic

Example for me: People feel significant by being loved, liked, adored, or by being disliked, hated, and feared.

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People like it if you're honest

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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The 3 little pigs. 

You built a house that was strong and no wolf can puff it down. ?

Edited by hyruga

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It's something that i read in a book that had 365 different thought to live your day by for a year. I found this to be very good for all kind of relationships it changes the outcome of your interactions with other people. 

Like the others. Don't worry to much if they like you. 

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On 2021-01-12 at 6:16 PM, Elevated said:

"You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo."

? I’m not laughing cause it’s not true.  I’m laughing cause you included Leo

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“You are not the center of universe” by my mother. Quite tough but fair?

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Be kind, everyone is suffering it's own shit that no-one except himself understands. In suffering you understand everyone, because suffering it's the most private and unique thing of every human being; yet it's the most common experience among all beings: we all suffer. Be kind, be loving, be empathic, be compassionate.

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Feeling everything is okey, including feeling that you don't want to feel it.

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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being introduced to this english word: openmindedness


Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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Everything I posted, if you read my posts and internalize them you will become a God.

That's the best thing I can tell everyone, but I know no one will because I realized the most esoteric truth in the world talking to a Satanist;

Having explored magick/rituals/Satanic thinking, I kept hearing him go on and on as any religious person does and I offered to go through some information with him, I told him it was related to productivity/creativity/business and he said something along the lines "yeah that's cool, but it's not really esoteric"

That's when i realized truth (that which is) is the most esoteric thing in the world, I can tell people about;
80/20 Principle, Marginal Utility Curves, Minimum Viable Products
Cross pollination, biomimicry, adjacent possible, skill stacking
Mastery, principles, focus, time, passion
Twin flames, Kybalion systems, synchronicities
Diet drinks, waldens farms, crystal light, salsa, egg whites
The best books out of the thousands I have read


So I just tell them and laugh.

I can tell someone to go through my posts and in 200 they'll learn more than all of your life, but no one will and their negative subconscious calibration along with weak logic will smash them even if they start, so I just go around dropping THE biggest knowledge bombs for FUN LMFAO.

That's what I realized; secretive masters aren't masters at all, there is no reason to keep secrets, there is so much truth one can assimilate if they really want, keeping secrets just means you doubt your own ability to find more truth and you haven't learned the greatest secret of all;

You can tell people everything, they won't believe you and worst of all a decent chunk of them are now HURT for receiving this information because it is no longer rare.

But wtf do I care? I do what I want, I'm God, all paths lead to one.


Rofl, the information protects itself evidently lmaooooo.

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