The Don

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6 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

^I get it. My opinion is that it is not the teacher's responsibility. Because I am at stage orange.

Emerald's opinion is that the teacher is responsible. Because she is more green than me.

I get it.

   Technically, you're not wrong, just partially true. We're assuming that we're talking about normal classroom in real life. However, if it's staged, then the fact that a teacher is 100% responsible is not true, because that's an actor/actress following the director's script. If the classroom is in a dream, even more so that facts get contextualized much more as wonky dream physics take over.

   Even in real life, if we're being honest, not all responsibility lies with teachers, just most responsibility, in a classroom or school property. Is the teacher really responsible for a victim being bullied? Or does responsibility change from role to role?

   Responsibility is impermanent, and subject to relativity.

Edited by Danioover9000

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39 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

^I get it. My opinion is that it is not the teacher's responsibility. Because I am at stage orange.

I teach in classrooms and can verify that the teacher plays a key role in setting tone and what's acceptable. As a simple example: the first day of class I can say "no phone usage allowed during class", yet a few students WILL test that rule the very first week. If I don't enforce the rule from the very start then most students will be on their cell phones by the second week of classes. That will be the culture. And I can't place all the responsibility on the students. Some of the responsibility falls on my shoulders to enforce the rules and have consequences for repeat offenders. 

On a bigger scale, Congress can say "No insurrections allowed", yet if that rule isn't enforced and have consequences it will occur again. 

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I think there’s a problem too about understanding what Freedom of expression means.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 hour ago, Arcangelo said:

^I get it. My opinion is that it is not the teacher's responsibility. Because I am at stage orange.

Emerald's opinion is that the teacher is responsible. Because she is more green than me.

I get it.

@Arcangelo Props to you, this is something rare to witness. It's not about "winning", but growing! No shame here as we try to build a community that encourages this kind of behaviour. Though, like somebody pointed to you above already, of course it´s not ALL about the teacher, but remember that Orangeness will make you focus on the individual and preach it as gospel. Just don´t celebrate it too much in an Orange fashion, because remember you didn´t notice this all by yourself, but with the help of other people ;) 

Edited by Nanana
English ain't my first language lol

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The issue here is that stage Orange does not have a sense of collective responsibility because they believe everything boils down to the individual.

@Leo Gura, you're wrong. They have in fact a sense of collective responsibility.

Capitalism is a problem-solving system. It allows competition. Only those who build highly needed quality products survive in the long run.

People like Elon Musk are constantly solving problems. I would love to have a Tesla. Not to forget to mention people like Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos.

I love my iPhone. I love my Kindle app. These are byproducts of people who care about humanity.

"There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second." - Jeff  Bezos

Even the small restaurant owner is solving a problem. Even though I'm not crazed about socializing, I enjoy going to a restaurant with my friends, enjoying a good meal while we're talking about life. I even work in a restaurant.

I don't want to hurt your feelings or dismiss your teachings but in my opinion, it's a tremendous mistake for a person to perceive the world through the lens of Spiral Dynamic stages.

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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56 minutes ago, The Don said:

I don't want to hurt your feelings or dismiss your teachings but in my opinion, it's a tremendous mistake for a person to perceive the world through the lens of Spiral Dynamic stages.


Of course you'll say that. Because it's not favorable to your ideology and you refuse to let it go. You're stuck in stage Blue/Orange and reasoning with you is hopeless at this point. You've been parroting the same talking points on here for years and it's getting old. Like a broken record.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course you'll say that. Because it's not favorable to your ideology and you refuse to let it go. You're stuck in stage Blue/Orange and reasoning with you is hopeless at this point. You've been parroting the same talking points on here for years and it's getting old. Like a broken record.

I'm not driven by ideology, Leo! When you're telling me something, I don't dismiss what you're saying. I always start from the premise that you might be right or wrong.

In some cases, you're right. It doesn't hurt my ego to admit that.

And I myself could be right or wrong.

Besides that, you could take me seriously when I tell people that Spiral Dynamics stages aren't entirely true. When I make a statement like this, you shouldn't dismiss it but find more information about it.

What if I'm right?

Me on the road less traveled.

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29 minutes ago, The Don said:

I'm not driven by ideology


You are basically completely driven by ideology. You think you can contact Elon Musk with your ideas about how life should be. Do you understand the hybris and the egomania in that? Your view of how the planet should run is correct and as a shining white knight you will rise up and save humanity. If you sit and put more energy in to these grand ideas I smell a Breivik in the making. You are just a less extreme version of that idealogue. 

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33 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

Consider that you might have got a shadow big like a house regarding Capitalism.

Okay. I am considering that. On the other hand, I'm seeing that Capitalism works.

I see that Capitalism is grounded in reality.

I also see that the US is a prosperous country.

Take a look at Venezuela when it allowed Capitalism. Take a look at Venezuela now.

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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36 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

It would make sense since you've been told your whole life Cuba became a dumpster fire because of communism. Having swang the pendulum too far in the other direction because of an intergenerational trauma is really not far fetched and you should contemplate it.

I've never been told that.

I just believe the Cubans who migrated to the United States when they say that communism is a plague and that they'll never go back to Cuba.

You should LOVE the United States of America. You should guard it. You should be grateful that such a country exists. It's a beacon of hope for humanity.

I'm from Romania. My parents lived under communism. When I hear their stories and what happened to their friends, I'm horrified.

Me on the road less traveled.

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30 minutes ago, Esoteric said:

You are basically completely driven by ideology.

Do you know what I'm completely driven by? :D

@Leo Gura's way of writing. I'm imitating him a lot.

I'm developing my communication skills properly and hopefully, someday I'll surpass Leo regarding this matter.

That's why I'm driven by, not political ideology or a toxic life purpose.

I'm about to go to work now and I'll put myself in the present moment all day.

I'll observe my own mind consistently; when it'll wander, I'll pull my attention back and continue to observe it.

Have a wonderful day guys!

We'll talk tomorrow. God bless you!

Me on the road less traveled.

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4 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

college is not only free to attend. Students are even given a paycheck to cover their physiological needs while they attend it.



The US is a prosperous country with the highest incarceration rate in the world, endless wars and people cooking meth because they cant afford healthcare (see Breaking Bad). Long live capitalism!

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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4 hours ago, The Don said:

Capitalism is a problem-solving system. It allows competition. Only those who build highly needed quality products survive in the long run.

You mean like a 20-year old marketing company selling bogus penis enlargement pills, earning millions? Or maybe patent trolls who do nothing with their capital but buy intellectual rights and sue others? I will stop there for simplicity, there are countless other examples of "highly needed" products.

4 hours ago, The Don said:

"There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second." - Jeff  Bezos

What I am afraid of is that Jeff Bezos really beleieves this, but doesn't see that by pushing prices down 10% he pushes down benefits and wages of all hires in his supply chain by 20%, effectively still generating wealth by charging more, but it's more time, not money, that low-earning workers have to spend at their job to earn enough for basic neccesities.

2 hours ago, The Don said:

I'm seeing that Capitalism works.

I see that Capitalism is grounded in reality.

The thing is: what we have in reality is not capitalism, neither socialism. And it will never be any of these two.

It would be great if the world behaved as Hayek or Friedmann have described. Their ideas would then work and they would be right. Yet, sadly, it doesn't.

What we have now is more akin to Feudalism 2.0, rather than capitalism, with elements of both capitalism and socialism. The underlying systemic dynamics still mirror feudalism closely. You can read Piketty's "Capital" to see what I am alluding to.

The thing is, to be a classic liberal in 2020, you have to lag behind on science, A LOT, mainly in fields of economics, sociology, history and anthropology. A lot of reasearch and development has happened in the last 50 years, liberalism is out-dated. Those people lived in different times so their blindspots are understandable, yet we need to move on from their faulty theories and rhetoric.

I would recommend you to read some Kate Raworth for economic thought, or David Graeber for anthropology, his "Bullshit Jobs" book is a great read. You know, to really challenge yourself.

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The thing is, slavery also works. It's very pragmatic.

But at what cost?

The problem with capitalism is its ruthless pragmatism. All of life has a dollar sign attached to it and nothing more.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

The thing is, slavery also works. It's very pragmatic.

But at what cost?

Well, as long as it makes us energetic it should be fine. ;)

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Wage slavery is very real. And it’s not so easy as capitalists put it that anyone can succeed. 

It would help a lot of people to leave that crazy cycle of poverty if the earn decent money. At least to pay bills and rent.



Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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25 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Venezuela tried free market ideology and it didn’t work as poverty and child malnutrition did increase. It was only when Hugo Chavez (socialist) was elected, massive living standard improvement and poverty reduction was enacted, and it worked!

Venezuela is the way it is because it previously served the function as a U.S oil colony, will oil being its highest export and the U.S being its highest trading partner. So when the U.S and Saudi Arabia artificially lowered oil prices to strike Russia, Venezuela was the collateral damage.

Also I would not call Venezuela Socialist, 70% private GDP is not Socialism, Northern Europe has more state ownership than did Venezuela during the crash. 

Venezuela was and is essentially a Latin American Scandinavian model country.

Dont bother. The Muh Bubuzuela argument has been debunked so many times but Right-Wingers still insist on using it, they dont want to hear it. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Husseinisdoingfine @Rilles They don't even know what they are talking about when they say Capitalism... so...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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2 hours ago, Girzo said:

You mean like a 20-year old marketing company selling bogus penis enlargement pills, earning millions?

It's a free society. In a free society people take risks.

Just like you leave your house; you could be hit by a car or a terrible earthquake could happen and die as a result.

Life is seriously not safe.

Just make sure you're not driven by hate when you make a point against Capitalism. Try to understand why you're against Capitalism.

I was against Capitalism as well. I hated those who have lots of money. I thought that society was so unfair and that the game was rigged by those at the top.

Then I took responsibility for my own life and embarked on the self-actualization journey.

I got a job and I saw how hard it is for my boss to maintain the business. He was constantly stressed, constantly working. Non-stop, dude.

When I saw what's behind a business, I started to have respect for those who own a business. They work even harder than an employee. Believe me.

I just observed this by myself. I'm not embracing Capitalism through ideological theories but by my own remarks and observations.

You should judge objectively, not through Karl Marx or other people that have no practical skills in the real world.

You might be inteligent and capable of thought abstraction but that doesn't really matter in a practical world. Wisdom matters more.

Me on the road less traveled.

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