Creating an Extraordinary Life PT.2

Average Investor
By Average Investor in Self-Actualization Journals,
It's been a really great year for personal growth. I have got a much more larger amount of control over my emotions and well being overall. My diet is amazingly clean at this point and tastes great. I have built my business up quite a bit to a much more stable and sustainable point. I have been a Toastmaster in two groups for a whole year! I read close to 40 books this year! I am still living at home, but I want to change that this year. I am going to be working on getting enough resources and income level to move myself to Arizona or another state I might choose. I have been doing really well with investing, but I am not going to bank on that to get me there. I want to build up my business to a high level where I can afford this transition more easily.  I will see how things pan out with Covid and how my living environment changes. I really don't feel that happy living here it seems like. I feel like this is something that is limiting my growth a lot.  This year I plan to really work on and refine my life purpose a lot more. I am cruising through books lately and just love it. I am going to read all of the life purpose course books, then a lot more! I am going to be taking this much more seriously than I did previously. I feel like my purpose revolves around teaching people, but I have a lot to learn myself and limiting beliefs to break past. I might try to transition into my life purpose this year, but we will see. I am going to be working on building out a lot more deliberate practice though and really honing my skills. My speaking skills have improved so much now. I am going to work on really embedding a lot of this stuff that I am reading into my life. I cannot really describe how much better I feel over all. I still need to work on a stronger and more refined work ethic, but it is getting there. I am starting to be a lot more strategic with my energy and time as opposed to how I use to be. I am working on cutting out more of the bullshit in my life.  Surpassingly, I was able to break myself out of being too strict this year too. I allow a lot of time to heal and relax now where I could not before. My exploration with psychedelics has been extremely impactful. I was actually able to mostly forgive and move past a big wall of being upset with my father. I actually contacted him after not talking for 7 years. There has been a lot of trauma from being raised by him, but I seem to be moving out of a lot of that. I can see taking these has made a profound difference in my ability to forgive and heal. I am building a good balance here with a lot of manual practices. I am not tripping all that much. I plan to explore further and deeper as I go though.  I have had a no-self experience this year that was during meditation. I also had an awakening to infinity while sober, but there is likely more degrees and insights to be had. I am making a bit of spiritual progress, but not a whole lot. I am going to be working on doing more of the neti neti method and a bit of other practices mixed with my mediation. I am not really putting this as a main focus, but something that I am becoming more and more intrigued in. I am getting there with it. I think right now I just want to put finances as the main focus with knowledge building.  I am going to work on hitting $50,000 worth of stuff listed. This needs to come up more to the top of my things to do. My income is growing well and I can see it going up more and more if I can keep focused this year.  I think that I can get to this goal easily if I can just keep my eye on the ball. If I were to build up to $70,000 or $80,000 listed a move would be very feasible I think. I am not putting in enough work right now. I have a really efficient system going though.  I am really likely going to do some Youtube videos again this year, but not put it as the main focus. I feel like if creating this kind of stuff is my purpose I need to explore it more. I felt so good making content before and with just reselling I feel kind of depressed. It might be possible that I could place it as the main thing if it is where my heart is. I am going to do it for fun though and to practice honing my speaking skills more. It also would really help me to retain the information I read in my books. I also already basically make the content for it in my Toastmasters groups anyway. I am going to invest in a $200 green screen and get working on doing some of these. I actually am putting together a really bad ass PC for editing and stuff too.  I put off dating or really considering dating for now. I feel like I have fully healed from my last relationship. A goal I would like to have is to join some yoga class that has hot women in it and get comfortable talking with them more. I can see myself getting into building more social skills in the future for doing cold approaches. I would mostly just be looking for long term partners though, when I am ready. Just another facet of life that I think I want to put more on hold at least for now. I can still practice here and there.  This year I discovered and practiced the Sedona Method a lot. Probably one of the most profound techniques I discovered for the year. This has really changed my emotional well being completely!  I also working through a massive chunk of having OCD. Not even funny how much this garbage use to run my life. I feel awesome to be able to break free from this so much. I am going to get myself completely free of it.  One big thing I have developed this year was getting into Kryia Yoga. I am doing a couple techniques. I am going to go much deeper with this. This is an amazing habit to get into. It has enhanced my meditation a bunch. I also investing in a proper meditation setup. I might give some other types of a yoga try as well.  I really want to put as much of myself into this year as I can. I don't want this year to pass without making significant progress. I am putting in the work and I will get closer to my goal of moving out and being independent.  I've made it another year in my self actualization journey. What a ride it has been going from where I was.  You can see the previous journal here:   
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