
Is fear a wormhole to GOD (the nothingness)?

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I experienced the nothingness regularly a few years ago, but since then it disappeared and I haven't really been able to get the full blown experience again. I might need to mention that it was probably trauma induced (not sure it was a weird year).

I don't think it is enough for me to just deconstruct reality and focus on the now. I believe that it's hidden by the "fear or dying" that's particularly strong in the region above the heart. 

Now I am kind of in a dilemma: I want to experience it without being able to go through the "death-part". I'm doing this sober, because even if I take mild psychedelics (like weed) and push through, I would have a panic attack and have a really bad time.

I know that torturing the mind into the nothingness is probably the fastest way, but I don't think that's the right thing for me, because suffering+eternity=hell.

I believe that the subconscious walls that block the nothingness is more fear than it is constructs and beliefs. Ironically I think that the thing that prevents me from accessing it (fear) is also the wormhole into the singularity.

I will probably experience a little bit with the fear of dying and fear in general, but I was wondering what possible solutions you guys could have. Unfortunately the fear of death is reflected in a lot of aspects in life. I experience a lot of fear. Fear is also a lack of love.

Any book recommendations on fear (of dying), fear of nothingness etc or good teachers that help to exterminate endangered egos like myself?

Edited by Endangered-EGO
loophole-->wormhole + clickbaity title

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The nothingness you expirenced could have actaully been a trauma reaction where the ego bascially curls up into a ball and shuts everything out & not Nothingness. 

Emotions are based on concepts and beliefs, emotions are reactions to the concepts that are constucting your entire sense of self & reality.

Torturing the mind? What do you mean? The greatest love you can do for yourself is to realize fully what you really are.

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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@OctagonOctopus Well the trauma was in reaction to eternity while being high. The next 6 months where I experienced it, I would describe it as the nothingness without love. It is exactly what is described: eternity, reality being a dream, nothing has substance, no self, no other (all alone). It came at random moments during the day, at the gym, while eating, in class etc. The first time was terrifying, but afterwards it was mostly empty.

The fear of it also didn't show up after I stopped experiencing it regularly. Fear of other things came afterwards. I am really not sure.

You know that love can elevate your concentration towards something, it's easier to focus on a pleasant sensation than on a neutral one. Fear also absorbs you into what you fear, the more you fear it the more intense it gets, the more you fear it.

What's the difference for you between ego curl up and nothingness?

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Ego curling up has some kind of content in it, usually like a void, it is the ego trying to escape some kind of suffering that it believes it cannot handle. Nothingness is the nothing that is everything. There is no expirence, execpt the Nothingness. Everything you expirence is expirenced as the Nothingness.

57 minutes ago, Endangered-EGO said:

You know that love can elevate your concentration towards something, it's easier to focus on a pleasant sensation than on a neutral one. Fear also absorbs you into what you fear, the more you fear it the more intense it gets, the more you fear it.

Emotions are like vortexs yes. The fear is a reaction to something about your ideas of what Nothingness is. 
As long as you keep making distinctions between pleasent sensations & unplensent ones it is. Not saying that is easy, just it is useful to notice. There is just the senstations.

Ego death doesn't have to be painful & fearful, it is just that we usually associate death with those things. The ego will of course want you to think that it is going to be horrifing, because it doesn't want you to realize that it was all a made up fiction. 

Edited by OctagonOctopus

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Nothingness was a recognition that occurred when the sense of self that casted meaning and value onto everything died.

What remained was an incredible empty happening.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Fear is only because of thoughts

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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11 hours ago, VeganAwake said:


What remained was an incredible empty happening.

Ok ?. Become tiresome. 

Want some "happenings" like to Explore the Winter Trails in Wisconsin. Just one example. 

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What you experienced was negative perfection. What is missing is positive perfection: Love & Compassion. In the Union of both you find Blissfulness. It's the full circle.

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Love is the wormhole to God, since God is Love.

Replace your fear with Love.

Love truth, reality, and consciousness so much that you forget all about fear of nothingness or death.

That is the way.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, The Buddha said:

 What is, is perfection: Love & Goodness, Compassion etc. In the Union you are Blissfulness. 

Fixed. Oh yes have to avoid England because I can't guarantee. 

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Nothingness is usually experienced as fear, as the mind mistakes death for something real.

If you keep being conscious as you fear, what the fear is in reality, it is just the experience of being rapidly aware of something. It appears as there is nothing there, but if you keep at it, you will understand what that "thing" is. In the many "nothings" that I've experienced, none of them were experienced as a loss after I died. On the contrary, all it requires is to give up beliefs about the world and see for yourself what really is true.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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