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A wonderful new scientific paper

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Very cool. I have a book on foraging and the author mentions how many various and probably unknown nutrients are in mostly unstudied foods that come from wild, unfarmed, undepleted soils. It's an intuitive thing too, it's so satisfying. There are so many species and varieties of food that we literally don't even think about eating. I think that the more we learn about nutrients the more we will care about how we farm food. The way we raise animals for meat is a huge concern but even the way we are misunderstanding soil and the earth, a living microcosm, in growing vegetables and grains is also very unconscious. Build one road and you disrupt a massive network of mycelium communication. Kill the mycelium in the soil and your vegetables can no longer properly absorb nutrients. Not to mention the effect of fertilizers, pesticides, Monsanto. Then what happens to nutrients when we ship those fruits and veggies for miles? Alright, I'll stop being depressing now. xD I'm really glad I don't have to forage for food in January. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Loving Radiance scihub is free for the public unless it gets taken down. I can't speak for sites with online pirated movies. Depends on the particular side but I wouldn't suggest you share sides with lots of adds and possible risk of viruses or malware. 

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