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Help With Choosing a Domain Of Mastery???

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I wrote my domain of mastery to be self-development. I define personal development is much more intellectually oriented (requiring knowledge of psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, nutrition, science). I pursue the truth for its own sake, but I also love using knowledge to improve my Self. I realized that my zone of genius is doing in-depth research on different fields and synthesizing knowledge.

So my question is, can synthesizing knowledge be considered a domain of mastery? or should I stick with personal development? 

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3 hours ago, Twega said:

So my question is, can synthesizing knowledge be considered a domain of mastery? or should I stick with personal development? 

I’m confused.

Why can’t personal development include this synthesizing of knowledge? 

I mean, personal development is an umbrella term, which is pretty much inclusive. 

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