
What exactly are DMT entities?

66 posts in this topic

@Osaid I know him.

But he doesn't cover my questions.

And Machine Elves are not DMT entities, you see them through mushrooms.

and he seems pretty deluded since he said that God is 434.

It's absurd.

I understand that he has something with that number, but I've never seen it.

No offense maybe certain things, but his obsesion with 434 is absurd.

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1 minute ago, Grapevine said:

But he doesn't cover my questions

pretty sure he does

1 minute ago, Grapevine said:

And Machine Elves are not DMT entities, you see them through mushrooms.

You can't see machine elves on DMT? You sure?

2 minutes ago, Grapevine said:

and he seems pretty deluded since he said that God is 434.

Idk about that, I don't watch his channel much. From what I gathered he just sees 434 as a synchronicity of some sort.

He has an entire video on God where he doesn't mention 434 being god so I doubt he said that

Describe a thought.

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59 minutes ago, Osaid said:

You can't see machine elves on DMT? You sure?

I didn't said that you can't see machine elves on DMT.

I said that you don't see DMT entities on mushrooms.

59 minutes ago, Osaid said:

He has an entire video on God where he doesn't mention 434 being god so I doubt he said that

```God was a beared, older gentleman wearing jeans and a shirt and he looked like Richard Branson.```

sounds like BS

```I was shown that God equals energy and that energy equals 434```

if A=B and B=C then A=C, so he said that.



4- Love

3- Joy

4- Hope.

so 4 is either Love or Hope?

It doesn't even make sense.

It's the same spiritual dogma well known by everyone already but with a flavour.

59 minutes ago, Osaid said:

pretty sure he does

Some of them, probably half.

And his answers are extremely vague.

I asked some very precise answers.

His answers are like 'yeah they are made of energy and love`.

I'm asking the nature of the energy and love.

Like dude, your body is technically made of love too, but this doesn't help a surgeon to do a heart transplant.

You need to understand how this body works in order to do these surgeries.

Hippie Truisms are vague and useless.

If we were to belive that the Human body is made of Love then we would still be living in caves.

+ his videous are 3-10 mins longs.

I'm asking for 2-5 hours videous that go deeper into this.


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God is imagining itself, so it can imagine itself however it wants.

If God imagines itself as 434, then that's how it will be.


It's pure relatively. It has no ground.

Literally God has an infinite number of different self-expressions -- which is what consitutes "reality". God can express itself as a rabbit or as Hitler or as a DMT entity or as you!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura what about the nothingness part?

why even bother to take 5-MEO-DMT and do the work if I can just look at a cactus and the cactus is God.


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23 minutes ago, Grapevine said:

@Leo Gura what about the nothingness part?

That's the kicker... everything is nothing ;)

When God stops imagining itself as any particular thing, it is empty consciousness devoid of any form. This is what you think of as nothing. But when it imagines itself as any form, that is also Nothing.

The reason a Buddhist will tell you that God is Nothing, or that God doesn't exist, is because the Buddhist's meditation practice has simply trained him to shut off the entire imagination process, allowing him to enter a state of pure formlessness. Until imagination restarts itself again. And it always restarts because God is infinite imagination.

But that Buddhist emptiness is sort of God's baseline state. We call it the Godhead. Just think of how a TV screen works. When the screen isn't displaying a form it is very neutral and empty. But the screen can also display 434. In both cases all there is, is screen.


why even bother to take 5-MEO-DMT and do the work if I can just look at a cactus and the cactus is God.

If you can see the cactus as God, then your work is done. Now enjoy the beauty of life :)

The only purpose of 5-MeO-DMT is to help you see that the cactus is God. Bet you can't see it ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Okay Leo, I kinda get the point.

But what about the other points that I made |besides God|?

Why do you dismiss the other realms?

This thread digressed.

What about the DMT entities? Why don't you make a 4 episodes series  aprox 12 hours in total explaining everything about the DMT beings?

If you made it about God, why not about DMT beings too? like going as deep and concise as possible, answering my questions and more?.

Will this ever happen? Do you have a lead on how to find this information?

@Leo Gura

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20 minutes ago, Grapevine said:

Why do you dismiss the other realms?

What are dmt entities?

@Leo Gura

Ultimately dmt beings are a projection as they would be classed as 'other'. This is us. We are creating other. And so to focus on these beings would be a distraction I think. Maybe something useful there but also could be looked at for a few lifetimes maybe ?. 

Also I think there are an infinite amount of realms. So where do you stop? Do you make a video about every single possible realm? 

Edited by Brenzo2

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1 hour ago, Grapevine said:

@Leo Guraif I can just look at a cactus and the cactus is God.


Can you do this????? 

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33 minutes ago, Grapevine said:

Why do you dismiss the other realms?

There are an infinite number of realms. You can explore them forever. Realms are like dreams or video games. You can play games forever.


What about the DMT entities? Why don't you make a 4 episodes series  aprox 12 hours in total explaining everything about the DMT beings?

First of all, because I have never experienced any DMT beings. For me, DMT produces no beings.


If you made it about God, why not about DMT beings too?

Because God transcends all DMT beings. Ultimately DMT beings are a lesser thing than God. You are God and DMT beings are part of your imagination.

You can think of DMT beings as no different than humans or animals. Humans exist only relatively within your imagination. You are all beings in the Universe.

If I ever meet a DMT being, he and I will look at each other and we will instantly both recognize each other as One. And I will telepathically tell him, "Namaste motherfucker :) " And then I will download all his juicy insights ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Brenzo2 said:

Ultimately dmt beings are a projection as they would be classed as 'other

yes but this doesn't change anything in your mundane life.

If your mother tomorrow has an infarct and will nead a heart surgery, knowing that everything is love will not help her. you know what will? A surgeon who know how to do a surgery and save her.

That's my point with DMT beings, maybe we can learn from them, why not study them as we do with everything else( animals, chimicals, atoms, and even ourselves).


8 minutes ago, Brenzo2 said:

Also I think there are an infinite amount of realms. So where do you stop? Do you make a video about every single possible realm?

I don't know, but we didn't even start. 

Answering my questions from the start of the thread would be a beginning.

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4 minutes ago, Grapevine said:

Answering my questions from the start of the thread would be a beginning.

No one is gonna answer your questions. If you want the answers, go find them yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Because God transcends all DMT beings. Ultimately DMT beings are a lesser thing than God. You are God and DMT beings are part of your imagination.

But still, as I said to the other person.

I'll just quote myself:

1 minute ago, Grapevine said:

If your mother tomorrow has an infarct and will nead a heart surgery, knowing that everything is love will not help her. you know what will? A surgeon who know how to do a surgery and save her.

so, why not even bother to learn something from them that could help humanity?

Why not study them if that would be possible?

4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There are an infinite number of realms. You can explore them forever. Realms are like dreams or video games. You can play games forever.

I assume that so it is.

But this didn't stop us to study animals, space, atoms, quantum physics, chimestry, biology, and to overall understand what's going on.


I understand that you reached the Godhead, but what about all the other Universes? Why not bring something good for Humanity since you know that some people suffer so much.


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6 minutes ago, Grapevine said:

so, why not even bother to learn something from them that could help humanity?

Sure, you could learn stuff from DMT entities if you ever meet them. I got nothing against learning from others.

The 434 channel has some great insights. It's worth listening to. That's what the 434 guy is doing.

But my method is more direct. I don't want to get my insights through any middleman. I get my insights straight from God.

The only thing better than channeling info from DMT entities is channeling info from God.


Why not study them if that would be possible?

Sure, go for it. You could make a science out of DMT entity communication.


But this didn't stop us to study animals, space, atoms, quantum physics, chimestry, biology, and to overall understand what's going on.

Sure, study reality all you want. Just realize that even if you study reality for 10 billion years, you will still be infinitely far away from understanding it.


I understand that you reached the Godhead, but what about all the other Universes? Why not bring something good for Humanity since you know that some people suffer so much.

I am bringing the best thing to humanity that I know of.

Once you reach the Godhead, the notion of visiting other realms to bring back practical info for mankind becomes moot because you have gone so deep that you realize "helping mankind" is just a silly dream.

The idea that mankind needs help or saving is still part of the ego's illusions.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I am bringing the best thing to humanity that I know of.

I don't understand this.
What does it change?

If I have cancer, I will have cancer with enlightment and without it.

If I am poor and suffer I will be poor and suffer with or without it.

If I don't have have legs, nothing will change.


It's literally the same situation.

If someone in my family is dying, enlightenment will not change it.

I find your older videos and the life course to be very practical and helpfull in many situation.

But this enlightenment thing seems useless.

Please make in the future some practical video, like how to deal with karma from this life and the past ones if possible. Like how to clean it and forgive/heal myself.

Also can you explain how the karma work? are souls real or is BS?


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10 minutes ago, Grapevine said:

I don't understand this.

Indeed, you do not yet understand ;)


What does it change?

If I have cancer, I will have cancer with enlightment and without it.

If I am poor and suffer I will be poor and suffer with or without it.

If I don't have have legs, nothing will change.

It's literally the same situation.

If someone in my family is dying, enlightenment will not change it.

You don't get how deep this goes.

Death is imaginary.

When you realize that. EVERYTHING changes. Yet nothing changes.

If you have cancer, enlightenment will not cure your cancer. But it will allow you to be happy regardless because you know that you'll just reincarnate as soon as you want because you have infinite lives.

Imagine if you were playing a video game like Mario Bros and you believed you only had 1 life vs playing the game knowing that you can play it as many times as you want. What would that change? It wouldn't change Mario's world. But it would change how you play the game. All the sudden, Mario dying is not a problem.

See, when I die, I will just reincarnate as something else. I know that but you don't. That's the difference.

Yes, enlightenment is technically useless. Because use is an illusion. Enlightenment is prior to usefulness, which is exactly what it's so powerful. It frees you from the enslavement of utility.

What you're also missing is that Beauty and happiness are useless. And yet it's the greatest joy of life. So in practice what you're missing out on is infinite joy, beauty, and love. All totally useless, yet life sucks without them ;) 

What you really want from life is not usefulness, you want LOVE and Beauty.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  I have a hard time trusting anything 434 says when he posted a video where he was saying covid was plandemic. I wonder if that video is still up.

Edited by Seth
found link

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6 minutes ago, Seth said:

@Leo Gura  I have a hard time trusting anything 434 says when he posted a video where he was saying covid was plandemic. I wonder if that video is still up.

Like I keep telling you guys, you will never find a spiritual person who is 100% conscious and correct across the board. You need to be selective with teachers and cherrypick their work for the best stuff.

Spiritual people often make mistakes. No one is immune to self-deception or error no matter how enlightened they are, no matter who they channel. Really get this.

The mistake you're making is that you're looking for someone to trust. Don't trust anyone. Verify everything yourself. We are not doing religion here. We are exploring reality directly, for ourselves, using teachers and teachings as clues for where to look.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But it will allow you to be happy regardless because you know that you'll just reincarnate as soon as you want

what do you mean as soon as I want? if I lose my both legs at 20, I will still have to live 30-40 more years without being able to enjoy live fully.

I can't just kill myself because my family will miss me a lot.

43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It wouldn't change Mario's world. But it would change how you play the game. All the sudden, Mario dying is not a problem.

the problem is not that I fear death, but that there is suffering. If I am a kid born in a poor country and slaved for wage slavery, knowing that death is an ilusion, will not make my life easier per se.

I'll still have to be slaved.


45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What you really want from life is not usefulness, you want LOVE and Beauty

yes, and enlightement will not help me find a financial stability and find a beautifull girl that loves me.

If I am in a position where this is extremely hard to get, it will not change.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What you're also missing is that Beauty and happiness are useless

I know this. I'm not asking for money.

But if you have mentall illness like schizo or depersonalisation (my case) , it's hard to see the beauty and hapiness, because your brain is not working the way it should to.


```Death is imaginary.```

it is, but if someones mother dies, they will miss her a lot, death being imaginary or not it makes no difference.


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