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Christians who think their religion is the absolute truth

25 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Nyseto said:

these people parroting blue are well aware of how many other people of the same category are hypocrites.

They are not aware enough to connect the dots between others and themselves. This would require a relativistic epistemology which they cannot fathom.

That's the whole problem. Their awareness is insufficient to connect the two dots of self & other -- much like you reading this are not aware enough to realize that you are Leo talking to yourself.

Awareness of the self/other duality goes infinitely deep ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Nyseto said:

Have you ever wondered that even though they aren't ready to listen, that it doesn't mean you still can't throw a wrench into their belief system that's too heavy to ignore? Osho loved this approach to rile and confuse people. They want to slam the door on you and you already unscrewed their hinges so the door falls ?

That’s true, Osho said a lot of controversial things. But the people who followed him were those who were ready to listen. Once he gave a meditation camp at Mt. Abu, and above the entrance to the room he hung a banner which said, come to me and I will transform you. He sent out a call, and people came. 

Have you ever read Osho’s book The Mustard Seed? It was very much about Christianity. For some people it was a really big deal, to hear how Jesus didn’t die on the cross at all but lived and went to travel to India, how the whole resurrection and bodily assumption into heaven was one big misunderstanding. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

They are not aware enough to connect the dots between others and themselves. This would require a relativistic epistemology which they cannot fathom.

That's the whole problem. Their awareness is insufficient to connect the two dots of self & other -- much like you reading this are not aware enough to realize that you are Leo talking to yourself.

Awareness of the self/other duality goes infinitely deep ;)

That's crazy man. I was brought up Christian as well but my parents could never be fanatics. They would only show up to church for the socializing and free wine others brought (orthodox). My dad would always tell me how the Bible was only a moral guide and to beware of being a Bible thumper. Not only that but I could never get with the program even if I wanted. I decided fuck it. There are Christians and then there are bullshit Christians. Jesus was the only Christian relative to dogmatic Christians striving to be carbon copies of him.

I am God talking through God, to God. It's one giant colonoscopy 

Edited by Nyseto

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1 hour ago, Bodhitree said:

That’s true, Osho said a lot of controversial things. But the people who followed him were those who were ready to listen. Once he gave a meditation camp at Mt. Abu, and above the entrance to the room he hung a banner which said, come to me and I will transform you. He sent out a call, and people came. 

Have you ever read Osho’s book The Mustard Seed? It was very much about Christianity. For some people it was a really big deal, to hear how Jesus didn’t die on the cross at all but lived and went to travel to India, how the whole resurrection and bodily assumption into heaven was one big misunderstanding. 

Most definitely. Receptivity plays a big role. I heard Osho mention Jesus didn't die on a cross. I also heard Osho mention Jesus was a very angry man lol

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10 hours ago, Nyseto said:


What truth are you talking about?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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