
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-Thread

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9 minutes ago, Anderz said:

it's unclear to me if Trump deliberately wanted the crowd to storm the capitol.

Dude, he flat out said for them to march to the capitol and fight, and then they did. What more do you want of proof?? You're like saying "I'm not so sure Hitler told the crowd to kill millions of Jews". That's how ridiculous you sound. Pease just stop defending him already. 

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19 minutes ago, Raphael said:

It's a strange loop lol.

They think that the left = communism / authoritarianism, so they choose to fight for their freedom without realizing that Trump is the authoritarian one. If he could shut up everyone like Kim Jong-Un, he'll do it.

Thats the scary part. Trump could literally become a dictator and the crowds would keep cheering. I thought we were over this in 1945. 

The libertarian ideology is also eating itself in a strange loop way. These problems looks like consequences of excessive freedom and unmoderated social media platforms. It created an ideological echo chamber where people got convinced that they will lost all their freedoms, so they choose to take actions that end up hurting people and creating less freedom for others.

Yes. And they dont know what free speech really entails so they think inciting violence and racism on social media and getting banned means the "elites" are trying to censor them, and the more "censored" they get the more angry they will get and it will perpetuate itself even more. 


Edited by Rilles

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One of the core systemic problems that is developing is that the 1st Amendment laws are not keeping up with the evolving technology.  False speech is not protected speech.  You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater.  You tube is a perfect vehicle for scam artists.  They construct elaborate conspiracy theories loaded with made up details and then present a false narrative using emotional imagery and sounds.  Keep in mind that David Icke has convinced millions of people that the Queen of England is a shape-shifting reptile.  Constructing a site like Alex Jones to create an illusion of credibility  and fabricating facts in order to incite violence should be criminalized.  This is well within the bounds of the 1st Amendment.  False speech is not protected speech.   Many of these people in the riots were white collar professionals who were persuaded by the fabricated QAnon conspiracy theory.  Critical thinking skills aren’t taught in American schools.  

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@Sempiternity I watched Trump's speech live and I heard him saying that they were going to the capitol, but I did't think of his statement at the time as anything related to riots or anything like that. I thought the demonstration was for showing support. In hindsight I think Trump should have avoided it because he has access to lots of intel and experts who could have warned him. Personally I don't think of his speech as a promotion of violence even though I think Trump should have known better.

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@Anderz He knew exactly what he was doing. Of course he is not going to blatantly say "Go march to the capitol and execute everyone who opposed me". It is reported by multiple people he was overjoyed as it was happening, as that is what he wanted to happen. And when the national guard tried to contact the president to get authorization to deploy the nation guard to stop the terrorist attacks he initiated, he ignored the calls. 

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2 minutes ago, Sempiternity said:

It is reported by multiple people he was overjoyed as it was happening,

Do you have some sources for this? 

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8 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Do you have some sources for this? 

"Senior White House officials that President Trump was "delighted" to hear that his supporters were breaking into the Capitol building in a riot Wednesday that turned deadly."

“As this was unfolding on television, Donald Trump was walking around the White House confused about why other people on his team weren’t as excited as he was as you had rioters pushing against Capitol Police trying to get into the building,”

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26 minutes ago, Anderz said:

@Sempiternity I watched Trump's speech live and I heard him saying that they were going to the capitol, but I did't think of his statement at the time as anything related to riots or anything like that. I thought the demonstration was for showing support. In hindsight I think Trump should have avoided it because he has access to lots of intel and experts who could have warned him. Personally I don't think of his speech as a promotion of violence even though I think Trump should have known better.

He was using what's known in politics as a Dog Whistle :

It's political shorthand for a phrase that may sound innocuous to some people, but which also communicates something more insidious either to a subset of the audience or outside of the audience’s conscious awareness — a covert appeal to some noxious set of views.

So basically if you want to communicate something insidious (such as racism or violence) but want plausible deniability, you use Dog Whistle language to accomplish that.

Edited by DocWatts

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7 minutes ago, Sempiternity said:

"Senior White House officials that President Trump was "delighted" to hear that his supporters were breaking into the Capitol building in a riot Wednesday that turned deadly."

“As this was unfolding on television, Donald Trump was walking around the White House confused about why other people on his team weren’t as excited as he was as you had rioters pushing against Capitol Police trying to get into the building,”

Damn. Thats a smoking gun right there.

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A mob of people were trying to stop the certification of election results that Trump lost. Why wouldn’t he be delighted? It feeds his ego.

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@Sempiternity I saw news articles about recommendation for how no buildings or monuments should be named after Trump after the incident. I don't see how that would benefit his ego. If Trump planned the event, then it would be like him shooting himself in the foot.

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This also reminds me of the day that Julius Caesar had to cross the Rubicon River...


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If I was a Trump supporter I would have been disheartened to see that Trump didn't march with me to the capitol. He should have marched like Martin Luther King did, that would have given him a lot of credibility. But he didn't he is a coward.

Edited by Arcangelo

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40 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

He should have marched like Martin Luther King did


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Trump can't even walk down a flight of stairs, much less march.

Edited by Frylock

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@DocWatts I don't know if Trump deliberately used the Dog Whistle tactics, but yes, he could have! I was clueless about any insidious meaning in his speech and at the same time Trump must have been aware of the potential danger, so I grant that it was at least suspicious to arrange a march towards the capitol. And experts in law enforcement and in the intelligence community must have been aware of it if Dog Whistle tactics were used!

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@Anderz Trump flys by the seat of his pants. He doesn't methodically plan anything out. That does not make him any less guilty.

Imagine if I raped your mother on a whim and then my defense in court was: "But, your honor, I didn't deliberately plan to rape her. When I was with her, I didn't say 'I am gonna rape you now', therefore I cannot be guilty of rape."

Trump is a fucking weasel. That's his whole MO. Stop expecting him to not be weasely. Weaseling is how he gets away with illegal shit his whole life.

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@Leo Gura I'm starting to suspect that Trump is a traitor, not to the nation, but to his followers. Trump and QAnon seem to have spouted "hope porn" as someone called it. I'm not entirely sure yet, but it doesn't look good for Trump. QAnon actually posted something like: Those who you trust most are the biggest traitors. What does that tell us about Q and Q+, yikes.

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6 minutes ago, Anderz said:

I'm starting to suspect that Trump is a traitor, not to the nation, but to his followers.

Trump is a traitor to his nation, to his followers, to his friends, to his business partners, to the bankers who loan him money, to his wives, to his children and family, to the human species, and to his God-Self.

That's what a narcissist is. That's how extreme ego behaves.

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