Average Investor

Creating an Extraordinary Life PT.2

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It's been a really great year for personal growth. I have got a much more larger amount of control over my emotions and well being overall. My diet is amazingly clean at this point and tastes great. I have built my business up quite a bit to a much more stable and sustainable point. I have been a Toastmaster in two groups for a whole year! I read close to 40 books this year!

I am still living at home, but I want to change that this year. I am going to be working on getting enough resources and income level to move myself to Arizona or another state I might choose. I have been doing really well with investing, but I am not going to bank on that to get me there. I want to build up my business to a high level where I can afford this transition more easily.  I will see how things pan out with Covid and how my living environment changes. I really don't feel that happy living here it seems like. I feel like this is something that is limiting my growth a lot. 

This year I plan to really work on and refine my life purpose a lot more. I am cruising through books lately and just love it. I am going to read all of the life purpose course books, then a lot more! I am going to be taking this much more seriously than I did previously. I feel like my purpose revolves around teaching people, but I have a lot to learn myself and limiting beliefs to break past. I might try to transition into my life purpose this year, but we will see. I am going to be working on building out a lot more deliberate practice though and really honing my skills. My speaking skills have improved so much now.

I am going to work on really embedding a lot of this stuff that I am reading into my life. I cannot really describe how much better I feel over all. I still need to work on a stronger and more refined work ethic, but it is getting there. I am starting to be a lot more strategic with my energy and time as opposed to how I use to be. I am working on cutting out more of the bullshit in my life. 

Surpassingly, I was able to break myself out of being too strict this year too. I allow a lot of time to heal and relax now where I could not before. My exploration with psychedelics has been extremely impactful. I was actually able to mostly forgive and move past a big wall of being upset with my father. I actually contacted him after not talking for 7 years. There has been a lot of trauma from being raised by him, but I seem to be moving out of a lot of that. I can see taking these has made a profound difference in my ability to forgive and heal. I am building a good balance here with a lot of manual practices. I am not tripping all that much. I plan to explore further and deeper as I go though. 

I have had a no-self experience this year that was during meditation. I also had an awakening to infinity while sober, but there is likely more degrees and insights to be had. I am making a bit of spiritual progress, but not a whole lot. I am going to be working on doing more of the neti neti method and a bit of other practices mixed with my mediation. I am not really putting this as a main focus, but something that I am becoming more and more intrigued in. I am getting there with it. I think right now I just want to put finances as the main focus with knowledge building. 

I am going to work on hitting $50,000 worth of stuff listed. This needs to come up more to the top of my things to do. My income is growing well and I can see it going up more and more if I can keep focused this year.  I think that I can get to this goal easily if I can just keep my eye on the ball. If I were to build up to $70,000 or $80,000 listed a move would be very feasible I think. I am not putting in enough work right now. I have a really efficient system going though. 

I am really likely going to do some Youtube videos again this year, but not put it as the main focus. I feel like if creating this kind of stuff is my purpose I need to explore it more. I felt so good making content before and with just reselling I feel kind of depressed. It might be possible that I could place it as the main thing if it is where my heart is. I am going to do it for fun though and to practice honing my speaking skills more. It also would really help me to retain the information I read in my books. I also already basically make the content for it in my Toastmasters groups anyway. I am going to invest in a $200 green screen and get working on doing some of these. I actually am putting together a really bad ass PC for editing and stuff too. 

I put off dating or really considering dating for now. I feel like I have fully healed from my last relationship. A goal I would like to have is to join some yoga class that has hot women in it and get comfortable talking with them more. I can see myself getting into building more social skills in the future for doing cold approaches. I would mostly just be looking for long term partners though, when I am ready. Just another facet of life that I think I want to put more on hold at least for now. I can still practice here and there. 

This year I discovered and practiced the Sedona Method a lot. Probably one of the most profound techniques I discovered for the year. This has really changed my emotional well being completely! 

I also working through a massive chunk of having OCD. Not even funny how much this garbage use to run my life. I feel awesome to be able to break free from this so much. I am going to get myself completely free of it. 

One big thing I have developed this year was getting into Kryia Yoga. I am doing a couple techniques. I am going to go much deeper with this. This is an amazing habit to get into. It has enhanced my meditation a bunch. I also investing in a proper meditation setup. I might give some other types of a yoga try as well. 

I really want to put as much of myself into this year as I can. I don't want this year to pass without making significant progress. I am putting in the work and I will get closer to my goal of moving out and being independent. 

I've made it another year in my self actualization journey. What a ride it has been going from where I was. 

You can see the previous journal here: 


Edited by Average Investor

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Taking a lot more action and working on getting as much as I can out of these books. I am reading the 7 habits of highly effective people right now and I am almost done. This book has surprisingly been quite a gold mine for me. I recall being deterred from this type of book just because I figured it was just a "productivity" book. I have got a lot of practical self management stuff out of it. Surprisingly a lot of communication and listening stuff for me too. Listening is going to be a major focus for me going forward. I can see honing this skill will be incredible in my life. I am ordering in a monthly planner whiteboard in too. I am starting to set up high priority tasks first. Some basic shit, but honestly I have not really been on top of that stuff. It got me to get all of my tax stuff out of the way and likely saved me a ton of headache so far. 

I seem to be in and out of a depression and laziness cycle lately. I am getting a lot of core stuff done and still exercising somewhat. I need to make sure that I am on top of actually going outside and running though too. I am working on building up a schedule that can help prevent me from getting in this cycle. I can't help but wonder if part of it is an allergy or something too. I am allergic to dust for sure and almost all of my reselling stuff is dusty as fuck. I am sure that could have a good amount of the issue to it. I might try to wear my n95 more or pick up a little pm 2.5m mask and wear it more while I do this stuff. I am sure that could help me a good bit just with that habit. I actually just bought some right now to wash and reuse. I am going to get allergy tested fairly soon too. 

I have a few things that I want to knock out. I want to finish building that pc. It seems easy, but need a couple things ordered in to make it work. I also need to set up everything to do my 2 month detox from the toxin solution. I think that could be a big aid in me getting down to any issues I might be having. I also want to go in for blood tests, which I should have done already. I also need to fix my car a bit and get rid of the check engine light. So a few things I need to get up to pace. 

I feel like I am just not getting enough out of my days and my life as a whole. I have a lot of good habits going and doing all that stuff. It isn't like I am not making progress. I feel like I am missing something or just going the wrong direction sometimes. Going to spend the day in meditation and fasting tomorrow. Going to think and reflect on what I can change in my life. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000.

Today, I am thankful for:

Day to relax

7 habits book

New books coming in

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Starting to feel a lot better I feel like. I am working on really keeping my routine solid and really giving myself time to relax too. I have put reading and meditation at the top of this list now too. Lately it feels like I just cannot get enough reading. I feel like doing reading verse doing business work lol. I am starting to do no electronics until 10 am and cut off at 8pm (ideally 7:30). I am going to work more on doing things like going hiking more. I want to get my car fixed up, so I can do stuff like that. I am really strapped for cash atm with buying inventory and taxes. I will be fine though, just a lot of bills coming up in a short time frame. 

I managed to find a source for inventory from a guy that buys storage units. I seem to have a massive influx of inventory coming in at a good rate without spending a lot of time going to get it. I really need to dial down what I am doing and just get myself right where I am actually making some good money. I really want to advance myself further this year. Only con to this is I feel like I need to be buying anytime the items are offered. I am going to keep pooling cash to keep up with this. It is also in one category that I really like too! 

Really starting to work on digesting a lot more of what I read. I am listening to the books again on audio as well. It seems to be the best route for me to really get a lot of learning done. I feel like I am really going in a great direction.

I notice I still have some envy or just comparisons with other people. It is more when I am in a lower emotional state though. I want success for others. I have no issue there. It's mostly with comparing or trying to justify why I don't have something. I realize I can get anything I want if I work for it. I have been very blessed to come across this work. I can't really imagine what my life would be like without it. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000.

Today, I am thankful for:



Finishing first book of 2020! 


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(Just responding to your first post here) : Great post, How did you improve your OCD? 

Do you ever use law of attraction to help you achieve your business goals? Asking because I am considering it but not sure if it is worth trying.


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@Striving for more

I found the sedona method to be one of the most effective techniques. Improving mindfulness overall has been very helpful. Diet and exercise all play a big role too. Cubensis mushrooms actually seemed to temporarily remove it for a few weeks. Seems to be something significant there towards it. 

I use LOA a bit with spends and receiving money. I have spent money I felt like I could not (actually fairly often lol), then receive much more soon after it seems. I practice that I learned from Abraham Hicks, which is worth looking at. 

I do a bit of visualization too with my goal to help me. 

Something I found really helpful was to have one primary goal too. 

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I have been reading a lot of the Walt Disney biography and it is great. I can see how much I really want to build a life like that in terms of finding something I love doing that much. I have really been thinking about the Youtube stuff again. Part of me feels like my lack of motivation is just because the reselling thing is not doing it for me. I could do both, but I think that is wasting a lot of my energy. I am at a point where I can get the reselling running really well. I am actually in the process of getting ready to pump out those 1,000 posters, which I am still thinking should be worth about $40,000-$50,000. I guess I just don't know how far I want to take it. I know I need to do that. I have the source for PC parts coming in etc. I love the freedom for it. I just don't seem to have the motivation to put a lot of hours of work into it. I know I can easily get by with just minimal work, but I don't want that. I want to actually have a good amount of cash coming in. 

I started cashing out some investments a little bit. Cool to see how well that I have done. I am going to be able to take out a small percent of what I put in and actually just have all profits in. It will be nice to have a bit of extra cash saved up too. I really have been running myself dry investing a lot into business, bills, etc. I really need to increase my income, but this will help for now. 

I am going to start with my 8 week detox soon. Hopefully this will help me feel less fatigue and mild depression. I am not sure why I feel depressed sometimes now. I kick ass at a lot of habits and stuff. It isn't like I just sit around sad, so it doesn't really make sense. I feel like something is holding back a lot of energy from me in that sense. Might even by why I am not getting as much business stuff done. 

I am really killing it with my monthly planner whiteboard. This has been such a good $12 investment. I am getting a lot of stuff done it seems like. Making a lot of progress on projects and stuff I want done.

I won an evaluation contest in my toastmaster group. I was surprised that I won. I am going to be competing at a district level next. This should give me a lot more motivation to train more. I have been taking the deliberate practice much more seriously. I have considered doing the Youtube videos for more training or joining one more Toastmasters group. I thought about it and I only trained public speaking for about 104 hours this year. Not bad, but honestly if I were doing like 1 hour a day of deliberate practice 5 times I week I would be getting good. I can see my progress is quite good compared to my peers, but this doesn't really mean much. I want to get better at it and I need more training. I am going to work on utilizing the time in the toastmasters sessions better for training too. I am going to start trying to do speech evaluations on all speeches too. I am recording the others, so I could evaluate their speeches after the meetings too.  

No surprise, but I am back debating the youtube thing quite a bit again. It sounds fun, but I just don't have enough direction to establish what I want to do. I should do some videos for fun again and just see how it goes. I felt good learning and doing that stuff, when I did it. I pushed myself too hard too fast I think though too lol. I was going hard filming in public towards the end and really pushing myself. I need to tone it down a bit where I am just in deliberate practice. I think part of the problem is the toss up of time. I know I can only do one thing really at a time and reselling is paying the bills. I am going to work on my vision more and really nail down a niche. I will get to work on this more, but I need more planning for sure. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000.

Today, I am thankful for:


Making a lot of health progress

Reflecting on my speaking progress 

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Got a good amount of rest on this extended weekend. Going to focus on getting up on time and getting more done. I really need to get products up before the next stimulus. I want to get a lot new things up and moving. Sales have been really good this weekend especially considering my store size is down a lot. I have not been putting up as much as I have been wanting to. I do still need to go and reprice a bunch of stuff too. 

Going to be doing my allergy appointment tomorrow. I also got almost everything in for starting my 8 week detox. Hopefully this well help me out a lot energy wise once I complete it. I think this would be an awesome plan to do for awhile. I am actually going to be teaching a group about it while I am doing it and about toxins for 5 weeks, so I might have some others join me on it possibly. I am mostly just going to recommend the 2 week version though, as isn't too extreme and people could see some results just from that. 

Got a ton of bulk groceries today, which was a big relief. I realized today that I did not take my week off for this quarter like I had planned. I have not really had a ton of extra money and it just hasn't been in the cards. I am going to work on brining more of that in. I can't just take time to reset, when I get sick. I did do 3 days off this weekend though, so that was good. I am not relaxing enough though. I did not spend one whole day mediating/ off electronics, but a good amount of one. I can see that habit will be good if I can keep working on it. I really want to get to doing a whole week mediation. 

I allow myself too effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000.

Today, I am thankful for:


Long peaceful drive

Feeling tired 

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Going in for allergy testing soon! Hopefully, this will give me some leads on some stuff I can improve and try. I did notice a bit of an uptick in my mood and energy today following of me eating some probiotic bars that I bought at the store. My probiotic supplement should be here soon too. I am going to research a high quality multi vitamin, which I have not been using. I supplement other stuff and have tested a lot with my diet, but who knows. I might be deficient in something even though blood tests last time did not say anything. I am excited to see how this detox goes though for sure. I am thinking this should give me a good of progress. 

Really starting to feel a lot more charged up about building a life in the personal development field. I really need to dive in this year with training, research, and really taking the time to form and build an amazing business. I am really going to give it my best. I am not ready to quit reselling, but I am going to dedicate a lot of time to this too. I am going to keep myself moving in the right direction and really developing myself to the highest levels, so I can teach others. It is tempting to do the youtube right now, but I know I am not going to be giving it my all. I know that if I focus enough on reselling I am can automate a lot of the stuff and build enough cash reserves to fund my development and progress. I still am enjoying reselling and I like looking for items still. No hate there. It actually feels odd to leave it. But I know that if I did personal development stuff it could really give me a much higher "ceiling" to progress and grow in. With reselling a lot of it is just to benefit my personal survival and doesn't create the kind of impact I want. When I read stuff like Walt Disney or Steve Jobs biography, that is the kind of passion and drive I want. I really want to create something great for the world. I have a lot to learn with marketing and business to take it to the next level. 

Toastmasters has been going really well. I am getting so much out of it seems like now. I feel much more apart of these communities and I feel like it is advancing me a lot with my skills and speaking. This has been one of the best decisions I have made in the last few years to join these. I am getting better and better as I go. I am thinking about joining a third group and even thought about having 5 different groups and going 5x a week. The amount of training I would have would be unreal, but I could get a lot of practice done outside of all of that too. 

I notice even just writing this my elevation with mood and motivation. It could be a mix of more sun, chemicals resetting, or the probiotics. I would guess at the probiotics, but we will see. 

I am going to really dig in tomorrow and prepare a lot of items to list. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Feeling better 

Great run 

Walt Disney bio book! 

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Definitely feels like I am feeling "alive" again. Video games are feeling boring, energy is going up, tasks getting done, and feeling happier. I started taking a probiotic today and maybe that is helping a bit. I notice the burping going down a bit and digestion is working better than it was. So I think the issue is gut related. I am easily getting up to 3 solid focused hours of reselling in now. I was straggling with just one aside from shipping and all the other tasks. I mean in terms of just picturing items. I am enjoying that time and listening to educational stuff while I do it. 

I am going to really keep deeply investing into myself this year. I am going to get anything that is going to move me to the next step. I am thinking about redoing the life purpose course again from the start, but I did not fully finish it either. I am going to keep going deeper and deeper with all of this. I feel like I am building a lot more passion in my life and I can see it in all of the things I do. I just want to take it to the next level. 

I can see the value of building out my reselling business more. I know for sure that I want to list all of the posters and that will take about 100+ hours of work. Then I want to take care of all of the larger items. This business is really a blessing that I have this. As much as I sit here and go back and forth on what I am doing this is incredible. I can see this sticking around for years even if I don't put in a bunch of effort. This will be making me money for a long time. I need to keep taking it seriously until I decide what I want to do next. This can afford me so many opportunities from where I am at. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:


More energy 

Great toastmasters meeting 

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It's nice to have a bit of extra money. I need to make sure that I keep a good amount saved up, but I am really going in with investing into myself. I got almost $400 of bulk groceries today, which will be huge for me coming up as I have not been buying any nuts because I have had no access to decent priced stuff. I really put down into a bunch of stuff that will not go bad and I did last weekend too. I have mostly streamlined my grocery shopping to pick up on all of the stuff that goes bad quickly too. This is cutting out so much time and saving me a small fortune in food since I buy all organic. I got a nice yoga matt and some other stuff today too. I am going to keep up with this and not be cheap with any of this kind of stuff. I want to feel the best that I can. 

Going to be doing some different yoga today. I haven't really done much yoga, but I have been doing one new thing per week. So this week I am going to try that out for a 25 minute sessions and see how that goes. I am really hopeful that I will feel excellent from doing it. I am mostly familiar with kryia yoga, which is entirely different. 

Called my dad again after so many months. It is kind of sad to hear him it sounds like he has just pissed his life away to make a bunch of money. I mean he seems content with it, but he just isn't an interesting person. I could have sworn I heard his wife wanting to charge me $40 for my birth certificate on the phone, but I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. If that is the case that is just stingy as fuck as he should be a millionaire at least. I can tell I don't really jive with him much. I am probably going to limit my contact. There is so much that needs to be discussed with his previous bullshit too. I can just tell in the conversation it isn't there. 

On that same note I am going to just keep investing into myself. I enjoy the few friendships that I have. I don't really need a whole lot out there in terms of communication. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Lots of groceries

Day out

Yoga matt

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@flume It's getting there. Thanks so much for checking it out. I have been doing toastmasters for 6 months since the last video too, so I am a lot better now. I am likely going to spend more time this year training my speaking skills too. 

I haven't decided exactly what topics and etc I will do, but it is getting there. 

I really appreciate the encouragement. :D

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I was able to fix my car for about $20 today, but it took a bit of driving around and I had to switch the parts. It seems to be fully functioning though, so the problem has been solved. I guess I spent another $18 on a scanner, but that worked. It's nice having the skills to be able to do that and it was easy anyway. I am going to start preparing the car for spring/summer time, when I will be driving more. I am going to go over the owners manual and get anything that might need to be done for maintenance. I need to make sure it is worth the time, but I really don't want to spend the extra money on repairs right now. Especially, if I can do just do it myself. A lot of it isn't really that hard and gives me a change of pace. 

I am going to be setting up a whole week to take off. I am going to work a bit harder this week and get ahead on stuff. I could probably do one week on and off if I really wanted to, but I am not doing that lol. I am going to do a lot of healing stuff and maybe a 2-3 day meditation retreat, which would be my longest for sure. I am thinking about doing the float tank, but just not too sure with covid. 

I feel like I just don't really make enough money as it is. I pay all of my bills, but I really want to make 2-$3k net and have no problem reinvesting into my business. I am at about $1,200 net and I buy a lot of shit for my business usually. If I do get over the 2k net mark I can move out at anytime and move to a cheaper state and actually live well. A garbage apartment here is $1,200 a month, so I don't really want to do that. I feel like my income is changing for sure though. If that stimulus check comes in again my income will seriously explode again lol. I need to make sure I am getting a lot of products up. I do see a good possibility that this will dry up if the stimulus stops coming in. I need to be really wary too for summer. Although, my summer sales are sometimes better because I find really good items I know there can be some serious dry months in summer. I am going to be prepared with a lot more cash in hand. 

I have been seriously getting so much shit done now. I have really been utilizing that planner a lot. I just bought another whiteboard to write down things that I want/need to do, so I can add them in on the calendar. My productivity has risen massively from this. This was by far the best take away that I was able to get from the 7 habits of highly effective people. Although, the listening skill is very potent too. ]

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000.

Today, I am thankful for:

Car fixed! 

Getting ahead on my to do 

Feeling motivated 

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My mind always seems to be scrambled a lot, when it comes to my LP. I way over think things for this. It seems as if I am really positive and really feel the flow of what I want to do, then just feel confused or unsure. I really love learning about personal development stuff. I really need to put aside time and really finish the LP course. I am still on track with all of the books though, so I am getting more and more insights. I am still thinking about joining on more toastmaster group to really help me build my speaking skills too. 

A big thing that goes back and forth on my mind is how much energy and effort should I put intro reselling. I was thinking I should be able to get a consultant to take item photos for me out of a storage unit, then I could focus all of my energy on getting items. I am already building up a bit of a supply chain of people who bring me items, but I could scale it. I could also invest into a trailer and start doing storage units and really start moving volume. I guess my problem is feeling like I am just going to cut it off. I know some of it I could automate and it could bring me income in too. I don't want to be half and half in business. I also know the best seasons to be reselling too. I am building adequate skills and knowledge needed the whole time. I also need the funding to keep me going, but I am just not sure where it ends really. I could try to automate most of it and scale it into a fully operating business too. 

I am going to spend a lot of time in my week of reflecting and thinking about life. I am going to make sure that I am not just wasting the time off either. I want to really relax and do some fun stuff. I am going to take some of it serious too with my practices and look into more stuff. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:


Feeling a bit better


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Alight, I am back restarting the life purpose course. I am really charged up and I am going to make sure I complete it this time. I have been taking 9 days off and it is really helping me get back on track and realign myself. This has been a much much needed break. I feel a lot more energized to pursue and work on the stuff that I have in mind. 

I really need to step up my speech development and my evaluation practice. I am going to try to compete with a good speech and I am really spending a lot of time developing this. I want something powerful that can get the judges in tears. I've felt a big shift if how much I haven't really been taking this seriously. I use to play league of legends with a guy and he would always tell me "you play like you practice" and damn if that isn't true. That really has stuck with me and is something I need to keep working on. 

My health seems to be getting a bit better. I am almost done with my second week of my eight week detox program. I already cut out all added sugar, so this week wasn't really much of a change. I have been drinking 3 cups from my juicer a day filled with veggies. Doing a bit of yoga, and went to the local mini beach a few times. I still fill some feeling of fatigue sometimes in my body, but it is getting there. I let myself sleep in 3 hours yesterday too. 

I bought the booklist (I know I should have just bought the damn thing) and man it is fucking amazing. I already have a huge ass pile of books in line to read, but I am ordering more lol. 

I have been really loving playing some ark survival with my little sister. What an amazing and well crafted video game. I have not been this excited to play a video game in many years. I should start cutting out games that don't get me close to this feeling. Although, I like to play a game while I work out sometimes and that is nice. I just want to use this time to enjoy it at the max, when I go to do it. This game really fills in my craving to play the 1998 carnivores game I have been wanting to replay for years. 

I added it up with the posters and I am averaging $165 per hour while doing them. That is absolutely amazing. To think that I use to make under $8 an hour at burger king 6 years ago. Now I am not getting paid by the hour, but that is how much leverage I create with some of these buys. I am really going to utilize this to get me in a good financial spot and to pursue my LP. I really do have a lot of time in the day and I need to restructure it and maximize what I get out of it. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Life purpose course

Feeling motivated 


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I feel fantastic after my break. It has been such a needed thing. I am going to make sure that I do one of these at lease once a quarter. I notice I am getting a lot more ideas and my overall energy and mood is much higher. My detox is going very well also. I am starting to see a good reduction in symptoms, which would lead me to believe the guy dysbiosis theory. My energy is much much more sustained. 

I am not being so forceful with meditation and being off electronics like I was. I am going to do whatever feels the best. I think the electronic breaks are nice though. I think those should be treated like a fast for sure. I am making sure to do my morning meditation at a minimum as I find that the most important and enjoyable. I think with a good amount of my habits I should not be as forceful. I need to just enjoy life more. I know that I will do them at this point regardless. Stuff like reading I don't even have to force that anymore. I just like reading and can for hours a day. 

I am starting to understand the tax stuff a lot more. I regret not getting an accountant honestly, but I am too deep now lol. I have it sorted well though since I took really records. I will look into the pricing for what I can do and who knows a good accountant could save me a lot. I should be able to get everything turned in. By the way to anyone who might read this you can get free software through the IRS if you are in the US and meet certain income requirements. 

I am going to be doing a speech in a contest soon. I am not getting quite as much practice in as I would like. The taxes have been getting to me a bit for sure. I have also spent a lot of time thinking about the content. This should by far be one of my best speeches. It has really put in perspective how much I have not been training though. I do toastmasters twice a week, but that is not really enough. I need to record myself speaking and prepare speeches a lot more in the background. I recorded myself the other day and wow I sound so much better. I bet if I read these books and get a course, plus add this practicing I should be getting pretty damn good. 

Jucing has been an absolute miracle. I am spending well over an hour a day on that, so that is a con, but I think that has been a big factor in how well I feel. I am going to be vacuum sealing juice soon to save time. 

I have really been getting a lot more out of the life purpose course this time around. I have grown and evolved so much since I started. Reading a lot of the books has been excellent too as I am connecting the dots a lot more. I feel like I really want to do intellectual work for sure. I love reading, but I guess I don't really spending enough time thinking and contemplating things. I am more about reading and repeating I suppose. However, I could train the thinking part a bit more. I am really thinking about the youtube a lot more at this point and designing and thinking about how I want to go about it. I just have not really fully picking what I want to master. I want to be a good speaker, but I don't think that is what I want to master. I think even 500 hours of deliberate practice would put me well off in terms of skills. A lot of thinking to do, but I am doing the LPC course daily now and actually having fun. It doesn't feel like a grind or chore. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Toxin solution 

Free tax software 

Starting to feel better 

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I'm going to use this more, when it has the most benefit to me. I think this still helps a lot with keeping me on track though. I don't sit enough and really think about what I am doing. I will try to update a few times a week, but lately I have not been up to it. 

Right now I have pretty much spent this week designing a speech and practicing for speaking. I have got a lot of hours in and I am even reading a speech book now. My skill level is really moving fast as I am not ready to start bringing in a lot of new concepts. My main focus is learning how to construct good quality speeches. I have been going over and over this one right now. Basically something to inspire people to shift where they get their happiness from. I wish it was a 8-10 minute instead of a 5-7 minute speech lol. I can really fill out this topic. I see a lot of the mistakes that I was making before and really starting to correct them. I feel so much more confident in my speaking. I am really using this to break out of worrying what people think too. I will do speeches or talk about stuff that I think people will judge me for and just do it anyway. I feel like I am getting a lot of personal growth for this. 

I am spending a lot of time working on life purpose stuff too. I am dedicating each morning to working on all of this stuff. I have not really been spending as much time on my reselling business as I should, but my interest is much more into speaking. I am really thinking that I could do this if I keep at it. I just need to really work on building out the skills to do this well. I notice that I can really teach people personal development concepts. I still am not really sure how I am going to make it that much more unique or different. I am myself and I know one of my top strengths is input. I will be able to really bring a lot of information and key ideas to people from stuff that I learn. Also, from me starting heavily into this from Leo I feel like that gives me an edge since a lot of the concepts I learned has accelerated my growth. I can see that I have a lot of interest here though. I think this is what I should be focusing on a lot. I need to still do some reselling stuff. 

I didn't buy the supplements to do weeks 5-6 of my detox, but that will be okay since my diet is consistent and clean. I should be able to just pick up where I left off and do the protocol as called for. I found a second item that I am pretty sure I am allergic too, which is mushrooms. I was eating them all the time. They make me itchy and make me burp a lot. A bit of stomach discomfort. I need to test this again, but I think this is could be another culprit. I still have not got to go in for allergy testing, but they will call me when they can make an appointment. I would like to get some bloodwork done too. 

I would like to reach a point within this year where I can mostly wrap up my reselling business and focus on life purpose. I have some stuff I need to do and I want to source this summer too. Sourcing only takes about two months. I could get enough to last the rest of the year and then some. If I build up enough systems this will mostly be passive and I won't have to worry about monthly bills much. I can just put most of my attention onto the LP. I realize right now that I want to work on my speech skill the most. I am really digging into that. I am learning personal development stuff just out of my own sheer interest, so it won't be a problem to continually improve. I don't think it will be too great of a distraction, but I really need to put in some more work into reselling to get it producing more money. 

Right now with my speech I started it off describing how I was going to kill myself, when I was younger. I have evolved it into a really powerful speech. It isn't where I want it to be, but it will work for the competition. I feel like I have really used this to help me greatly with past traumas. It's like I am just telling the world this stuff, when I never really talked about it, then turning it into something inspiring. I even talked about this stuff fairly deeply with a few toastmasters and they experienced similar stuff. It's been really empowering. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:


Making great progress

Trauma healing 

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I'm gaining a lot more clarity on what I want to do in my life. I can see that a lot of what I am stuck on is just the "how" piece instead of just focusing on what I want. I plan on working on more law of attraction soon. I think this will help. That and I know I still have a lot of issues around money that I want to work on. I have a lot of shadow work in general to work on. 

I did quite good in the speech competition. It took a couple of weeks, but that was the most speaking stuff that I have done at all. I have made the most progress by far in the last few months with speaking than I did in an entire year of doing this. I started studying more material now with books too. I have a really good formula for building speeches now. I am going to do deliberate practice on that over and over. 

I seem to have found a really healthy balance with how much I game, work, and do personal development stuff. I really do want to dig deeper into life purpose stuff too. I need to build out more time daily to really build out a vision for what I want to do. 

I can really see that input is my top strength. I find myself teaching and sharing and pretty much anything that I do. I've known this for about a year, but the more I reflect on it I can see how true it is for myself. I like the speeches and stuff a lot so far. I also really like reading. I am going to keep cultivating the skills to make a really good Youtube channel. I love talking about health stuff like toxins, diet, etc. I like a lot of personal development as well. Psychology is really interesting to me as well. I think just between those I could make a lot of stuff. I really get into toxins and stuff deep and I think some other people would want to learn that stuff as well. 

I am adjusting more time into my schedule to do more posters again. I am still doing the reselling and building that. I can pretty much do it on and off, so once I get LP going it really should mostly be automatic. I need to get all of the posters pictured and ready to list. Then I can start listing other items myself and keep clearing out old stuff. For about 2-3 months during the summer will be the best time to source items. I can load up and have everything I need for the next year. This should allow me to form another business once I have all of this set up. The posters alone will put about $30,000 worth of inventory in. I need to reach about $70,000 total and that will be enough to keep regular sales in. I am cashing out a little investments too and going to make some savings for myself. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000.

Today, I am thankful for: 

Getting up early

Getting on track

Getting closer to LP


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I am noticing that I am starting to have a bit of an uptick in energy and motivation. I still seem to struggle a bit. It seems like I have to try to get myself going. I sleep sometimes for about 9 hours, then I start to feel better. I had a couple of days recently I was sleeping or trying to for close to 12 hours. I feel like the quality of my sleep isn't as good. Hopefully, it will get a bit better though. I am trying to get my sleeping schedule back on track. I think I am allergic to beets too, but need to test to verify. I forgot that I felt like crap eating them before and I thought that was from detoxing. I literally juice or blend a whole one all the time and I get some nearing the size of a baseball lol. I am going to test that soon, but for now it seems good. 

I still ponder a lot about what exactly my LP will be. I need more vision time for sure. I just haven't really found the cause or what I want I think. I notice it really bothers me how unhealthy people are and I could see wanting to change that. Also, how a lot of people simply just live a poor life due to lack of personal growth. I think between those two there is a lot there I could work with. I am not entirely sure though. I feel like I am still in the right direction with speaking now. 

I am struggling to build a strong speaking routine. I know that I need to start doing it daily. It seems like I don't have enough time to do everything. I think that I should consider trying to batch meals, but I don't enjoy leftovers. I am not sure that qinuoa would be any good the second day either. I think that I need to try this out and just see what happens. I know if I were to batch the jucing alone I can cut out more time. I need to get the jars, so I can start vacuum sealing them. Even if I starting making it one time for even 3 days maybe would be ideal. This would save me 4 hours each week and that really starts adding up. Dinner wise I am not too sure what else. I probably should try a different dinner out. I have been thinking about maybe making some salads or something too. 

I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. 

Today, I am thankful for:

Pc stand 

Up tick in sales

Feeling calm and centered 

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Strange to think that the pandemic started a year ago. It feels a lot like time has stood still. I know I did quite a bit between then and now, but it doesn't really feel like I accomplished much. I notice I tend to think that if I feel a bit down. Although, I wonder how much truth there is to that. I am just not really sure what direction to take my life. I need to focus more on the life purpose course and reading more. I just want more clarity in my life. 

I feel like it is hard for me to even just sit and enjoy a video game. It's funny to think I have this fancy pc now and I don't really enjoy it. I mean I wasn't really expecting to. It is sort of fun sometimes for sure, but it reminds me a lot that I don't really have things figured out. I need to come up with some new stuff to do as an extra or fun thing. It seems like even games that I found exciting and fun are shot lived. I would have to really seek out a game to have fun with. I was playing Ark with my sister a bit and that was fun for awhile, but it seems like it actually annoys me more now. It feels like a waste of time and I am not even playing that much. I enjoy playing with her still though. I think part of the gaming is that I don't play with anymore often. I just play by myself, so that probably plays into that. I guess it really does not matter. 

Something I should note is that I am burping a lot and feel a bit depressed, so likely I did eat something I am allergic too again lol. I am allergic to kale and peanuts  know so far. I think mushrooms is something I possibly am allergic too. That would make the most sense. This would not effect me from tripping with them, since it is fairly minor. I need to quit messing around and just call that allergy place tomorrow. I am getting tired of playing around with this and guessing a lot. Although, it has worked all of the symptoms are not gone. I haven't changed anything aside from eating the mushrooms today though. 

I have been trying a new sleeping schedule and it seems pretty good. I am eating a lot of new foods as well. Okay, for me a lot of new food is several items lol. I am not sure that I am hitting big bursts of energy yet by any means. I feel more rested though at least. I think a big part of that is that I am eating stuff I am allergic too. The mushrooms today I think showed that to me. I did not eat any yesterday and I had a good sustained amount of energy mid day that I usually would not. I completely changed the layout of my room, which has been the same for like 5 years. 

I feel like working on the speaking has provided me a lot of benefits. I care so much less about what people think of me. Being in those groups has been a really good test of that. There is so many people who are negative and just want you to do as they say. I spent so much of my life caught up in others thoughts and opinions. I notice my communication is really good now too. I can tell people enjoy talking to me a lot more than even a year ago. That is hard to believe. So even if nothing major happened in the last year my communication skills have really evolved. I am going to keep working on this, but I am not sure what to do with it. I did sit and think about it for awhile today and I had some new ideas. I might join a $60 a month group for speaking that has live professional coaches, some of the best in the world. I am at the least going to try that for a month. I also thought of maybe trying to join some sort of debate clubs or trying some other kind of virtual club. It would be really cool to actually be in a club of people with similar values. Nothing wrong with the people in my TM clubs, but I hardly relate to them at all. I feel like a fair amount of the stuff I would talk about is just suppressed because they would have no idea what I am talking about or vilify it. Depending on what I find I might leave both clubs, or just keep the in the routine for practice. I am not too sure yet. 

I notice I lack with my goal setting a bit. I just don't really feel like I am aligning with the $50,000 reselling goal. I am going to hit it regardless, but it doesn't really excite me. I guess there is not a lot that is exciting me right now. Not that I need "excitement" per say. I just want some clear focus for what I want. I need to really think about what I want this year and execute on it. I should be excited and motivated about what I want. 

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I am starting to feel a lot more energy during the day. I am working on building a new sleep schedule around the time my body gets the best sleep. I can tell my mood and energy and improving. I seem to be allergic to a larger array of things. I am also allergic to wheat or possibly have a stomach issue. I ate a bit more wheat today and it gives me a negative reaction. I am going to get allergy testing soon, so I think that will help clear it up for what it might do. 

Once July comes I want to reduce the amount of load I am getting from toastmasters. I really need to spend more time figuring out my life purpose. If speaking is apart of that, then great. I think the communication skill in general is very good. I still would like to reach DTM in toastmasters, but honestly I don't think an award matters much. It sounds appealing to get it. I guess mainly the idea of seeing something through till the end is what I want. I would no longer need two groups though to get it in a year now. I did all of the requirements that I needed to have two for. I will see how it goes. I feel like I enjoy it, but sometimes I don't really want to go to the meetings as much. I mostly just want the speaking roles and of course I can't have that every meeting lol. 

I actually sold four posters to one guy today. That was pretty surprising. I think they will be hot sellers once the stimulus comes in. I feel very fortunate that there is so much abundance coming to me. It feels like a lot of things are just coming into place. 

I am talking to my dad  bit more. It is a bit nice talking to him, but the conversations are not very deep. It is strange to see him with a mostly white head of hair now. He doesn't seem like he has taken very good care of his health, but he isn't in terrible shape. He seems to be super into gardening. He puts a lot of time into his plants and stuff. He still seems cheap as fuck haha. I am sure he is a millionaire at this point. I don't really want anything material wise from him. I would be surprised if he ever gave me back my money honestly. I don't feel angry for him about that anymore. I still need to put more time into forgiveness with him. He seems more enjoyable to be around anymore, but to be fair he did that when I was younger too for a few years. 

Getting really into this other book. I think I should focus a lot more on life purpose instead of just the speaking. I don't know I thought I wanted to do youtube or something. I would not mind running a business though. I feel like I could lead people really well. I thought about book writing and public speaking stuff too. 

  • Public speaking
  • Writing 
  • Business 

So far those are the main things I would consider. I want to make it something unique too though. I notice a lot of the stuff I did in the past was copying to some degree. I mean anything will be to an extent. When I was younger I just tried out stuff spontaneously. I wonder how much farther I would have got just by doing one business longer lol. I have had so many businesses now. I have not really tried writing a book or much writing in general. I am not too sure how I would feel about doing that. I guess just the idea seems good. For speaking I like it. It is not something that really comes super easy to me. I am a bit self critical though for that skill. I know speaking matches some of my top strengths, but I am just not so sure what to speak about. That might just be the missing piece for that. 

I am not really sure what field I want either. I guess this is the problem with restarting so much. I still have a lot of skills and knowledge built up, so that helps.  I really enjoy reading and learning. I am not sure that means I should just pursue personal development though. I have not really read a lot of different kinds of books. Mostly just the books for actualized work. So that might one thing hindering some of that exploration. On the other hand though the recommendations are very quality and appealing for sure. 


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