
Infinite Nothingness vs Infinite Mind

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Hey guys!

So iam having a bit of a problem with this " duality" I have experienced GOD and I know that I am it and we all are IT and it is power and creativity itself.

Please recognize also that we are using language here as well so the word I and so forth will be used.

So if infinite nothingness was the ultimate Truth there would be zero colours zero conciousness zero everything, if you try to wrap your head around Nothing you cant imagine it at all.

But here comes the question of it.

How can nothingness be if we obviously have conciousness and conciousness = Experience. 

God mind is the infinite dream machine. 

So, is it not that what we label as nothingness is god at rest? And there is nothing but its own essence in it self? No differentiation. 

Cause realize this, the impossibility of existence from infinite nothingness should be clear cause nothingness is is nothing and will always be nothingness. 

So GOD in that case is so above and transcended from existence that we can't even comprehend the kind of " existence" it is.

Ive realized GOD but not nothingness so this is a mere philosophy.

But we can say also that this here is nothing bla bla but ofcourse it is not. Not really.

Literal Nothing is Literal Nothing and it is bullshit to say that everything is nothing.

That I can even say that this is nothing iam using my conciousness and conciousness is not LITERAL nothing cause if it would, we would not have this conversation now. It is thingness itself in my book.

Then you would have to exit infinity to recognize nothingness but see that is not possible cause then you would not even know that you had a realization like that.

So to me it makes more sense thqt conciousness can assume the form of literal nothingness but it can also assume thr form of Infinite Imagination and infinite Mind.

So what then is the Truth of them?

If we came from LITERAL NOTHING, not void states or anything like it, no literal nothing, there is nothing in this state which can will anything into existence  cause nothing is nothing.

So from my own experience I can conclude that existence has always been, GOD is the Truth. 

Always forever exploring different creations.

Please share what you think about this.

And im not interested in hearing neo advaita views that this is nothing and everything is illusion and so forth.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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The only conclusion for me is that infinite nothingness does not exist. The infinite nothing that is experienced isnt really nothing, it is something, consciousness, whatever, because if it were nothing, it could not be experienced. nothing is non-existence, no experience

Edited by Breakingthewall

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The only conclusion for me is that infinite nothingness does not exist. The infinite nothing that is experienced isnt really nothing, it is something, consciousness, whatever, because if it were nothing, it could not be experienced. nothing is non-existence, no experience


Infinite nothingness is outside of infinity and outside of infinity there is not a possibility to experience anything nor even know an experience of infinite nothingness.

SO for people to claim that TRUE NOTHINGNESS is true, they would not be able to report back such a thing. cause conciousness and everything else would be gone like it never even existed.

And existence can't really arise out of nothingness.

Sure existence can be 0 and it contains every possibility of numbers.

but 0 is not nothingness, it is zero. 

Zero is infinity.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Adamq8 infinite nothingness, infinite mind,  makes you confuse it seems  . ? Nothingness is “everything, your car, tree, pen, universe, world, infinite, including these sentences”. If everything is nothing, how can such a thing as everything or infinite? Therefore, there is no such a thing as everything, anything, or infinite. Just nothingness. Because if you consider as something or infinite, your car and pen can not be identical. Common point is thats makes them identical, because they are all nothing. Therefore , they are aint car,  pen or infinite. Just “Nothing “. 


Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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13 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

Zero is infinity

Nothing is infinite, but at the same time your car. But infinite is not your car or your car is not infinite ? nothingness is beyond the infinite, it is all there is?

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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3 minutes ago, James123 said:

@Adamq8 infinite nothingness, infinite mind,  makes you confuse it seems  . ? Nothingness is “everything, your car, tree, pen, universe, world, infinite, including these sentences”. If everything is nothing, how can such a thing as everything or infinite? Therefore, there is no such a thing as everything, anything, or infinite. Just nothingness. Because if you consider as something or infinite your car and pen can not be identical, common point thats makes them identical, because they are all nothing. Therefore , they are aint car,  pen or infinite. Just “Nothing “. 

So this nothing that you speak of, what does that mean? it does mean that everything is nothing and this is non existence? 

I know that this is just words brother for nothing.

But surely nothingness is THIS, but it is not the same as the Nothing im speaking of, the nothing im speaking of is non existent.

to the point that the james character wouldn't have the ability to wake up to the fact that this is nothing.

NOTHING is nothing and this is not nothing brother.

Sure remove every label and so forth and it feels like nothing.

But nothing there wouldn't be a forum that you can answer me on, you get me?

So yeah sure GOD is nothingness as is everything else, but it still has potential for manifestation, we can play the nothing game whole day and say that everything is nothing but to me that is not the ultimate Truth.

In your other posts you said that thoughts and learning is existence if i remember it correctly, then why does a thought arise in this nothingness?

Can you see where im coming from here?

Infinity and nothingness is the same thing? 

How can nothingness give rise to thoughts/colours shapes sound taste touch?

Ofcourse what im pointing to is a learned thing, but it is still there.

Why can we have realization of infinite god mind?

Fuc,k the words im using and see what iam pointing to.

why do something like infinite imagination exist?

im starting to feel that his nothing you speak of is the ground of being but is not TRUE NOTHINGNESS, cause TRUE NOTHINGNESS IS ALWAYS NOTHINGNESS, and you have lived a life up to the point where you recognize that everything is nothing, you didn't think that nothing was during your life until awakening.

Can you feel me?

You are stuck in ur nothing brother. thats the truth.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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And if this is NOTHING then we can conclude that the nothing im speaking of is non existent.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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7 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

But nothing there wouldn't be a forum that you can answer me on, you get me?

You think, “you” have a “form” and in “universe” now? 


7 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

How can nothingness give rise to thoughts/colours shapes sound taste touch?

Do you think there is such a thing as colours, shapes, sounds, tastes or thoughts? Instead with naming and labeling the “ words”. Even saying to “words” to words, “thoughts “ to thoughts (because still naming and labeling happens)? 


5 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:


And if this is NOTHING then we can conclude that the nothing im speaking of is non existent


These are not conversations brother, there is no such a thing as exist or non exist, life or death. How do you know these are conversations, who teach you that? Is it something you have learned or directly experienced? Have direct experience, never believe something and be stuck with something that you have learned!


Go more deeper, believe me if “you” get what “I” mean by, your mind will be blown away to point that, you had never one? you realize your birth was just a thought as universe, mind, infinite, world. And you realize that, WE HAVE NEVER BORN. Thats what awakening is. You are “nothing” and is now. As always been, so called before birth, after death and now. Nothing has never happened. “You= Pure, empty consciousness= Nothingness “ has never even moved. ? go deeper “you” would love it.

Much love to you ❤️


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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11 minutes ago, James123 said:

“You= Pure, empty consciousness= Nothingness

Empty conciousness is not nothingness. Nothing is no existence, no conciousness. So the nothing don't exist, because always it's an empty conciousness, a potentiality

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@James123 Thanks for your input brother and i will keep doing my meditations!:x

Ive had direct experiences of life and spirituality is nothing but imagination.

Ive realized that ive been here on this spot FOREVER, time life death is imaginary in a sense.

and ive recognized that Conciousness is Empty dimensionless "thingness" we can call nothing but it is still " existent" 

We can't die.

it is a freaky experience, cause my parents and everything else is pure imagination.

but the only way for us to communicate is with conciousness, so solipsism might be true at the pure conciousness " level" 

but conciousness is the only game in town, even prior to birth.

But PURE NOTHING is non existent.

We are pointing to the same nothing brother, but the nothing im trying to formulate is not possible.

can you see what i mean?



Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Existence = conciousness = experience

The experience and experiencer is the same.

But the thing is, ive also recognized that iam part of GOD and at some level of " my self" im 100 % formless GOD which is imagining every fucking thing possible.

GOD MIND = infinite imagination

GOD True state = pure empty conciousness.

so nothing = everything.

because conciousness is " nothing" it can BE ALL.

this is from my own direct experience.

But im not at that awakening depth that you are at brother James.

But like Leo says, there is an incredible amount of " awakenings" " states" of conciousness.

and it is possible because conciousness is that which can display anything.

But i still seen that GOD is reality..

the best word i can use for it , is GOD.

1 infinite being= nothingness= pregnant with all that IS.

it is literaly incomprehensible to us how truly powerful GOD is..

God is all, both the " experience" and the thing which is experiencing..

on all levels, on nothing and infinite mind realization, it goes on forever.

and why we can realize this different facets of GOD and awakening is because we are IT.

We are an " neuron" in gods "brain"

As above so below..

sure this sounds alot of mental maturbation and im open to being wrong about alot of it.

but my awakenings is the Truth for me.

and this is what ive been experiencing.





Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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23 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

@James123 Thanks for your input brother and i will keep doing my meditations!:x

Ive had direct experiences of life and spirituality is nothing but imagination.

Ive realized that ive been here on this spot FOREVER, time life death is imaginary in a sense.

and ive recognized that Conciousness is Empty dimensionless "thingness" we can call nothing but it is still " existent" 

We can't die.

it is a freaky experience, cause my parents and everything else is pure imagination.

but the only way for us to communicate is with conciousness, so solipsism might be true at the pure conciousness " level" 

but conciousness is the only game in town, even prior to birth.

But PURE NOTHING is non existent.

We are pointing to the same nothing brother, but the nothing im trying to formulate is not possible.

can you see what i mean?



Knowledge of Solipsism, existence, or not existence and your parents comes from so called “I”. The biggest issue is belief of “I”. Enlightenment is dropping the “I”. So there is no problem too, do you see? 

11 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

but my awakenings is the Truth for me.

and this is what ive been experiencing.

Definitely. Whatever “you” “believe” and “experience “ thats “your truth”. However, enlightenment does not depend on personal experience nor belief, it is identical for everyone. Nothingness can not “be experienced”, can just “be”. Therefore identical for “everyone “ and doesn’t depend on experience or belief. 

 Just go deeper. “You” will love it?❤️ 


42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Empty conciousness is not nothingness.


42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

So the nothing don't exist, because always it's an empty conciousness, a potentiality

As you see, you are contradicting yourself. Additionally, there is no such a thing as exist or not exist. Have a direct experience Brother. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Well direct experience is Infinite Love. But I might be wrong, what do I know? 

Oh yes patriarchy and male supremacy. ?

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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2 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

So if infinite nothingness was the ultimate Truth there would be zero colours zero conciousness zero everything....

Here you've already fucked up.

Infinite Nothingness is NOT zero colors and zero consciousness. It is precisely all colors and your present experience.

Stop thinking that Nothingness is lack of experience.

Experience = Nothingness

Nothingness is identical to somethingness.

If you distinguish nothing from something, that is duality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I think you are spot on except for this bit: 

“So to me it makes more sense thqt conciousness can assume the form of literal nothingness but it can also assume thr form of Infinite Imagination and infinite Mind.” Edit: Of course Leo beats me to this by 1 fucking minute while I’ve been typing out my response for some time lol. 

You say nothingness has form here. You say that consciousness (which is something) can be nothingness. Think man. That makes absolutely no sense. A form is something. A shape is something. The shape of consciousness changes constantly, but it does  always have a shape nonetheless. If you’re in a box, the shape of consciousness is of a human being in the dark in a box. 

You also started talking about how consciousness cannot be nothingness as consciousness is something. You’re right. 

I’ve had the insight that this (existence) is nothing. This insight is essentially a word game and nothing else no matter how real it seemed to me, and it appears some others, at the time of the insight. Of course you can experience consciousness free from any beliefs or language used to describe it, and in this state it doesn’t really matter which label (something vs. nothing) you apply to it. The problem comes when you try to use tools like language or thought to describe that state. The tools simply cannot get the job done adequately. Go watch/practice Leo’s latest YouTube video if you want to understand this. It will get you into the state I’m referring to. 

Anyone arguing for the verifiable existence of nothingness, an experience of nothingness, or emptiness is clearly not using these words properly. Right now, we are having a discussion using the English language, so we have to be cognizant of that. We can’t use words in ways that are against their denotations and connotations and expect anyone to get value from that. The only time that the statement “this is nothing” is true is when the statement “this is something” is equally as true. This occurs in the state I referred to without beliefs, thoughts, labels, or anything else being used as a backstory or explanation of consciousness. 

As soon as you apply the backstory that we’re currently using to have this discussion, the only true thing to say is that there is always something and never nothing as far as we will ever be able to verify with our direct experience.

When you experience what you interpret to be nothingness, there is always something, and that thing is experience. You cannot verify something without using some degree of experience, so there could be such a thing as nothingness. The problem is that no being in this reality or any reality will be able to verify nothingness. 

In conclusion, nothingness can only exist in our imagination, and even then, that thing that we are imagining is not nothingness. It’s the imagination of what we think nothingness might be like. In the past I’ve suggested on here that nonexistence or nothingness is actually the only place where truth can be found. This can be realized when you ask yourself the question “Is Truth static or is it always changing?” Jed McKenna argues that truth is that that does not change. This seems self-evident to many people. If this is correct, nonexistence is the perfect, unadulterated Truth for nothing does not change. There is nothing that can be changed when there is only nothing, but this is only ever a version of armchair philosophy rather than something that can be verified with direct experience. If your answer to the question above is that truth is always changing, then go no further. You’re already swimming in Truth. Consciousness is always changing, and it certainly exists as you are consciousness. Therefore, my ultimate conclusion is that the argument for consciousness being Truth wins as it can be armchair philosophized as well as experienced directly whereas true or total nothingness can never be experienced. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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33 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

But like Leo says, there is an incredible amount of " awakenings" " states" of conciousness.


Yes but, Go till, there is no “I” how can you know that there is such a thing as “states”? Knowledge of “states” comes from so called “l”. When there is no “I”, there is no “awakening”. ?




"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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7 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@James123 There is awakening, it's Actual. The Grand blackening. 

Hidden implication by meaning of no “awakening “?

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Here you've already fucked up.

Infinite Nothingness is NOT zero colors and zero consciousness. It is precisely all colors and your present experience.

Stop thinking that Nothingness is lack of experience.

Experience = Nothingness

Nothingness is identical to somethingness.

If you distinguish nothing from something, that is duality.

Thats what iam pointing to, just that the NOTHINGNESS iam speaking about, is non existent. 

so the Truth would be that, TRULY NON EXISTENT is not possible.

so truth is that everything IS and will always BE.'

then we can conclude that nothing=something.

Existence IS and there is no opposite to it, non existence exists as non existent.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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