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How to overcome solipsism?

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Imagine you're having an interaction with someone else. Say it's a coworker you don't like much. You use memories of events and beliefs of past judgements about this person to color your feelings about this interaction. You completely cloud the interaction, you completely fail to see the person as they are in that moment and flow with the interaction because you have all these blocks up, annoyance, insecurity, defensiveness, skepticism. Say this person was actually trying to do you a favor but all these thoughts clouded the actuality of the situation and you formed the opinion that they were trying to get you fired. 

This type of situation is happening to us in our interactions every single day. Think about the forum. Think about how you sort of expect what kind of quality response you'll get when you see the user name or avatar. 

There is a sheer Intelligence, Love and Awareness that occurs in our interactions when we drop thoughts of other people. That's what you want to experience. Just go directly there and you won't have to figure out solipsism intellectually. You can't do that anyway. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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The intellect inspects itself realizing it’s own unreality. It’s ineffably humbling. 

The answer is alway let it go, there is no ‘you’. 

Can’t be a solipsist without a ‘you’. 



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I've said it once, and I'll say it again. There are 5 sentient beings in the entire universe. Me, Leo, two unknown females, and one last secret character (could be you). The rest are bots. It's not just one being, not infinite beings, not 100 beings, not even two beings. 5 sentient beings. That's the most absolutest truth you can ever find. Reality is quintupluality.

Prove me wrong.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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The process of identifcation is quite sticky, mind trys to grab onto something to say I am this, as oppose to that. It just needs to be, to realize it always was Being & everything else is something contained within the infinite silence of Being, therefor is just Being.
There is no self to be controled, just the flow of things. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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@Someone here I doubt many people on this forum will understand this issue much better than you to help. And even if they did, it might not help. 


I still have this same problem of yours about solipsism.

One thing I'm realising is that my mind can be very volatile whenever I have some insight, or whenever I have some altered state of consciousness.

"From" my recent state of altered consciousness, my brain is doing a lot of activity I'm not conscious of. So much negativity coming out, fears of others or self not existing, panic, creation of thoughts, etc, I can sense all this extra activity is going on. Even if I'm not willing to dive into it fully. 

I think it takes a level-headedness to be able to get overall perspective when your mind is doing all this shit. A tolerance for uncertainty. 

Being present with the uncertainty. But that's not easy, and I haven't done it much. 


Keep moving forward, deconstruct more, no matter what. Be honest about how much work or unknown you have. Because partial deconstructions/seeings which lead to someone jumping the gun on knowledge/insight create errors in perception, and closed mindedness. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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3 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

I've said it once, and I'll say it again. There are 5 sentient beings in the entire universe. Me, Leo, two unknown females, and one last secret character (could be you). The rest are bots. It's not just one being, not infinite beings, not 100 beings, not even two beings. 5 sentient beings. That's the most absolutest truth you can ever find. Reality is quintupluality.

I had a 4-aco-dmt trip similar to this. I think the last secret character is a server in a cafe in Medellin Colombia.

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@Forestluv But hard luck for you. I'll make sure you're going to be included in my next incarnation.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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7 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

 @Lyubov What you are missing is that both dreams are dreamed by your mind.

I actually yesterday in nights dream smoked DMT and realized the dream was as real as "material reality". Tada! That's no difference. Both are dreams 

I’m well aware of this. What you don’t understand is the phenomena of discernment.

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1 hour ago, Forestluv said:

I had a 4-aco-dmt trip similar to this. I think the last secret character is a server in a cafe in Medellin Colombia.

Same. Actually the last secret character is American award winning rapper Rick Ross.

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8 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Carl-Richard of course, if you are interested in framing and practicality.

But i am interested in Truth

You say that but at the same time you're falling into the trap of framing and inferences.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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The answer lies in working out what a @Someone here actually is. Because your solipsism springs from there. Even if one day you "woke up" and found yourself experiencing two people's consciousnesses simultaneously - that only tips the probability scales, it doesn't answer the question.

57% paranoid

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As someone grappling with solipsism myself, something that gives me a little peace is knowing that enlightened people like Leo, mystics, and the others on this forum still help others. For whatever reason, those enlightened beings still chose to spread truth in this imagined world.

That gives me hope that the universe/reality is like Gods dream/imagination and we are each perspectives of it: like the waves of an ocean. And in that paradigm everything is God and one, everything is concious, and the waves interact with eachother.

It's just that the wave isn't aware of the ocean yet. And the closer the wave gets to realizing the ocean, the more opportunity the wave has for confusing itself and the ocean, leading to ideas like solipsism.

Personally, I've been in existential despair for the past couple of months, and I'm starting to think the way out of these despairing ideas is to transcend/let go of them like others have already claimed. Just live your life until you directly experience the Truth everyone here talks about. Not an easy task, but it's better than circling in anxiety/despair/madness.

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>Hmm, is the question "is solipsism true and if yes, how to overcome it?" really the important question? Or should the question rather be "so what? Who cares?"

I believe this to be an even more important question. In the face of terrifying ideas (personally things like solpisism, eternity, aloneness, zero), how do the enlightened people claim it's the best thing ever? How can you feel fulfillment/contentment/peace/love? That's what I'm focusing on.

Because the reason solipsism is such a big deal to us is our reaction to it. If we didn't care about it, than we wouldn't have any reason to post here for advice.

Edited by BakeJeyner

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11 minutes ago, BakeJeyner said:

enlightened people like Leo


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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One perspective...solipsism is not an exceptional belief. No belief can be overcome, only let go. Like any belief, it functions as a finite condition, an apparent overlay upon what it is not. A purging / releasing contemplation might be ‘why do I focus on it’, ‘I must want to, but why’. 



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@Someone here the question you have posed takes you to the deepest levels of understanding reality so i commend you for that.   So this simultaneous question is an interesting one but from my own awakenings which elevate Consciousness to infinitely higher levels - God Consciousness - this is what i can say..  

You are Consciousness - Consciousness is Infinite and therefore One. are God.  You are God imagining you are a human looking through  the finite eyes of @Someone here 

And so too am i.  I am God experiencing myself through the form i am in right now.  But since reality is One - i AM you.  Literally.  There is absolutely no difference.   It's just that right now - in my direct experience - or this present moment - of which there can only be One - i am experiencing this POV.  Everything in this POV is held within my consciousness as God.  Rocks, people, animals, all are imaginary within the Mind.   Exactly like a dream.  Because right now I'm God playing this character and all other characters are NPCs....Cuz again - one present moment - 

Until such time...and until such time is not quite correct because time is imaginary from the Absolute perspective so here is where words break down...but until such time when i actually take or start imagining your POV - or play your character- In which case I would stop being this POV and i would completely and totally be YOU!!!  Then I would be you - (or God in your form) asking these same questions and wondering if my present moment is the only which it would be!!!   




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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best exercise for overcoming this: go out to people you trust and care about and do a meditation where you look deeply into each other's eyes. You can do it with a pet as well. Also talk to those you care about won't judge you for asking them if they are sentient and conscious and experiencing a subjective/relative POV. Observe what thoughts and feelings come up. do you believe their answer? why or why not? Seems to me this is a trap lonely isolated seekers fall into. You'll get a lot of answers to your questions through direct realization doing this. It's what broke my solipsism trap. 

Edited by Lyubov

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I just shared this on another thread where someone was stating there is a physical world that exists outside of our consciousness. It’s a writing I did a week ago or so. It should answer your questions I’d think. 

Solving the mind-body problem by understanding dreams

When you go to sleep at night, you often find yourself in dreams. In these dreams, most people will still have a human body. In waking reality, there is an unsubstantiated claim or story given by people that consciousness is somehow generated by the brain. The experts aren’t so sure, or at least they don’t have any solid evidence. Look up the “hard problem of consciousness” to understand how this is unsubstantiated. In the dream, you typically do not think along the same lines. If you were to lucid dream, you would certainly not think you were the dream body or somehow generated by the brain in your dream head. I say you, but I need to clarify exactly who you are. 

You are consciousness. Consciousness is the only constant you can find in all realities. In the dream, you are literally everything perceived in the dream. It’s all generated by your consciousness. We understand fully that everything created in our dreams comes entirely from us and is an extension of us. Surprisingly enough, there’s no solid argument against this being exactly the same case in waking reality. Your brain, body, and mind are all generated by consciousness in the same fashion consciousness generates the entire reality in dreams. Beyond your mind, body, and brain, you as consciousness generate this entire reality. This entire reality IS consciousness and nothing else. It’s the same way in a dream nothing is separate from you as consciousness. You as consciousness are the sole source for everything in the dream. No one thinks everyone in their dreams are conscious, separate entities once they’ve come back to the waking state. It’s the same in this reality. 

There’s absolutely no way you can actually be shown something outside of your consciousness. There will never ever be proof that other beings are conscious separately or outside of your consciousness. Even if you merged consciousness with another being in the waking state as a way to somehow prove the existence of another consciousness, guess what it would be? It would be fully engulfed in exactly one thing: you as consciousness or otherwise put your consciousness. You are the source of everything that exists in your consciousness, and your consciousness is the entirety of your universe and always will be. Nothing can ever exist outside of your consciousness. Existence relies completely on perception and consciousness to even be relevant. What is the difference between a fairytale land in a book, the black void people typically conceive of as nothingness or nonexistence, and a reality you imagine exists like heaven? They’re all just imagination. The only thing that’s real is what you can experience in this very moment. As soon as something exits consciousness, it exits existence. There’s no proof for something existing outside of consciousness, and there never will be because the most fundamental building block in any proof is, you guessed it, consciousness. Before using reason or logic or any other conceptual tool to prove something you use precisely one thing first: consciousness. 

Even if you and I are both conscious entities, we live in completely different “universes of consciousness.” Precisely, that is to say that one consciousness can never be shown another consciousness to exist without perceiving the other consciousness through the lens of the original consciousness. As soon as one consciousness comes into the other, the secondary consciousness immediately becomes an aspect of the primary consciousness. So if you were to completely merge your consciousness with mine, your consciousness would be held within my consciousness, and it would be the same for you if the process were done from your perspective. This is a clear mechanic of consciousness. We can never know if the person sitting across the lunch table from us is conscious. We can only assume one way or the other. 

Anything imagined to be separate from the perspective of the original consciousness will always just be one more aspect of the original consciousness. In this way, we are entirely alone as consciousness. We are not alone as human beings. There are plenty of humans walking around. You can clearly perceive that, but by the very nature of perception, consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness without it immediately becoming another aspect of itself. Consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness as some sort of separate thing. Once the “other” consciousness is viewed, it only exists as long as it is in contact with the primary consciousness - the point of perception, and it is only truly the primary consciousness the entire time. In this way, you can never truly share space with another consciousness. You cannot perceive another consciousness. 

Anything you perceive is just you. You are consciousness. Everything is you. Everything is consciousness. It will be this way for eternity. You as consciousness will likely visit innumerable dreamt up worlds that you’ve created. You’ll perceive yourself as some kind of avatar or character as far as we can tell. You’ll at first see all the rest of the characters in your dreamt up creation as separate from you, but in truth those dream characters are just as much you as your primary character is. They’re just characters held within consciousness. One, your primary character who you at first feel to live inside, simply exists in your consciousness more of the time than the others. Ultimately neither the other characters or your perceived primary character is you because you are the consciousness that permeates all aspects of the dream world including its laws of physics, characters, objects, and everything else. You aren’t the characters any more than you are the objects or the laws of motion that govern that reality. You are all aspects of that reality. You are all aspects of all realities. 

A reality can only exist within you. Something is only real to you if it is held within your consciousness. No realities exist outside of the one you are experiencing right now. This waking state planet Earth does not exist when you are in a dream. Your wife could tell you that the world still existed while you were asleep, but you have to see how this is exactly the same as if your dream wife told you the dream reality was there while you were asleep. It means nothing because you as consciousness were not there. That seems to be the pattern in what we can verify between both the waking state and dreams.

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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23 hours ago, Osaid said:

. If you know that you yourself are not real, how can you expect others to be real? 

Ah Fuck! 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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6 hours ago, Lyubov said:

best exercise for overcoming this: go out to people you trust and care about and do a meditation where you look deeply into each other's eyes. You can do it with a pet as well. Also talk to those you care about won't judge you for asking them if they are sentient and conscious and experiencing a subjective/relative POV. Observe what thoughts and feelings come up. do you believe their answer? why or why not? Seems to me this is a trap lonely isolated seekers fall into. You'll get a lot of answers to your questions through direct realization doing this. It's what broke my solipsism trap. 

How cute! You can do the same thing in a dream.. 

22 hours ago, Lyubov said:

Why don’t you go outside and talk to people and ask if they are simultaneously conscious and having their own subjective experience different from yours. Should clear some things up, or expose your distrust of creation. 

Has nothing to do with "trust".. You can trust a dream character to the fullest. That doesn't change the fact that it's just a dream character 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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