Average Investor

Creating an Extraordinary Life PT.2

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I had some pretty big break throughs with my life purpose work today. It was a good idea to take an extended break from this fully. I dove into my strengths a bit and it was really feeding more and more into my values. I now have 9 values that are really solid. I am still doing some contemplation for a 10th. I had actually done this part before, but I think that I did not really invest enough time into it. It seems like I have just been much more able to contemplate lately. It seemed as though I had a block there for awhile. 

From what I did today, I got a pretty good look at what I might want to do for a living. My strengths really benefit from having relationships with others. I've had a client based business before, so I have a lot of experience with one on one with people. At the time I did actually give them advice funny enough. A fair amount of people actually valued it then. I am much more advanced I feel now though for sure. The advice was not the point of the service though either lol. I have also one on one coached someone to start a successful business from scratch. 

My top strength is input. So basically, I like to store a lot of information and learn a lot. Learner was also up there by that. So it went hand in hand with learning and storing the info. I notice that others will pick up my my large variety of stored facts and information too. So these types of strengths go well for teaching. These are things that I can really start to hone and increase my skills with. I really enjoy reading books, so if that was part of my life purpose, then that would be ideal. 

Of course this probably just sounds like some stuff I already thought before. However, I have made a lot of clarity here. I'm not so sure I want to just rush right back into the youtube thing or what. I'd kind of like whatever I do to be creative and expand and build something new. My goal isn't to just copy Leo. This work is just so damn good. It's hard for me to want to learn or study other things. There are for sure segments and things that are not fully tapped into here though either. There is a lot of stuff to contribute. It's also really hard to market a lot of this stuff. So it might be best to teach lower level stuff that I have more fully mastered if I go that route. I also did enjoy teaching the stuff last time. Survival, overworking, and some anxiety around it stopped me last time. I was actually having a lot of fun. It was the most alive I had felt doing some work. 

I have pondered about stuff like learning how to heal trauma much more deeply. Psychology is quite interesting to me. Same with health stuff, which seems to go hand in hand a lot. I do like the one on one stuff a good bit. So there could for sure be some potential here to work with people like that. I am good at building connections with others. My listening still needs some work though for sure. If I wanted to give advice I would need a lot more work with maybe life coaching type material. 

I did kind of prematurely cut this off yesterday after working on it for about an hour. I think it would be wise for me to start back up on working on life purpose stuff daily. I am back in the groove for it and refreshed. I am still going to balance the work I need to do as well. 

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I'm going to make sure that I really work on how I am going about things. I want to make sure my schedule is not just reselling. I need to spend time to foster my skills. I want to make sure that I am actively working on life purpose daily too. I think there is plenty of time in the day to do the reselling stuff. It isn't that tiring either unless I do a lot of hours. I just need to make sure I am disciplined with not wasting a lot of time during the day. I'll go easy on my self as I am getting back into rhythm aster a break though. 

Inaction has been one of my biggest issues. If anything has really set me back it is that. I think a lot of that stems from just doing a lot of the same things over and over. Doing what is most comfortable workwise etc. I noticed my thinking changed a lot leaving my environment here. I think that is something I need to try to do more regularly. It's fairly expensive though for hotels and such. It would be really worth it though. If I were to do a meditation retreat that would be amazing. I'd like to invest into that. Once it gets more into fall it will be easier for me to take a break maybe. It's awesome that I can still get sales for my ebay business while I am gone too. 

Another thing I would like to do is save up to try heavy metal detoxing. I would be vary curious to see what kind of effects that I could get from that. I still want to do more protocols health wise and this is for sure one that has peaked my interest for awhile. I still need to buy the books and study this a bit more though. I would be curious how my life would be effected from this. Who knows what the potential could be here if there is something here that is limiting me in others ways. 

I feel like I am ready to take toastmasters much more seriously again. I don't want to burn myself out at all, so the one group right now I think is good. I want to start building out a lot of speeches ahead of time. Really work on designing much more engaging and informative stuff. I feel like I have just been half assing this so much. I lacked a good vision though with it. I still do, but at least I know that I want to do more with this. 

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It feels like I am starting to come at the reselling with even a bit of a different approach. I have so much old bullshit laying around that I need to shift through. I found a new technique for quickly identifying items without a lot of thought, so that is helping a bit. I am going to be putting a lot more thought into decluttering everything and being a lot more specific on the things that I buy. Space is starting to become much more important to me as I keep growing this business. I am very close to having 40k listed. I am very on track with my goal of 50k by September. I should surpass that much quicker! 

I'm starting to do walks more to try to contemplate. I didn't really gain any major insight today with about an hour of it. Nice to get away from work and the house for a bit though. Really my main focus right now thought wise is to keep working on developing an LP. Being some sort of consultant seems to really align with my skills and gifts. It's just that I'm not sure what angle I could come at that from. Ideally, I still want to make something new and creative. I would like to try to read 5 books on a few different topics to really get a taste for them. Something that would push my knowledge deeper in some areas. I could get some answers from that. Part of me does feel like the consulting thing does not scale very well. I'd need a front end operation to bring in clients. Which the logical thing would probably be to do the typical videos/content route. I suppose there is the possibility of creating something new. The speaking sounds fairly good though. I notice I feel a bit more inclined to want to create videos still. I actually felt a bit sad looking at how I stopped doing it. So maybe that's the way to keep moving forward. I still need some more clarity though. Clarity will be key with this. 

I notice to of how it's very hard to compete with most of the people that getting the most traffic. I realize how it's irrelevant to compete, but it's important to look at the marketplace. Not very many people want just the most solid advice. They want it all dressed up with a bunch of bullshit. A lot of animations, super out going presenter, and entertainment value from it. I suppose the important thing is the niche itself though really. So what can I really offer that is so unique that it busts through needing any of that bullshit. No doubt, I want to be able to provide a lot of value. Maybe it does require some level of dressing it up with bullshit. 

It's so strange how so much of life is set up like a pyramid scheme. From information to money. I feel such a disconnect from most of society at this point. When you start to see how much a charade most of this is. I suppose that it's still possible for me to just be at the beginning of this unraveling of this. I've hardly even tapped into this on a metaphysical level either. I notice little bits and pieces of that though. How I connect to this reality and am "in it" seems suspect for sure. 

I suppose on another note I did get my vaccine. With so much bullshit on both ends of it, I can see how it makes it hard to decide. The news media has been extremely irresponsible with covid as a whole I feel like. For what it worth to me statistically, it seemed to be best off taking a vaccine. 

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I went floating again and I had another dream like strange loop experience. I have had these kinds of dreams before. I had been laying in the tank for close to an hour I would guess. Doing decent with meditation. I slipped into more of a dream state. I had this reoccurring experience of being at the float place, waking up from the tank. This repeated multiple times. Until, I was sure that I really woken up. I was laying in the tank in this dream state and it was as if I had a intense LSD visual trip inside the tank. I was so sure that it was the reality that I could not believe had I had that experience in the tank. Then I woke up in the tank. That was probably the best $60 I've spent for the tank for sure. 

It feels like I am making some really good progress with inventory. I didn't hit my 20 listings per day, but I am getting myself back to speed. I am easily going to list 20 or more today though. All really good items too. Garage sale hunting today with thrifting was really good. I guess there is a local flea market I can go to as well. I am going to give that shot tomorrow. My main problem right now is actually too much inventory. Not enough selling. It's that time of year though, so I need to just tough it out. If I can last a couple more months like this sales will come rolling in. 

I did make some time for life purpose work. I am being more deliberate and fitting it into my schedule daily. It will be tough, but I really want to get results. 

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I hit $40,000 listed today! I am easily going to reach my $50,000 goal before September. Hard to believe I use to have such a hard time trying to reach that level. I have really been putting my new found energy to work. I am going at this with a lot of consistency. It has been distracting me from a bit of reading and those things, but it is crucial that I get this worked out before winter. Summer sourcing season is over around September anyway. I only maybe have two months left of good quality inventory. At this rate though I feel like I could seriously sell 10k in one month at some point before the end of the year. I feel like I should be back into $4k a month if I keep up the work. At the rate I am going I expect some months to way out perform that though. I could sell that much now and this is one of the worth times of the year to be selling online. I bet I could get $2,400 or more net on that. I will actually be making a decent livable wage. I know that is not really even all that high, but still. That is good progress. If I can keep that fairly steady I will be able to start backing off the reselling and putting work into my life purpose more and more. I will also have the funds for it. 

I have so much to learn still in business. Even though it seems like I have done a lot at this point. What I want to do next will really be pushing my comfort zone I feel like. It will be a big change for me for sure. I really need to keep on this life purpose stuff and get this more figured out. I want to really get things nailed down. I have been playing with some new routes that I am thinking about trying. I think part of my issue too is being held back by the idea of making something entirely new. I feel like I would need to start in other industries to really even be able to do something like that. It's hard for me to thinking of something self-help related that is not just self-actualization stuff. Although, it is super powerful stuff. The market is tough and I am not sure what I can full provide there. I know I can do a lot of the entry stuff that I have learned. I suppose I should just start where I am if that is the market I want to do. ]


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I have been taking it easy for a few days. I am starting to feel a good bit better now that I have rested. Read to start getting back into action. I got some new shelving in today that has casters on it. I am going to test out this new inventory model that I think would work well for the types of items that I sell. It's been on my mind to get a bit more help with it. I know a guy that I could probably have help me picture items. I feel so strange about proceeding with scaling this. I suppose I don't know what else to do right now. It's like it isn't producing a lot of cash flow, but it totally could improve. I just need more infrastructure for it. I've hit a good amount of bottlenecks even recently with just the sheet amount of stuff laying around. It's really slowed me from getting the stuff listed. I need to make a habit of listing earlier in the day I think. Probably after breakfast would be good for me. 

Business is so tough to figure out it seems like. The shit I am doing right now is straight forward, but I mean for a real successful business. For this one to even reach 6 figures of net profit I would have to seriously bust my ass. I am not really in a good area for it to work well either. If I was in a larger city it would be much easier. I could still do decent though. If I really stepped up my learning and keep progressing. Part of me just feels like working on something new though too. I guess I am just not fully sure on what. It feels like a lot of the stuff I want to get into is just saturated. I've been practicing a bit with trying out life coaching stuff. I can for sure give some solid advice at this point it feels like. I suppose it depends where the person is at though too. I can obviously only bring someone up to where I am at. Even the though tof that just seems like bullshit for monetizing. Like I would never get decently rich doing that. Having some sort of hourly pay just totally caps what you could ever earn. It's not all about getting rich either. I like doing that so far. If I was going to go through a lot of fucking effort, learning, challenges, etc I would at least want to have millions to show for it. I would not want to have to ever do something for money again. 


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The life coaching thing is not going as smooth as I thought. I am pretty solid with finding a solution to problems. It seems more of just talk therapy though right now. I need some more practice and reading of coaching material. I can see what would help them well, but there is so many things that can be limiting people. Of course if someone was more successful and had more drive it would be easier. However, I like the idea of helping someone more disadvantaged. It's posing more of a challenge though for sure. 

I put together my first 6 tier rack that has casters on it. The thing can hold 800 pounds with the casters on it. This is really helping me clear up space in the garage right now for inventory. They are $100 each, but I could see myself putting like $500-$600 into these. I think that would be really worthwhile investment. 

I had seen it was looking like NFTs could be sold on ebay. I know a fair bit on crypto and I have a really good ebay account. This could provide me a opportunity to hop into a high rising market. I think I missed a fair chunk of the rush coming in with people dropping $69 million on one, but this could still be a decent route. I know I am kind of chasing a bit of stuff "to get rich" or whatever, but this seems like a decent opportunity. Given the fact that I am already operating in this industry it would not hurt for me to check that out. This could solve a bit of my issues with winter sourcing as well. 

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It feels like I am far surpassing what I thought I could do. I'm about to hit my $50k listing value possibly even today. Sales have been seemingly just pouring in. I got a loan for inventory and stuff, but it seems to have been massively worth it. It's hard to believe how much good stuff I have been finding, but I have really trained hard for this over the last few years. Really the main thing I have been missing is consistency and knowing what items to buy. I wasted so much money and time on bullshit, but it seems like I have a much better eye these days. The quality of stuff I carry is great. I want to keep listing at least 20 items a day 5 days a week. I think my results coming this winter are just going to be unbelievable. I had been so use to just not having that much money it will be really nice. 

I will have to move a bunch of my stuff at the end of next month. I think this will be a closer step to me moving out. It is starting to seem more and more realistic. I can almost taste my own financial independence at this point it feels like. I just need to buckle down and stay disciplined. I really need to save up and be smart about how I am going about things.

I've been looking in a warehouse. I don't think that they would accept me there just yet. It's in a pretty bad area with a 10ft high barbwire fence. Honestly, I don't give a shit about the place around it. The price and structure are really attractive. I would imagine I could produce a lot of income just by simply having something like that. I could easily hire people as well.  I'm still thinking about moving to a better area for sourcing though. At some point I could really nail down this habit and start my next venture. 


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I did reach the 50k listing goal recently ahead of time. I am pretty stoked about that. I am trying to ramp it up a bit and try to hit 70k this month. seems like a really massive amount to add, but I am going to my best to go for it. I've been working on doing things that cut down my time it takes for me to work on ebay. Like how much time it takes to get my 20 items listed a day. I have been gradually doing stuff here and there. I think that I can reach a point where I can knock this out in a few hours, then just focus on my life purpose. My income is a bit more stable, but seems like it still doesn't provide nearly enough. I spend a lot on items still though, so I suppose that has a pretty big effect. 

All of my strengths and top values seem to be geared toward me teaching. I think that I came up with a good idea on what to make videos on about today. I am still a bit unsure of myself, but I think this would be a good thing to try out. I have been back on top of doing more of the life purpose course again. I really need to dedicate myself to fully completing it this time. I am through a lot of the tough parts and I really put a lot of thought and effort into it. I just need to put a bit more time into it. 


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I'm starting to feel a lot more into my life purpose. I'm going to read some coaching books and play around with that a bit more. The speaking has been going really good too. I can see that I still need a lot more practice and training if I really want to get good at this stuff. It surprises me how good my speaking is already. I just need to get myself to where I have more time to introspect on what I really want to do. I don't want to max out my schedule again and have no time to think. I really need time to think about what is really going on in my life. 

I'm hesitant it seems like still with expanding the reselling, but it makes the most sense to keep moving it. I think at some point I could really lower it down to just a couple days a week to where it pays all of the bills. I wish I had a few more infrastructure pieces in place earlier, but this works. I did see some really big storage units that are heated and cooled for $200 a month. A bit of a big move, but I think this would be the best route. I could start to go back into wholesale DVDs and just that alone would make me more than the unit cost of storage there. It would help if inventory starts to dry up. That is one of my main concerns right now with how much I have been listing anyway. I've been listing stuff like crazy. I listed over 40 items today with relative ease it seemed like. 

I still really want to do a solo retreat. I think this is super crucial for me to think about stuff. I should have enough money once 4th quarter is done to go for this. I am going to start slowly moving into the direction of where I think I want to go overall, but hopefully this would give me some more clarity. I plan to start tripping again sometime somewhat soon. I am mainly focused on reselling right now, but as that starts to cool off I am going to really do a lot of deep work on myself. 

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Seems like all of the work I have been putting in on my business in the last few months is really starting to pay off. I am not going to be able to hit my $70k goal mostly from just selling too much stuff that I am not able to out list it. I have had a resting week though, so who knows if I would have hit that this month. I am still going to see what I can do though. It seems like things have really turned around for this. I need to be wise with the money though and keep reinvesting it and being strategic with it. At the same time investments in myself are well worthwhile too. I am now ready to get back into my bulk DVD business as well. This time I am willing to take lower prices, but on the same coin invest much less time. I want this to make me at least $400 a month of stable income with minimal efforts. I mostly want to just be wholesaling them to other businesses. 

It's unbelievable to me that I have sold this much this month. I will potentially 2x my best month ever if I continue to keep selling the next few weeks well. I am not even into 4th quarter yet and I should see a very big uptick in my sales then. I am planning on really thinning out as much old inventory as possible. I don't want to just be sitting on items even if that means I take a bit less for them. 

I am starting to get a lot more momentum going on the life purpose course. I am getting quite deep into the course at this point. I spent several hours working on it this weekend. It seems like the only thing I really want to do is just make videos. There is a lot of inner fear inside of me I think still that pushes me back form this. I think there is still some lack of clarity for what I even really want to speak about, but I am starting to get that a lot more honed in now. I am going to continue to build my speaking skills and really make a big batch of speeches that will be turned into videos. I want to have months and months worth of stuff batched. I need more clarity though still to really follow up on this. These next few months are very crucial in my reselling business too. I cannot just lose focus because I will need money to pursue any other venture. I am also considering saving up for a really nice video set up. 

I am really excited to start up with a liver detox protocol. It will be very interesting to see how I feel after it. I've been making a lot of progress testing foods lately and I seem back into optimal energy. I am planning on starting to heavy metal detox next. I invested into the guides that I will need to make it successful. The potential benefits almost seem too good to be true. I will have to see first hand what this is really about. However, researching into this so far it does seem very legitimate. This protocol is over 20 years old and has a lot of credible testimonials. 

One pursuit that I really want to keep investing is really "fixing" myself. This goes along with all of the detoxes and such. I want to heal any disorder and trauma that I have. I'm not sure what the person will be like on the other side, but I have gotten a very good taste of it. Life has become so good that I am at a loss for words on it. All of this work I have done on my self over the last several years has paid me back so much. 


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I really want to reach a level where I can pay for everything myself. It's not like I am just messing around and wasting time all day. I'm really trying to earn some money for myself. I realize if I want to make a good amount of money that I am in the wrong business, but I just need to make enough to pay all of my bills plus more to be able to move out. I am starting to get to the point where I just don't want to be around people who have petty shit going on. I can handle it well. It does not put me to a point of suffering being around them. It just isn't what I want to be around. So much time and energy I waste on just garbage being around them. 

One option still is to get a job, but I could probably grind this out to a level that makes more than most BS jobs available here. If every month was like this month, then it would not even be a challenge to move out. Reselling has fluctuating seasons though. So maybe only have the year is good to get inventory. Half the year is good for selling. If I could actually stabilize $400 in profit from the extra DVD business I bet I could do it. I need to start stacking up any money that I can though. There is a place I could move that is about 40 minutes away that would put me around more items. I could get a lot of items much easier. Rent is higher there though, but it would for sure offset that. That would mostly kill off the DVD business though. What I have here is actually working pretty good. I don't have a lot of issues getting items, but it isn't really enough quantity at this point. Summer wasn't bad at all. I can get a home run here and there still, but I can really sense how much it is drying up now that I am listing a lot more. I would not even be able to find 20 items a day to list that many per day here anymore. I can come back with a good handful. Some days I could probably get that though. It feels like I am just trying to get the bottom of the barrel stuff and it is less and less worth my time. 

I just wish I had my life purpose figured out, so I could just be going in that direction. I am wasting so much time on bullshit it feels like. I am too intelligent I feel to be just selling used stuff for a living. I am much more capable of making something better myself. It just makes it so tough, when survival is always biting at you to pay each bill, or buy things you need. I can tell just with how my mind works that I can fill it full of a lot of knowledge and really retain it well. I never run into anyone who carries so much knowledge on items in this business. I know so many different items and categories. The knowledge is really not very useful at all aside from just buying stuff cheap. I have a very trained eye at this point for knowing the quality of items. If I could put that kind of skill to something more useful in the world it would make me a lot of money. Not only that, but just something I enjoy more. I like doing this, but I don't really enjoy having a few thousand physical items to organize store. A lot of the situations and things I run into just feel like a bullshit waste of time. This business taxes me of a lot of energy and focus I could have elsewhere. 

I think the best route for me to do is just keep lowering prices as I move into the 4th quarter. It's tempting for me to just keep going lower to really try to get everything sold. I just need a plan for what I want to do for a life purpose. I can always keep reselling I suppose either way. It's just this keeps delaying me moving out. If I move out though I will have even less time to really even figure this out. I will be working a lot more I feel. The cheapest apartment is like $1,200 a month here right now, which is pushing the prices of a big city. I remember not that long ago there was studio apartments available for even $500. Even two years ago I had an apartment with my ex that was only $700 per month with two bedrooms. Even going into the worst neighborhood with the most toxic aged buildings are not even much cheaper. A basic job could make hardly enough here to pay that with all expenses. I feel kind of trapped without a lot of options on what I can really do. I think I need to come up with some more ways to get more inventory and I could do it. I suppose maybe I will have to travel or something else for more items, then so be it. 


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I've been much more out of the groove of reselling. I had been kind of riding a wave from all of the work I did. Getting close to 1,300 listings now. Slowing this down to listing 10 per day. Trying to get a more steady pace going that is not just the peddle to the floor. My new inventory system is amazing. I have a barcode scanner and new stickers with barcodes. I can scan the items as I place them in a bin, so I no longer type the name of the item in to find it once it sells. I got a big 10x20 storage unit to expand business now too. I am back into the DVD business and it's a little slow to start. I will see how that goes. 

I've had quite a bit of fatigue for awhile now from doing this liver detox. It's been quite intense to be honest. I wasn't expecting to feel fatigued like this often. I've been diving deeper into really understanding more of this. It seems like environmental toxins are so important and most people just ignore it completely. I recently looked into paper mills as there is one a few miles from me. I guess that is the most unregulated kind of mill in the US. It even actually puts mercury into the air and water around it. My storage unit is right by this stuff, but I don't plan to spend much time there. I am a bit extra with this stuff, so maybe I will get some pollutant mask for being by it lol. I am allergic to dust anyway, so it's a double win. 

I am starting to notice how much more time during that day that I waste. Even if I slept in a couple hours I still have time to really do what I set out to do in a day. It seems like I just piss a lot of time away with the pc and phone. I think I need to add time limits for this forum to. There is a cool add on that just blocks it once you hit a certain time each day. I probably spend an hour a day or more I bet. Still this is my main media site and I don't really mess around with TV or games too much. With how I have been feeling I have to take it still a bit easy. I just added a down time from 10 to 10 on my phone as start to help there. Although, I mostly just look at ebay on there it still wastes time. I check my feedback and scroll on it too often. I think there is a good balance to be struck here. It is just a nice reminder though once I hit 30 minutes or something on a site. 




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I've been stuck in rut for a bit it seems like with my motivation, but it seems to be coming back. I am working on designing a dream board and really starting to focus on stuff that I want. I had just looked today and I actually had seen an apartment for $950 a month, which is actually really cheap compared to what I have seen here recently. This one would actually be nice. I have stayed there before actually. It's only about 3-4 minutes from where I live now, but I would be fully independent there. It had two rooms too! I could have one youtube room, one ebay room, and shit I could sleep anywhere really lol.  I really need to get on building credit as soon as I can. I am going to research more, when the best time to get an apartment at the best price would be. If I had to guess it would be summer time right now. It would make more sense, because when my lease ends it would most likely be summer time again and I could find another one for cheap. Plus this gives me a bit of a run way to work with. I think I could handle this now if I did go though. I would really be working my ass off though. 

I have been starting to get more thought on doing youtube more. I am starting to pick out all of the gear that I would need to start doing it. It's a bit tough because I am still quite focused on my reselling business, but I think once I get some more systems in place I could do it. I feel like I am ready to start doing work in my life that I can channel more focus and energy on. I want to make something that I just really enjoy doing. There more and more I have learned with everything is that I need to just be content with myself. I can't rely on anyone to make me happy or fill my time. I enjoy time with others, but with something like this I can create it how I want. Something that puts me in the direction I want I suppose. Like a compass for my life. 

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I did apply for the apartment. I am ready to move out. I know it will probably take a bit though since I have basically no credit. Hopefully, someone might consider it though. 

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It's pretty hard to believe how much my reselling business has grown this year. It feels like I have finally got my health right and my work ethic. I can basically work all day, but I slug around a bit in the earlier day. I've made so many improvements to the business and I am still working on it a lot. I've finally started to say no to a lot of categories that distract me and start focusing in on a few niches. I think if I can keep going with the niches, then I could really have something going with this. My DVD business has been doing phenomenal. I actually had a hard time keeping my DVDs in stock recently, which is just amazing. Sucks a bit that the guy I work with there owes me $600 though lol. He's been good at paying me and I have made a lot from this so far. I am basically in at pure profit on these at this point just from the amount of leverage they have given me to get inventory. 

I'm going to start making youtube videos again, but more just for fun and expression. I don't really know what route that I want to go with that, or if that is even the thing. I don't want to overdue it like did last time. Just have a fun creative outlet for me to try something. I could dream of something like that being my income though. Some sort of residual income from making something like that sounds amazing. In the mean time though things seem to be going well enough with what I am doing. Not to say that I am not wanting to pursue an LP. I just need more time to actually dip my toes into stuff. I haven't really been taking my speaking training nearly as seriously as I could be either. If I had to make a speech each week, then that would really boost my skills. 

I feel like I have really been missing out on a lot of reading from working so much. I think that I have to make a better effort to put that to the top. I have been loving the stuff I read. I think so far my favorite thing to read is biographies. 

I am going to really keep at it this month as this is quarter 4. Hopefully, I can really kill it with sales. I feel like I could hit a record month possibly with the momentum that I have going. However, I do feel an urge to start to trip a bit again and really contemplate where the next direction in my life should be. I can't just burry myself in work all the time, but it is hard not to. 

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On 24/07/2021 at 10:47 PM, Average Investor said:

One thing I noticed while I was out was how much more attractive girls I can meet in larger cities. It would take me a year to meet as many attractive women in my town versus these places in week. I have been thinking more about moving closer to a larger city I am familiar with. If I am still reselling then it would be fairly easy for me to make rent and such there. I could also easily meet new women and maybe make some more friends that way.

Oouuuch. Yep. 

Soo much abundance in big cities. 

Your intuition is calling a move. 

I'm not sure why you havent yet,

surely it doesnt require much money to just move?, although I've never been to the states. I wish I could go there. 

(sorry if you don't want comments just lmk)

Edited by Striving for more

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5 hours ago, Striving for more said:

Oouuuch. Yep. 

Soo much abundance in big cities. 

Your intuition is calling a move. 

I'm not sure why you havent yet,

surely it doesnt require much money to just move?, although I've never been to the states. I wish I could go there. 

(sorry if you don't want comments just lmk)

I would need to build my income higher for someone to want to rent to me in an area like that. Have a few things to work on with that. I would expect it to cost several thousand to move to somewhere as well. The cheapest apartments I have been seeing are about $1,200 a month in a city. Generally most places will want you making 3x or 4x that. 

Not sure how much I really care about doing game either. Don't feel any need for women really. Don't feel a big urge to go get some sex. It would be good for my growth though.

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I feel so inspired to keep making more content right now. It's very enjoyable to make thumbnails as well. I am not really sure what I am going to do with it, or what the real direction will be, but I really want to train my speaking skills. I always say that I am going to do it and I am not really putting in enough effort. I really need to make a routine that is actually really fun for me to train with. I think just doing a video a week itself is already a lot more training, than I had been doing. Still, I want to do more. I want to compete again this year in the toastmasters competitions. I should have been training harder sooner, but this will work. I don't care too much about winning, but I really want to build the discipline to train. 

I notice there is some limiting beliefs in terms what is possible for growth on youtube. Of course I wish I had kept making videos since 2014, when I started. Or really had just continued any other channel I had, but those were not the right topics for me. I really enjoy learning about personal devlopment and doing stuff related to it. I suppose with spirituality, these seem like the highest things in life to pursue. I suppose one of my biggest issues is really just putting in the commitment. This time around I want to do things at pace and make sure I actually enjoy it. I feel so excited to know that I published a piece of content and that someone else could enjoy it.  

I have been considering joining a paid reseller group with the biggest clothing seller on ebay. I would have to wake up a good bit earlier. I really want to get some results in this area. I really want to create a business that pays all of my bills with a few hours of work a day. It's getting there, but I need to to really refine my entire business. I have been saying no to all of that shit that wastes my time, gets returned often, or just takes too long to deal with. I am really sizing up my vacuum parts sales. If I can some how figure out how to get a really nice source of vacuums coming in, then it would be a game changer. I've been ordering whole vacuums to my house now. I just need to be creative on how I go about it. I need to really stay in 5 categories. If I could even grow my revenue from 10% vacuums parts to 50% I could probably afford to take an extra day off a week, or even two to get the same revenue. I can take apart a vacuum so fast, then picture and list. I would basically become an expert in canister vacuums if I focused in more. 

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I am really going to keep working at moving out. The amount of manipulation here is becoming to unsettling. Constant gaslighting and no desire to improve or communicate. I have to admit that I am guilty of not helping out more. However, at a certain point the amount of nagging and asking for things that don't make sense, hits a point where I cannot stand it. I am actually quite calm with being around people who try to instigate arguments with me. It seems seldom I argue these days. To be fair it is just pointless to even object usually. People tend to not want to change their way of thinking or their perception. I am quite good at rejecting peoples bad vibes too. 

I notice I still have a good bit of this victim mentality. I don't think like a winner enough in my life. There is really no reason I cannot have a good place to live and a good income. I think I have went to easy on myself for too long with things. It's been difficult with my health and energy, but it isn't too bad now. I still wonder if something health related effects my attention or motivation. I feel more inclined to try the metal detoxing in hopes that it clears up my mind more and gives me more energy. Even then I should be able to get the things that I want in life. I think being strategic is important for this though too. 

I think that I have a bad perceptions on dating and relationships just from what I have seen in my life. Both of my parents are quite dysfunctional. With how they treat me, but even how they treat their spouses. The amount of just sheer manipulation and literally physical abuse I have seen hasn't helped. I have found myself to be very avoidant with relationships these days. I was watching a video and I notice that I have a lot to work on in this area. I have a hard time committing to things. I lack a lot of results in my life from just not committing. Supposedly people do that to get a feeling of power in their life, which I think I have done to some extent. I cannot be hurt by someone if I don't date them, or fail at something if I don't try. I think I have some susceptibility of dating people who are not as valuable as me. I was unconsciously using that as a way to make me valuable. Like where the other person could not lose me in a sense. I have even kind of had a small fantasy of basically just "saving" a random girl. In the sense of being able to provide so much value to them, that they cannot return it. I am not sure how to put that into wording exactly. Basically, they wouldn't want to lose me at all. There is nothing wrong with me that I could not date a high quality person. I don't need to date people that are inferior. I have done this actually quite a bit in the past. 


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