
How can I enjoy life again? Everything feels pointless

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@deso it all belongs to the other side anyway.

Here's a simple and most powerful meditation for you that you can do at anytime standing or sitting. 

Give away your entire experience - all thoughts, feelings and sense perceptions. Imagine that you're pushing them back to where they came from. Relax your attention to objects and give them all away to consciousness - the empty space which holds them and where they came from. Keep attention bathing in this space of consciousness,  that will purify your mind and you will become enlightened- easy and simple.  only practice is between you and bliss


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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  On 1/13/2021 at 1:15 AM, deso said:

For a long time I thought enlightenment would be the only thing that I wanted. Especially since this awakening that I had. Nothing made sense anymore. I foolishly tried to glue together the glass that just got shattered.

I failed miserably in bringing life to that which I‘ve seen. I‘ve neglected what my heart was yelling beneath mist of futility. I continued entertaining my head while not making a move towards what felt good/right. I tried to understand shit well off my current stage of development without even getting the fundamentals right. And if some of those fundamentals of life aren’t in order enlightenment simply isn’t possible.

I get all that. But I don’t get how to get out of this state that I’m in. Because no matter what I do I feel horrible. I’m not interested in anything anymore. I feel the urge to do something, but nothing excites me, nothing really resonates or gives me the feeling of ‘yeah, I would really like to do that’. I tried out a lot of stuff, but everything is just draining the life out of me even more.

Stupid question, but how can I build the life of my dreams if there’s literally no resonance at all?

I feel you bro. Nothing excites, nothing motivates, nothing does anything in that place. It took me about a year to even begin recovering from that. What happened to me was I ran out of money quite quickly and ended up living with my grandmother at first, now am living with my mom. xD But that's not the point, the point is that when I got in a situation like this I noticed many, many things in which I can help my grandmother, help my mom. Helping even with small things brought me joy. Seeing that genuine smile on their face.. Oh man.  That gave me a sense of purpose and direction.

It all comes down to sympathy, compassion and love. You do love your relatives, your friends, right? Try doing something nice for them, something genuine and kind. See how they react, see how you feel afterwards. This might reignite the fire, at least give it a spark.

You can help yourself by helping others, by helping others you will help yourself.

Edited by karkaore

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every ego feels this way, everyone just wants to die, heck why don't you just go and kill yourself? You should fight these voices and know that they are not real, damnit, you're supposed to be so productive now.

Stay cool & dry.

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  On 1/11/2021 at 9:43 PM, deso said:

I did a lot of spiritual work over the past couple of years. Two years ago I had a little awakening that turned things upside down a bit. Everything became empty and meaningless ever since then. All the interests that I had just dropped away in the blink of an eye. I had to go vegan, stay away from sugar and alcohol, because my body rejects it ever since then (like literally). Plainly, it changed a bunch of things and I sense the tricks and flicks of the ego all the time. It feels like I‘ve seen through the illusion, but am still operating from there even though I know it‘s bs.

I've been there.

There are things constructed by the ego that fall away during awakenings, and there is you that is spontaneous and ingenious. 
What you had is the awakening of the mind, but there is also the awakening of the heart and the awakening of the body.

Keep chipping away at it. There is a real you underneath all of the deception that is not merely a conditioned mental construct. The true purpose of the mind is to learn from that real you and express it via language. The trick is that your true nature cannot be fully grasped and "known" like the untamed mind would like it to have. This is how the ego is being constructed moment-to-moment, by confusing conceptual self with the real self. Feelings are the key to finding yourself.

Good luck!

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Find your life vision and the reasons why behind each category of your life. This will help you give a meaning to life and a cause to fight for.

Edited by Vittorio

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  On 1/13/2021 at 1:28 AM, deso said:

@Moksha but how do I continue? How do I gain enjoyment in ‘relative reality’ again? Because right now no matter what I do I feel like running on the spot. It’s exhausting as hell.

That sense of hopelessness and futility is a classic judo move by the ego. ? It is the conditioned mind telling you that there is no purpose or joy in anything. The best lies have a kernel of truth. In a relative sense, your conditioned mind is right. Everything that is created, including you, is transient. Everything dies.

So realize the part of You that isn't created, and doesn't die. When you directly realize Yourself as Consciousness, you will discover love, and that discovery will inform how you live for the rest of your "relative" life.

What is the path to realizing this? Meditation, study, service, personal growth, healthy relationships, and constructive living. It would be nice if the path  was easier, but then again if it was easy, everyone would already be enlightened.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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The only way forward is through, I believe. I’ve had a brush with this, and it has resolved itself with some years of Buddhist study. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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@Moksha Thank you for clarifying such points. I had a realization a week ago and a few of your posts really guided me in the right direction. Cheers! 

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  On 1/14/2021 at 8:19 PM, Edvardas said:

@Moksha Thank you for clarifying such points. I had a realization a week ago and a few of your posts really guided me in the right direction. Cheers! 

@Edvardas Great to hear bro, and thank you for the kind words ?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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  On 1/12/2021 at 10:48 PM, karkaore said:

@deso I was going through something similar to what you describing.  Still am to some extent. I am making an assumption that you do not have a life purpose yet and the best advice I can give you is forget all that crap about absolute, spirituality and what not and do what you gotta do - get your life together. Whatever that means to you. Why the hurry to awaken? You got all the time in the world to sit under a fucking tree in bliss but that's obviously not what you want. Do what you want to do.

If your life isn't in the right order it's gonna be extremely difficult pursuing awakening or anything in that matter. Leo said something similar to this(can't remember the video nor the exact quoting) but the idea is the same. I didn't listen. Learned it the hard way.

Hey Karkaore, I know this thread is old, hope people don't mind me starting it again. I just wanted to ask you why it's not good to pursue awakening when life isn't sorted out yet?

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  On 1/12/2021 at 10:18 AM, Shunyata said:

you have such a narcissistic sense of boredom. get over your false self, you are a child of joy and wonder.

Pull urself up by ur bootstraps, nice one mate

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@desoBesides the sense of meaninglessness, which is a perfectly natural part of the process, what exactly makes you feel shitty ?

Edited by Wilhelm44

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I would highly recommend taking psychedelics for this issue.

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Did you by chance experience extreme striking fear and existential terror during this little awakening? 

  On 1/11/2021 at 11:02 PM, Moksha said:

It's not uncommon for people to have a conceptual awakening, where they understand that reality is not what most people think. This realization frequently leads to solipsism, a lack of purpose, and a sense of futility.

Go deeper. You still need to awaken spiritually. You have understood what "you" are not, but you have not yet directly realized what You are. Relative reality is not purposeless. There is still love, happiness, and peace in lucid living. Consciousness created all of this for a reason. It puts parts of itself to sleep, because this is the only way for anything to be created, experienced, or enjoyed. When you recognize who You are, and that You are already infinitely abundant, you no longer need to suffer. You can celebrate the transience of life, understanding and taking peace in the realization that nothing that is ultimately real can be threatened.

I kind of think moksha is hitting the nail on the head here. What you're describing does not sound like awakening. While I don't think I've ever had a deep awakening of my own yet I have witnessed the impossible more times than I can count and am very acquainted with going into other dimensions. My intuition would tell me that awakening can be expected to induce unimaginable fear followed by unimaginable freedom/bliss/ecstasy. 

There could be other contributory factors to your emotional decline. Although I will say this, that if you have been doing spiritual work for two years it's very natural to notice parts of yourself shading like dead limbs as you progress on the path of maturity. This can be painful. However generally speaking you want to be holistic when you try to understand the root to your suffering and avoid spiritual dogma that everything must be related to mysticism. Your emotional decline could be as a result of any number of natural things. You could have a chemical imbalance (which is typically hereditary so look at your parents and their parents) you could be existentially bored you could just be depressed. Be mindful that the mind will adopt and misconstrue spiritual concepts like solipsism. Life and awakening are infinitely good positive and blissful when fulfilled correctly

Edited by Aaron p

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  On 1/11/2021 at 9:43 PM, deso said:


I‘m stuck pretty bad. Nothing interests me anymore. I feel that I want to do something, but no matter what I do I feel like shit.

I did a lot of spiritual work over the past couple of years. Two years ago I had a little awakening that turned things upside down a bit. Everything became empty and meaningless ever since then. All the interests that I had just dropped away in the blink of an eye. I had to go vegan, stay away from sugar and alcohol, because my body rejects it ever since then (like literally). Plainly, it changed a bunch of things and I sense the tricks and flicks of the ego all the time. It feels like I‘ve seen through the illusion, but am still operating from there even though I know it‘s bs.

My problem is, I feel deeply depressed, I don‘t enjoy anything anymore and life feels like a burden. Even writing this is draining me.

I need to work through this now, because otherwise this will take me out. I can‘t bear this shit any longer.

Thank you for reading, I badly need advice.

Go to an experienced homeopathic practicioner and Start a homeopathic Therapy

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Get back in touch with your inner child! Make noise, draw, run outside, watch cartoons, play games, be silly, sing, yell, have fun!

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You need to give purpose and meaning to yourself.

Don't worry you can drop all purpose and meaning if you want again.

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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  On 1/11/2021 at 9:43 PM, deso said:

My problem is, I feel deeply depressed, I don‘t enjoy anything anymore and life feels like a burden. Even writing this is draining me.

The only way to scape of that grey trap is open yourself, in yourself is everything, the light. It's not a matter of enjoy, it's a matter of truth, then joy and love appears. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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  On 1/24/2025 at 2:35 AM, Aaron p said:

kind of think moksha is hitting the nail on the head here

Yes , he's talking about perceiving the substance of reality. A shame that mocksha got so tired of us. Fuckin traitor 😅


  On 1/13/2021 at 3:01 PM, Moksha said:

When you directly realize Yourself as Consciousness,

No moksha, conciousness is not what you are, you are the reality. 

saying that you are consciousness means: I am human now, later I will be something else. To say that you are reality means: you are always the total, here and now, even if you cannot perceive yourself in your true reality. Whatever happens, this will always be the case, so the more you open this reality, the better. Nothing that happens can eliminate the fact of what you are, if you manage to perceive it, nothing else is needed, death is a gift

Edited by Breakingthewall

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