
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-Thread

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1 hour ago, Tim R said:

What do you guys think? Delusional? Definitely. Psychopath? Probably to some extent, yes. 

Why can't they declare him unfit for his job? Who would diagnose him?

Poor analysis there.

Trump is not a psychopath. He's a narcissist, sociopath, and stage Red ego.

Although "psychopath" is vague and poorly defined term. My terms are more accurate and specific. When you study and understand stage Red, Trump's behaviors make sense. He's not some crazy person.

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21 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:

Could this be considered a coup? It was a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government but whether or not it was organised was another thing. Its certainly not a revolution like they claim it was as that is about a change in ideas.'état

It was organized (as well as MAGA can organize things, they ain't geniuses). These MAGA people organize this shit via social media and private channels like Discord.

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Don't you think using coup is a bit over exaggerated though as it's a word like terrorist that the media likes to use to dramatise events unfolding. A Coup is a heavy word for serious attempts to topple governments not a riot like this. Could these people including a shaman and John from Michigan run into the capitol to overthrow the government?  Then just take selfies? What happened in Turkey I would say is more like an official coup.

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11 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:

Don't you think using coup is a bit over exaggerated though as it's a word like terrorist that the media likes to use to dramatise events unfolding. A Coup is a heavy word for serious attempts to topple governments not a riot like this. Could these people including a shaman and John from Michigan run into the capitol to overthrow the government?  Then just take selfies? What happened in Turkey I would say is more like an official coup.

Dude, you need to watch more of the videos and read the detailed reports. This mob was preparing to execute Pence.

Just because it was a moronically executed coup doesn't make it any less of a coup. Trump's followers are buffoons, so of course they are not capable of carrying out a highly strategic and effective coup.

They weren't just taking selfies. You are not treating this seriously enough. These morons fully believe that pedophile communists have taken control of the government and stole the election. So they feel fully justified in using violence to take back what they think is their original government.

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Pickup truck full of bombs and guns:

The attempted coup could have caused a lot more bloodshed.

Edited by Marten

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In moments like these I can really understand why Osho looked at politics the way he did...

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19 minutes ago, Tim R said:

In moments like these I can really understand why Osho looked at politics the way he did...

They weren’t his roadhouse. The guy couldn’t even lead his cult/community properly.

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How was security caught so off guard? Seems like there was a lot of signs that the storming of Capitol would happen.

Looks like there will be more violence coming in the next weeks and months. Like treating cancer with chemotherapy at a societal level.

Edited by Marten

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The higher ups of the Capitol Police didn't take the threat of violence from Trump supporters seriously, and thus didn't prepare, making it impossible for even the police who wanted to do thier job to contain the mob.

Democratic lawmakers are calling for Investigations for white supremacist ties within the Capitol Police, as it seems very likely that the fiasco came as a result of sympathies between Trump's coup aims and the Capitol Hill Police, beyond just simple incompetence.

Beginning to sound like a broken record here, but the FBI has been warning about ties between Police Departments and far right extremist groups for years...

Edited by DocWatts

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Trump sent his mob to the capitol and put all of his colleagues in harm’s way. They all could have been killed. Specially Mike Pence. 
And after all of these Republican politicians are still saying “let’s move on.” 
Trump turned on Mike Pence and send the mob to kill him, but he’s just... quiet. 
These politicians are in a textbook abusive relationship but they don’t know it yet. 

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What do you think about this?



Less than 48 hours after hundreds of people, incited by President Trump and backed by top officials in the Republican Party, stormed the Capitol, Biden called for “unity” with his “Republican colleagues” and made clear that he is opposed to holding anyone politically accountable.


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"Three House Democrats plan to introduce an article of impeachment against President Trump on Monday for incitement of insurrection after Wednesday's riots at the U.S. Capitol, multiple sources familiar with the efforts tell CBS News.

The article of impeachment accuses the president of "willfully inciting violence against the Government of the United States." While Congress was counting the Electoral College votes, the article says that Mr. Trump, addressing supporters nearby, "willfully made statements that encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — imminent lawless action at the  Capitol."" - CBS News, Jan 9, 2021


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Scrolling through Instagram and seeing all the people still on Trumps side after this and all the denial is making me really worried. Ideology is really the worst kind of poison.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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12 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

What do you think about this?



Well, that is a lot to let go of in the name of unification. On the one hand it’s admirable, and on the other hand it’s exactly why Democrats are sometimes seen as weak nice guys that can’t get much done. 

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2 hours ago, Rilles said:

Whats striking to me is how good these Qanon folks think they are. They literally think they are saving America by destroying it. They think they are gonna stop the evil Democrats. Its so hopelessly delusional when you see it from your own perspective. But in their minds they are little angels. 

It's a strange loop lol.

They think that the left = communism / authoritarianism, so they choose to fight for their freedom without realizing that Trump is the authoritarian one. If he could shut up everyone like Kim Jong-Un, he'll do it.

The libertarian ideology is also eating itself in a strange loop way. These problems looks like consequences of excessive freedom and unmoderated social media platforms. It created an ideological echo chamber where people got convinced that they will lost all their freedoms, so they choose to take actions that end up hurting people and creating less freedom for others.

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@abrakamowse Oh! I like that statement from Biden.


"Biden called for “unity” with his “Republican colleagues” and made clear that he is opposed to holding anyone politically accountable."

I think Trump should have known better, with all the intel and experts he has access to, but I agree with Biden that it's better to calm the situation down. Sure, investigate the event but it's unclear to me if Trump deliberately wanted the crowd to storm the capitol.

Edited by Anderz

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22 minutes ago, Willie said:

Well, that is a lot to let go of in the name of unification. On the one hand it’s admirable, and on the other hand it’s exactly why Democrats are sometimes seen as weak nice guys that can’t get much done. 

I agree... let's see what happens.

27 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Scrolling through Instagram and seeing all the people still on Trumps side after this and all the denial is making me really worried. Ideology is really the worst kind of poison.

Truly worrisome... 


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Anderz  After thinking about it better, I am beginning to see that Biden is doing what is right. In the sense that he will be perceived as the guy who want to unify and he will calm down a little bit the waters.

On the other hand, he said that he won't stop the Congress or anyone of doing investigations. I think they have to be accountable in some way, if it is not Biden, it has to be the democratic system in some way, via Congress or other means.

What cannot happen is to have another situation like this, where lying and fake news (true fake news from the far right I mean) are spreading all around the people's minds.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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