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Vitamin D blood test

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I just spoke to the doctor about having a blood test today. I told them i've been taking 6000IU a day of vitamin D. They said that they wouldn't be able to get an accurate reading of my vitamin D levels until I go off the vitamin D supplements for a few months, so come off them until March and then book back in. That sounds a bit off to me. He was saying that you need to see your natural levels from diet and sunshine but to me it seems like the doctors clinics are busy due to covid and this is a way of flipping me off until the pandemic is over. Any thoughts?

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Something like this maybe. I used this last year and seemed quite accurate. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Cheers for that Michael I'll give them a try. What do you think to the doctor saying that I can only get an accurate reading of my vitamin D levels after a couple of months off Vitamin D supplements? It doesn't make sense to me because It would defeat the purpose of seeing what effect the supplements are having.

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@andyjohnsonman I don't know the answer to this tbh Andy. I think it may skew the results because you are looking at serum levels not tissue levels but at the same time having good serum levels mean the molecule of 25-hydroxy cholecalciferol is getting where it needs to. But I haven't looked into research on this to tell you for sure so the answer is that I don't know (- shrugs -)

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Hey Michael I wanted to ask you - I just got my Vitamin D results through and I have been taking 6000 IU for 2 months and my results show my blood level is 106nmo/L. Should I reduce the IU to 2000 or 4000?

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@andyjohnsonman I think this is a good number to be at.  You've just barely gone over the upper threshold. Basically, there is no benefit of being over 99, this is a cutoff point after which the protective effect of vitamin D from overall mortality and disease does not get any better. Still, better to be at the higher ends than the lower ends. 

I'd say take a month off supplements and vitamin D rich foods, let the values drop to low 90s and then maintain it with 1000 IUs till summer. Get retested in November or December again. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Thanks Ill do exactly that appreciate your advice mate

Edited by andyjohnsonman

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Hello, I have completed 21 round of sun but this topic is very confusing for me vitamin D blood test I mean is this term really exist guys please if anyone have this tests experience please aware me.

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