Thought Art

How Do You Weed Out Delusional Thinking?

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In what ways to do you uncover, face, correct and transcend your beliefs, models of reality that have no grounding in reality? One thing that is becoming apparent on my path is that I am moving from an area of delusion, ignorance, prejudice and cognitive dissonance toward open mindedness, truth, not knowing, self knowledge and aligning myself with the geometry of the cosmos. I am finding it a rewarding, but often painful process. I find when I discover an aspect of my thinking that is delusional that I have a mixed group of feelings because reality is so complex, and there are so many sciences, world views, etc that I find it hard to trust myself or others. I want to know that the models of reality and systems for living I use are in accordance with truth. However, taking into account my selfishness, relativity, cultural programming, wishful thinking etc and being inside this beautiful biological meat bag it is hard to know what is true.

Personally I am doing the following: 

1. Radical Open mind

2. Reading books on how the mind works especially focused on how the mind tricks you

3. journaling 

4. Meditation

5. Self love and inner patience

6. Holding my mental models to the light of day

7. Asking powerful questions

8. Research

9. Feeling into my heart, body and intuition

10. Admitting when I don't know, or that I have been delusional and in what areas

11. Patience with confusion, not knowing etc

12. Not allowing my self image to be one of righteousness but one of curiosity and patience  


How do you deal with overcoming inner delusion and falsehood?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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For me, the most important method is observation of inner, self-created suffering.
In my experience, all self-created suffering is caused by acting and holding on to false beliefs.

As for looking for the beliefs that create this suffering, contemplation is key.
Contemplation being focused intention to find the causes of thinking that led to the undesired outcome.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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I think doubt is the most effective tool on a conceptual level, paired with direct experience.

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@tsuki Great Response

@Tim R I think that is a good point too. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Read as many books from as many thinkers, religions, spiritual systems as you can.
Also watch/listen to them on youtube if you are more of a visual or auditory learner.
Find a mentor who is 10+ years ahead of you and gleen as much as you can from them.

Study psychology, cognitive biases and as much as you can about the human brain.

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@Thought Art other than the positive effects of body work and say future brain implants and hours of listening to Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate around a jacuzzi filled with skanky cross dressing male prostitutes it’s never anything else other than a feedback loop that reflects something like the following:

1. Attention on the mind and body

2. Awareness on the minds automatic patterns

3. Organisation of those patterns relative to their origins 

4. Repatterning relative to some underlying truth about life (I.e. mines more concrete but it could be something as simple as “presence”)

This effectively overtime updates the perceptual frames of your memories that become your automatic patterns as a reflexive action to encoded experience.

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Sure. Algorithm check. Robotic stance relative to the mental prowess of John Locke... Check.

(by the way other than drugs as well - but I just got back from a primary’s schools fete and there were all these protesters with signs chanting “Say no to drugs”. It got in my head, so did some of their crazy).

1. Get in touch with the association also cortex, map what comes from a sing,e word as an example.

- Example: Neutralempty

  • Step 1: first associations and connotations that pop up - First thing I read was neural not neutral, honestly your name elicits depressing feelings, no offence but I feel like I just saw a car crash... and people died, whether or not those two incidents are connected is still something I’m trying to workout if it’s true then that means cars can kill people. Cars. Kill. People. Joe Biden is president. Shit. Is this the life I woke up to? Zombies are real. Shit. I always knew it. 
  • Step 2: Question - the subconscious always has a relative answer to a question

- what other associations come up from the name? (Including neutron)
- what memories come up from the feeling?
- when was the first time I experienced this? And hey if you’re into past lives you get to say, “Okay did I first experience this in this life or a former past life?” Of course, that makes like searching through the whole planets dumpster for a $100 bill the more past lives you have. 

So far the questions target at least three areas:

A. Associations

B. Memories

C. Broad experiences / feelings

Just keep going like this until you’ve (1) targeted all the main areas of human psychology and being and (2) have dug deep enough with a chain of carefully reflected upon questions. Recommendation, do it in a dance club and then try it out while ? listening to some alpha wave music, you’ll then likely do yourself the favour of prioritising the latter. Set aside 10 min a day to setup a habit. 

3. Categories of existence relative to being

A. Now you need to organise your perceptions here and shape them in a way that is going to improve your orientation in the world (not your sexual orientation, mental orientation, on that note, how many mental orientations are there? Infinite past lives, infinite Joe Biden’s as president. Ouch)


- after examine my feelings and associations relative to your name I now have x story to explain y mental phenomenon that encompasses my chain of reasoning.

—-> it’s as simple as that. 

Relatively busy today but free to ask more questions and I’ll answer when I can, even before I’m through my long term 4 year depression of Biden messing up the English language during speeches, interviews and while on the golf course. No not birdy Biden... Bogey. You got a bogey. Add a few more points to your politically elect coverup.

Edited by Origins

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First by defining what delusion means, cuz maybe the concept of delusion is delusional. Maybe delusion doesn't even exist.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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