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Long-Term Effects of Being a Night Owl?

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I am a night owl, and my brain is most active and creative during the midnight.

I have researched a bit on this topic and have found conflicting reports. Many health experts say that being a night owl may have some serious negative health effects in the long-term. They are of the opinion that the early risers have it better, in terms of holistic health. 

There are times when I get adequate sleep, and there are times when I am sleep deprived - I try to make it up, though - the requisite sleep amount, here and there; I am flexible with my sleep, but do not know if this practice, while seeming quite innocent now, may end up being detrimental in the future. 

Hoping that someone who has researched a lot more on this topic may help me out here.

Thank you! 


Edited by xxxx

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It is not harmful if you can create a framework in your life to navigate this lifestyle. 

For example if you have to live a life of morning lark and night owl at the same time you are putting yourself at risk of early stroke. 

If you however can have a lifestyle that works with being night owl such as being able to sleep till midday and then staying up late without anyone interfering with that, it can make you incredibly productive

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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I'm also like that but if you have to wake up very early for example to go to work and you end up sleeping less and you do this for a long time it will 100% affect your health for the worse. I was sleep deprived because of work and inability to sleep early for some years. It sucks and it destroys your health. Definitely try to sleep enough hours at least no matter when you go to bed. 

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