
My experience of 'physical' death

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ivankiss, was that black emptiness something you would describe as a deep sleep? Because in a sense, everything disappear in a deep sleep and there is just nothingness, with no time or space. And then, big-bang, wake up.

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@wesyasz Exactly.

The common question here is; how do you know you were in 'deep sleep' if you had no awareness of anything or any reference point?

And my answer would be; I don't know. I wasn't aware. But I was as aware as it gets right 'before' I was devoured by 'The Void'. And I was just as aware right 'after' I became conscious again. 

Also; being is deeper than awareness of being.

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Yes, it is deeper, so in my understanding, for experience to happen, there must be experiencer and perspective. Otherwise you wouldn't know you exist, just as in pure being. And I didn't suggest that you were in a deep sleep, rather that deep sleep isn't a "deep sleep".
So in a sense, awareness is what create existence, but awareness is everywhere. If there would be no awareness, you would just be it, you wouldn't be able to experience yourself. So, I guess, if we want to keep experiencing, we cannot purely be, because we are all. We can get closer to it, but not just be, otherwise "we" dissolve into everything and no experience occur. Does it make sense? 
Unless I'm wrong, and it actually is possible :)
What I'm trying to say, you can see through and know it's a play, yet there is nothing wrong with feeling like "me".
Sorry if it doesn't get us closer to the main issue of this topic.

Edited by wesyasz

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We experience death every day in deep sleep. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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32 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

Yes, it is deeper, so in my understanding, for experience to happen, there must be experiencer and perspective. Otherwise you wouldn't know you exist, just as in pure being. And I didn't suggest that you were in a deep sleep, rather that deep sleep isn't a "deep sleep".

True. Deep sleep = wide awake. It's just that no one knows about it ;)

34 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

So in a sense, awareness is what create existence, but awareness is everywhere. If there would be no awareness, you would just be it, you wouldn't be able to experience yourself. So, I guess, if we want to keep experiencing, we cannot purely be, because we are all. We can get closer to it, but not just be, otherwise "we" dissolve into everything and no experience occur. Does it make sense? 

Yup. Resonates quite nicely.

36 minutes ago, wesyasz said:

What I'm trying to say, you can see through and know it's a play, yet there is nothing wrong with feeling like "me".

I'd say it's a fine balance between committing to the role you play and seeing through it all.

Great introspection btw. Good for you!

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20 minutes ago, Someone here said:

We experience death every day in deep sleep. 

In a sense, yes. Not just then, but even with every breath we take.

However; that's not the kind of death I'm referring to here.

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I think memories are vibrational frequencies in a sense. So the parts which we remember from our sleeping states are the parts we are in vibrational resonance with in that moment of remembering it. Like we cannot remember or imagine or think even that which we are not a vibrational match to. So we don't remember the deeper parts of our sleeping states in our usual states. 

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@Vibroverse That would make sense, yes. 

Have you experienced frequency singularity? As well as the 'branching out' of vibrational information? Polarization?

You know I mean? That very first projection of Light. From nothing to everything.


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Yes, and awareness which is who we are is that singularity, and also the variety. Everything you can imagine is a vibration, like, you're zooming into. There are infinite branches that keep going forever and ever in that sense. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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