Girls struggle more in daiting than we realize

By SamC in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
A couple of days ago I got the idea to investigate more into the fears, insecurities and struggles girls face in daiting. Oh God, how shocked I was. Many comments on the youtube videos feuturing how woman can attract men - reminded me of myself. The anger, fear, ego and frustration.. all of it was there. Many angry woman even used the same rationalizations that I used against the girls who have rejected me. That on a structure level though, because the content of what they said was obviously different. To the point - The false and limiting beliefs that was portrayed about men in the comment sections in these videos was many times flat out wrong, biased, skewed and sometimes even borderline crazy. Yet, I still believed in similar ones, but which regarded woman. That being said, it would be werid and irrational to assume that I at the same time am not biased, wrong and carry similar limiting beliefs about girls. Cause this is the perfect mirror if you're angry at girls. ( I mean think about it - it's your problem but from the opposite perspective) My advise is therefor if you're called to do it to look in that mirror! Open up your heart and mind for the fact that some girls feel just as angry and misunderstood as you do. Don't shut down the possibility that the same anger and hoplessness that you're feeling is what is driving woman aswell. Discover what is true for yourself! Be curious about If that's the case or not. Try to understand what their anger is - cause if you can understand that, you're one step closer to understand that exact struggle, but within yourself. And for the real self honest pros out there - go look at the comments on this video down below. Be careful though, cause you might discover something about yourself in the proccess. ...  P.s - if anger arises when reading the comments. That's the mirror in action right there. You're on the right track.      
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