
Trump Supporters Storming The Capitol! - MAGA Coup Mega-Thread

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The ultimate problem is how do we deprogram all these MAGA members after Trump exits?

It's the same problem as cult deprogramming.

This is an epistemology problem. The right-wing has created such as deep and profitable ideological echo-chamber that I don't even know where to begin healing it.

We see this with Pizzagate, anti-vaxxers, Flatearthers, etc. Go try healing one of these people. It's impossible. They got cancer of the mind. And not just one but a cluster of them.

There is a very anti-mainstream mood in the air. But what these anti-mainstreamers don't realize is that being anti-mainstream can be WORSE and lower in consciousness than the mainstream! Which is why we have the word "cult". A "cult" is just a toxic splinter cell within mainstream cult-ure.

The only difference between culture and a cult is that culture is proven by natural selection to scale and be sustainable whereas a cult is not.

Culture is a cult which has proven itself sustainable and healthy over the centuries when others did not pass the natural selection tests. MAGA will obviously not pass the natural selection test. It is no scalable or sustainable.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

The ultimate problem is how do we deprogram all these MAGA members after Trump exits?

It's the same problem as cult deprogramming.

This is an epistemology problem. The right-wing has created such as deep and profitable echo-chamber that I don't even know where to begin healing it.

It's really hard to figure out how to wake people up to their own brainwashing.

I think the crux of it is that we have to figure out what motivated them emotionally to project onto Trump in this way, where he is their savior and leader. 

This is what makes people susceptible to cults... unmet emotional needs and unconscious trauma... isolation and loneliness.

So, it really has to be dealt with at the emotional under layers of what made these people so ripe for radicalization and weaponization by a demagogue and ego-maniac like Trump.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, Emerald said:

I think the crux of it is that we have to figure out what motivated them emotionally to project onto Trump in this way, where he is their savior and leader. 

This is what makes people susceptible to cults... unmet emotional needs and unconscious trauma... isolation and loneliness.

So, it really has to be dealt with at the emotional under layers of what made these people so ripe for radicalization and weaponization by a demagogue and ego-maniac like Trump.

Yes, cults prey on the psychologically vulnerable, exactly as Trump did.

But it was greatly exacerbated by the new technologies of the 21th century.

Really, all this Trumpism and anti-vax stuff just boils down to humans learning how to balance out the new power afforded to them by the internet. When under-educated humans are allowed to create their own epistemic echo-chambers via social media in a capitalist system -- shit hits the fan. It's the same problem as allowing dumb people to mess around with their own DNA. Imagine if your average FoxNews viewer got a hold of DNA-changing technology like CRISPR? Imagine what kind of monstrosities they would create.

The problem is that epistemology is such an abstract and intangible thing that almost nobody takes it seriously. At least with DNA modification it's tangible and easy to regulate and see its dangers. But no politician or TV pundit sees the very real dangerous of modifying one's epistemology.

Think of it this:

If you discovered your teenage son tinkering with his DNA or plutonium, you would freak out and stop him immediately. But what do you do when your teenage son is tinkering with his epistemology on his iPad???

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

My fave quote about this is ironically from conservative David Frum:

That's been Frum's pinned Twitter for several years now and it's absolutely gonna come to fruition.

Nazi Germany did just this 

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Yes, cults prey on the psychology vulnerable, exactly as Trump did.

But it was greatly exaccerbated by the new technologies of the 21th century.

Really, all this Trumpism and anti-vax stuff just boils down to humans learning how to balance out the new power afforded to them by the internet.

That's a good point. That is totally true. 

But I sense that the reason why that works so well, is because people end up finding their main means of connection and meeting their emotional needs through internet echo chambers... in the same way that connection motivates people toward joining cults. 

So, it essentially takes the cult phenomenon online where people come together to collectively project their pain and trauma onto some boogeyman. And this bonds people and meets that need... the feeling of banding together as a team to fight an enemy.

And Trump is the perfect leader to individuals who get sucked into these echo chambers, making them feel validated and giving them a seal of institutional legitimacy.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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10 minutes ago, Emerald said:

So, it essentially takes the cult phenomenon online where people come together to collectively project their pain and trauma onto some boogeyman. And this bonds people and meets that need... the feeling of banding together as a team to fight an enemy.

Yes, it's a perfect storm of shit: internet technology and late-stage capitalism with a stage Green shadow.

Under capitalism businesses are incentivized to infect the minds of their audience with garbage because it makes such good money.

Facebook, YT, CNN, and FoxNews are making a killing off all this ideological garbage and drama. Nobody at these companies cares about the epistemic and mental health of the country's citizenry. Because there's no incentive to care. In a democracy citizens need healthy, educational, high-consciousness sources of information. But under late-stage capitalism people are fed a McDonald's-like diet of garbage social media memes and drama. The information diet in our society has as much nutritional value as a can of Coke.

I've talked about this problem in my video: The Deep Problem Of Marketing

Very under-rated and under-watched video.

I also talk about it these problems in Cult Psychology - Part 2

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Man history class is gonna be entertaining af for the next generation of kids :D

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Imagine if Hitler had access to Facebook, YT, and Twitter.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Bando said:

Man history class is gonna be entertaining af for the next generation of kids :D

In the biggest picture Trumpism is actually good because it will teach society important lessons about epistemology, democracy, social media, and late-stage capitalism. All of these lessons have still not been deeply integrated by most of society. Hitler served an analogous function. These are negative case-studies for posterity. Society learns what is right by fucking up for all to see. It is not enough for us to fuck up individually, we must also fuck up collectively to learn collectively.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Emerald said:

That's a good point. That is totally true. 

But I sense that the reason why that works so well, is because people end up finding their main means of connection and meeting their emotional needs through internet echo chambers... in the same way that connection motivates people toward joining cults. 

So, it essentially takes the cult phenomenon online where people come together to collectively project their pain and trauma onto some boogeyman. And this bonds people and meets that need... the feeling of banding together as a team to fight an enemy.

And Trump is the perfect leader to individuals who get sucked into these echo chambers, making them feel validated and giving them a seal of institutional legitimacy.

Yes, our ability to meet real needs like community, connection and belonging have been destroyed by our own systems. These people are hurting and most of them don't have the slightest clue why.

Goes to show that meeting real needs is not just some trivial thing. People will meet their needs one way or the other, even if that means believing someone like Trump.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Mitch McConnell seemed genuinely sad, confused, and disappointed that his side was responsible for it. Also, the Stage Blue rioters fighting the Stage Blue police was one of those moments of pure hypocrisy. Hopefully, this will act as a sort of pinpoint and release of trauma so people can let go and realize delusion is not sustainable.

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The woman that got shot and died today was apparently a Q follower?

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9 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Mitch McConnell seemed genuinely sad, confused, and disappointed that his side was responsible for it. Also, the Stage Blue rioters fighting the Stage Blue police was one of those moments of pure hypocrisy. Hopefully, this will act as a sort of pinpoint and release of trauma so people can let go and realize delusion is not sustainable.

Mitch is a total buffoon who has only fueled and allowed for this to happen 

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Well guys (for whoever cares to read this) I'm going to announce my goodbyes here. The only useful part of this forum was the consciousness section that goes into complete unknowing. However I'm sorry to say but the politics section here is largely left and heavily biased as a result no matter how much people want to deny that all they have is opinions. People in this section think they know the absolute truth of any individual such as Trump that he is a demagogue, Fox, Newsmax, etc. Are all propaganda. To me, these are all opinions just like whatever I say is an opinion. Calling it a deflection, projection, bla bla bla is another opinion as well. My opinion is this: I think people here have built a fortress around their ego hiding behind all sorts of psychobabble that it has taken much of their humanity, creativity, and spontaneity away. Of course upon reading this, it will be rationalized with more of the same psychobabble that I'm a cultist, brainwashed, potentially due to loneliness from childhood, just some guy that gave up on introspection, so on and so forth. Everyone has a PhD in psychology here from what I see and if that gives them a sense of belonging, so be it.

I think any violence from the right is unacceptable that it has happened but I'm fully for Trump's vision of the election, country, etc. I'm not saying this out of any anger but I think that maybe America needs the entire government to go to the democrats. It's just meant this way to perhaps lead to a faster collapse through accelerationism where things get so much worse that the left can wake up and be willing to go back to the way things were. I know this sounds extremely right but hey, a lot of shit here sounds extremely left..but America probably just needs to become communist and learn the hard way. I truly see that as a possibility. I may be wrong, who knows. When people call MAGA a brainwashed cult by Trump, I simply think they are brainwashed by their own media such as CNN. A few people probably started calling MAGA a cult and then a whole lot more boarded the train too so that's how they are brainwashed. These are just my thoughts. 

I know I will be completely thrown into some complex, spiral dynamic, ponytail-out-the-asscrack type box here and that's ok too. I've realized that the most important thing is to be your natural, spontaneous self just as I've wrote all of this without a single thought. Just follow the truth that makes you happy and that's the only absolute truth you ever need even if others think it's further reinforcing the ego, giving up on becoming more conscious, etc. You are an expression of the divine and if that comes in a form like this post, so be it! Even if it's thought of as reinforcing my ego, deceiving myself further, etc. You may think, "Damn, he even knows he's deceiving himself and doesn't want to evolve." Who the fuck knows in the end? Am I saying "who knows" as an excuse at the end? Who the fuck knows.

I'm just glad we had 74 million people going the other way. If all of you see it as devilry or brainwashed supporters, or me being what's wrong with with this country so be it! This entire free, spontaneous rambling has been a whole meditation for me. Ill take my ban, whatever dirty little judgement or label is about to come of me in after posting this in peace. It all may of sounded like a bunch of bullshit but i sure feel more original than most of you here lol. Cultist/stagered/egomaniac/God/deplorable/whateveryouwannacallit outtie.



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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, it's a perfect storm of shit: internet technology and late-stage capitalism with a stage Green shadow.

Yeah, there's definitely many factors that have coalesced into this new territory of fuckery. And the media corporations gobble it up, because polarization leads to fanaticism and fanaticism leads to money in their pockets and a very engaged audience. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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7 minutes ago, Nyseto said:

Well guys (for whoever cares to read this) I'm going to announce my goodbyes here. The only useful part of this forum was the consciousness section that goes into complete unknowing. However I'm sorry to say but the politics section here is largely left and heavily biased as a result no matter how much people want to deny that all they have is opinions. People in this section think they know the absolute truth of any individual such as Trump that he is a demagogue, Fox, Newsmax, etc. Are all propaganda. To me, these are all opinions just like whatever I say is an opinion. Calling it a deflection, projection, bla bla bla is another opinion as well. My opinion is this: I think people here have built a fortress around their ego hiding behind all sorts of psychobabble that it has taken much of their humanity, creativity, and spontaneity away. Of course upon reading this, it will be rationalized with more of the same psychobabble that I'm a cultist, brainwashed, potentially due to loneliness from childhood, just some guy that gave up on introspection, so on and so forth. Everyone has a PhD in psychology here from what I see and if that gives them a sense of belonging, so be it.

I think any violence from the right is unacceptable that it has happened but I'm fully for Trump's vision of the election, country, etc. I'm not saying this out of any anger but I think that maybe America needs the entire government to go to the democrats. It's just meant this way to perhaps lead to a faster collapse through accelerationism where things get so much worse that the left can wake up and be willing to go back to the way things were. I know this sounds extremely right but hey, a lot of shit here sounds extremely left..but America probably just needs to become communist and learn the hard way. I truly see that as a possibility. I may be wrong, who knows. When people call MAGA a brainwashed cult by Trump, I simply think they are brainwashed by their own media such as CNN. A few people probably started calling MAGA a cult and then a whole lot more boarded the train too so that's how they are brainwashed. These are just my thoughts. 

I know I will be completely thrown into some complex, spiral dynamic, ponytail-out-the-asscrack type box here and that's ok too. I've realized that the most important thing is to be your natural, spontaneous self just as I've wrote all of this without a single thought. Just follow the truth that makes you happy and that's the only absolute truth you ever need even if others think it's further reinforcing the ego, giving up on becoming more conscious, etc. You are an expression of the divine and if that comes in a form like this post, so be it! Even if it's thought of as reinforcing my ego, deceiving myself further, etc. You may think, "Damn, he even knows he's deceiving himself and doesn't want to evolve." Who the fuck knows in the end? Am I saying "who knows" as an excuse at the end? Who the fuck knows.

I'm just glad we had 74 million people going the other way. If all of you see it as devilry or brainwashed supporters, or me being what's wrong with with this country so be it! This entire free, spontaneous rambling has been a whole meditation for me. Ill take my ban, whatever dirty little judgement or label is about to come of me in after posting this in peace. It all may of sounded like a bunch of bullshit but i sure feel more original than most of you here lol. Cultist/stagered/egomaniac/God/deplorable/whateveryouwannacallit outtie.



Best of luck with things...

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Bye Nyseto, you were an awful poster in this section and you won't be missed 

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