
Didnt sleep for 30 hours and started hallucinating (DMT visuals)

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So I like to make music and I was for a long time on a plateau but this day I started to make progress again. So I didnt wanted to go to sleep, I was having fun making music. After 30 hours I decided to lie down on my bed, to close my eyes and to play some beautiful music. 

[Little backstory: My only psychedelic I ever took was Ayahuasca and at that time the trip wasnt really that much visual, when I closed my eyes I could see the color purple in motion, I could hear stuff and feel my body becoming strong like a jaguar and after a while I trapped myself in a horrible thought loop but I was able to break through and experience Nothingness/ Emptiness/ Ego-Death but only for 3 minutes. xD But yeah there was no time of course and I laughed like a maniac. Now I just have this all as a memory in my head. Before Ayahuasca I liked to flirt with spirituality but one time I surrendered my whole body and was able to see time stop, hear reeaaallly good and having mild visual hallucinations.]

So back to the story: I never had that much of visual hallucinations (not that I remember right now) but now I started to getting them. They looked exactly like those Dmt/Ayahuasca visuals:20210109_131045.jpg20210109_131010.jpg

Especially the one with the snakes. So I saw a lot of diffrent colors and animals like : birds, a fox, a butterfly, an Octopus, those snakes and at the end a dragon that looked like this:


The visuals were continously in motion and changed always to something new.

(A few times the color red started to get more intense and transformed to red flowers.) 

Well in shamanism do animals play a big role so after that I opened my eyes again and started to look in the internet what the messages behind the visuals may be.

Then I closed my eyes again and started to feel energy in my third eye and I saw the color purple and yellow in motion, it looked like a spiral. 

After all that I didnt wanted this anymore because my heart was beating faster but I was also calm at the same time and tired lol. So I decided to stop focusing and to just fall asleep. 

I am kind of curious what you guys think about this and felt like sharing. Maybe you know something I dont know, feel free to tell me. Namaste.

Edited by StudentOfLeove

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I have had that a couple of times but they only lasted for a few moments 

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30 hours is not that long to go without asleep. So it sounds like your visuals were more for a different reason than lack of sleep per say.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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That's why techniques like vision quests and extreme fasting have been used by mystics for thousands of years. Similar mechanism.

Have you tried shamanic breathing?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's why techniques like vision quests and extreme fasting have been used by mystics for thousands of years. Similar mechanism.

Have you tried shamanic breathing?

I watchted your video about shamanic breathing like a year ago and then did it but just for 10 min for each session and then stopped after a while. I dont remember what it was like for me and if it benefited me at all. I think I just didnt do it long enough and continuously, so I just lost motivation to keep practicing. Thanks for the reminder, I will get back to it and maybe go on those workshops of Stan Grof.

 What did you experience with shamanic breathing and do you still do it?

2 hours ago, mmKay said:

fun little trick to experience some wacky visuals with no psychedelics required : close your eyes and liglty rub your eyes for like 2 min. You'll see some crazy stuff trust me.

I know about that trick too LoL.

2 hours ago, aurum said:


30 hours is not that long to go without asleep. So it sounds like your visuals were more for a different reason than lack of sleep per say.

It also felt like that.

Edited by StudentOfLeove

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So last night again I had some visions. It happens always when I didnt eat that much before sleep and when Im just a little bit longer awake than usual. I closed my eyes and after a while my body started to feel energetic and strong. Then I started to see a Gym where people are cleaning it from a camera perspective. Later I saw some other rooms like I was a camera. After that I also saw some alienlike machines or something and other weird stuff. I have no idea if this are something like astral worlds or real places of this world or some other world or just stuff from my unconscios if you understand. I maybe have some undiscovered psychic powers/ siddhis or something. I dont know. (All of this happens with no use of psychedelics) Im curious.

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Happens all the time to me especially after my extremely deep breakthrough trip on ayahuasca. Get them when I’m sleepy quite often. 

try oversleeping... they can get even more intense upon waking up from oversleeping 

Edited by Lyubov

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It's obviously connected to your Aya trip. 

But yeah, when you don't sleep interesting stuff happens.

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