
What exactly are DMT entities?

66 posts in this topic

@Grapevine  This goes in the direction that you want. I just watched it and found it very satisfying. Although only a hypothesis.


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9 hours ago, Captain_Diabetes said:

so god is everything ... why not just say that lol

I do.

God is Infinity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 1/9/2021 at 10:19 AM, Grapevine said:

What's the big picture of this world? Like how are the Universes( their Universe/ours) intertwined? Can you travel to their Universe without DMT?

Are they even real or creations of my subconcious mind? (Terence Mckenna said that they are real 100%.)

Are they like the moderators of this world?

Where do they live?

Can they die?

What are they made of?

Can you become one after you die?

Are they the Angels from the BIble?(since the Bible describes them as entities with many eyes and whatnot, and they say that DMT entities look like that too)


Are they malevolent or benevolent?

Can they deceive you?

Can they come in this world?Can you bring one of them here?

Can they have sex (with themselves and us) ?

How do they reproduce(if they die).

Are they more advanced than humans?

Do they live in their own society/tribe?

Are there entities that are beyond this?

Do they have an ego and can they awaken to God?

Does time exist for them?

Can they have their own psychedelics?

If they do, and take them, would they trip humans or something more advanced?

Do they have a brain, heart, circulatory system? what's their anatomy?


   Have you used a psychedelic to communicate to DMT entities?

   Have you contacted them recently?

   What I do know so far as in my experience, is that you need lots of focus, and highly developed visualization ability to communicate to DMT entities, in a sober state.

   Another way of communicating with DMT, and other entities of higher dimensions, is to use a medium to them. Psychedelics is one medium, but this time I'm referring to other people, or objects, you can use to communicate to them. I have an entity I communicate with, and through it, I can communicate to DMT entities. I also did psychedelics, but will refrain from discussing which one and which combinations.

   From my experience, it was hard to communicate, especially sober. It's like separating oil and water with your fingers, or trying to pick up a piece of egg shell from an egg white.

   How do I know I haven't screwed myself over? That's the tricky bit with epistemology, since any one way of knowing is partial, it's much better to research and try out different combination of knowing, and doing, different ways to communicate. So far, my experiences are direct, and haven't been faulty yet. Best is to really want to communicate. I partly wanted to communicate, but it's complicated because part of my life was supernatural, both negative and positive, without my consent, and from there I had some attributes and just trained on myself. My intention is different from DMT entities, it's to realize these mystical states and enlightenment through entities, so I'm looking forward to this path of mine.

   What path are you on? Are you looking forward to your path too?


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On 1/10/2021 at 0:54 AM, Vrubel said:

@Leo Gura Wouldn't it be dreadful though if you are reincarnated as a traumatized orphan or someone with an agonizing life-long disease and let's say you have no access to psychedelics. Sure it is all good and perfect from God's POV but once reincarnated you are unaware of that. The thing about living out a regular/unconscience human life is how intimately connected you are to it, for most people it is not a light stroll through the park. Why is the knowledge that you can get reincarnated comforting for you?

Maybe karma is the answer to that.

Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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@Grapevine It's you, just like when you dream of your mum, or a monster, both are you in the dream but you can't seenit from that perspective.

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