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I'm so confused as to what i should do. Should i keep reading this book about the law of attraction to improve my life while at the same time be trying to work on enlightenment? Its very paradoxical cause in this book it talks about us being able to control our thoughts and stuff and how we should change our predominant mental attitude if we wish to change our life but at the same time Leo talks about how there is no free will. So what should i exactly be doing? Should i work on my self and chase my tail and then come to a conclusion where i come to find that these things actually don't satisfy me so then i focus on enlightenment ? I don't have a job i just finished high school like 2 months ago, i feel as if i'm going to be social anxious around people and awkward which is something that is keeping me from getting job. I'm just so confused on life and don't know what to do. Right now i'm trying to create a routine and implement habits that could improve me. What do you guys think i should do? BTW i don;t even know if any of the stuff i said here makes sense i'm just complexly confused on life right now.

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@Mercy Everything is a paradox. How did something come out of nothing? Are we something or are we nothing? How did consciousness come from unconscious particles?

Don't focus too much on life's paradoxes, just roll with what works for you. If you want to pursue your worldly dreams and become a success, then go for it. There's nothing wrong with that, you'll just be a little less conscious, and suffer a little (or a lot, depending on your mind patterns) more from your emotions and thoughts than the enlightened person. You could also have both - be a success in the world, build your dreams, and also be enlightened. They're not mutually exclusive.

Your idea that you're socially awkward and that is holding you back from getting a job is such a low-conscious mental barrier, I'd work on tackling something like that first. Action coupled with awareness of your mind can get you far with overcoming that hurdle.

Take baby steps. Life isn't a rush to the finish line. You'll figure out which path you want to go in time.

Edited by Frogfucius

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i guess ill let things flow because at the end of the day, I'm not even controlling any of it. Something i don't like but i think i must accept.


Everything is a paradox. How did something come out of nothing? Are we something or are we nothing? How did consciousness come from unconscious particles?

Don't focus too much on life's paradoxes, just roll with what works for you. If you want to pursue your worldly dreams and become a success, then go for it. There's nothing wrong with that, you'll just be a little less conscious, and suffer a little (or a lot, depending on your mind patterns) more from your emotions and thoughts than the enlightened person. Your idea that you're socially awkward and that is holding you back from getting a job is such a low-conscious mental barrier, I'd work on tackling something like that first. Action coupled with awareness of your mind can get you far with overcoming that hurdle.

Take baby steps. Life isn't a rush to the finish line. You'll figure out which path you want to go in time.

i really needed to hear that thanks

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19 minutes ago, Mercy said:

Should i keep reading this book about the law of attraction to improve my life while at the same time be trying to work on enlightenment?

If you think that life can be improved by material progress never start a journey towards enlightenment, it is most likely that you will fail miserably.

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@Mercy The law of attraction works, and it's not at odds with enlightenment.  Yoga has been using techniques for thousands of years to bring about "good karma", things like Bhakti Yoga I assume are "worship of life" which means learning the universal psychological and physical laws of life to understand and work the system in the ego's favour:  If you pump iron youre more likely to get the girls.  It's just common sense and logic!  Really!

It won't bring liberation (because you already are liberated and whole and complete anyway), but done correctly it can prepare your mind for liberation and make you super happy... even so happy you might even forget about enlightenment lol

So no conflict here.


A point on free will.  Free will exists from the apparent persons point of view.  But it's a little subtle.  It means the only choice you have is to go with life (worship life like I said before) or, you can turn against life and be miserable.  THAT is your choice.  You cant control anything else except your intention to try in life.  Have your desires, worship your desires, but become outcome independent because outcome independence is a law of life you need to follow to get what you want. 

All in harmony with enlightenment, nothing to worry about here!

Edited by kurt

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32 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

If you think that life can be improved by material progress never start a journey towards enlightenment, it is most likely that you will fail miserably.

LOL, not exactly.  Material success is fine, but the point is that it's not going to make one complete.  Life sure can be improved by material success, pray to Isvara for health and happiness and favourable conditions for enlightenment to happen an' all that eh?


Edited by kurt

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@kurt yea that's something i have been thinking along the lines of this whole time. Like getting good karma and stuff to bring about the right people material and knowledge but one thing that gets me is like what causes me to think this way or allows me to think this way. And then thinking back to what  Leo says which is that thoughts simply arise from a special "nowhere" which is why there is a variety of life forms and different life experiences because thoughts => create conditions, experience, and our environment. But not just any type of thoughts but more like our predominant mental attitude which is made up of the thoughts that we think on a daily basis so therefore when we concentrate our thoughts on something for a extended period of time it then gets sent to the subconscious which then the subconscious sends to the universal mind to become a reality because the universal mind is "the only creator that there is" but also that both universal mind and subconscious are one in the same well actually all mind is one in the same but just different in degree so with this being said the universal mind which is the life principle of atoms than directs and creates atoms to bring out about life experiences and such and such. Life is confusing sorry if you don’t understand this, this just shows how confused I am myself.

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Life sucks. Fuck you life. You can suck my

Edited by Mercy

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2 minutes ago, Mercy said:

Leo says which is that thoughts simply arise from a special "nowhere" which is why there is a variety of life forms and different life experiences because thoughts => create conditions, experience, and our environment. 

The thoughts appear from the causal body, which is sometimes called "the unmanifest".  Some non dual religions say that the causal body is also the "deep sleep state".  Western psychology terms it the "subconscious mind".  But it's just a model, no need to get attached to the model, it's just to show us how to navigate samsara.  Every time you complete an action you condition the causal body and you to repeat that action again.  Thoughts, feelings and behaviours come from the causal body and are "dumped" into you without your say so.  In this respect you have no free will because the causal body is much subtler than you and you are unable to directly manipulate it.  You can manipulate a football because its a gross object, but you can't manipulate the causal body.  There are two types of causal body, and they merge into one another.  One is the personal causal body, and the other is the macrocosmic causal body.  When Carl Jung speaks of the collective unconscious hes speaking of the macrocosmic causal body.  

So this is the special nothingness where the thoughts come from.  You cannot control the collective shadow, but you can control your part of it.  I'll show you how here

Follow this method of burning in new habitual thoughts into your part of the causal body and you will be fine.  You cannot get enlightened without doing this kind of work anyway.

Hope this clears is up.  :)

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15 minutes ago, John Flores said:

@Mercy According to Noah Elkreif law of attraction belief only leads to suffering. Leo's take on it is that it affects the subconscious. That does not mean you won't avoid pain, it just means you'lol endure because you've taught yourself that certain achievements are worth it. "Oh that burn feels so good" ?

If we think the belief that we can think our way to becoming rich, like it's going to fall into our laps without any work, then yes, the belief causes suffering.

But the real thing is about learning how to work the object world (because all the laws are there to be studied and used for benefit) we just need to learn how life works.  Life works by having the right attitude and doing the things that work.  If we don't learn and keep doing the same thing over and over then life does not work for us, and we become miserable.  But the misery is in our court, we just were too pig headed to learn, or were too emotionally messed up to see what the patterns were.  

So its all about learning and harmonizing with life that gets you what you want.  Follow the dharma (ethics) in the business world, learn the ropes there and you will be a success!

This is reflected in all areas of life.

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I'm just try to stick with learning more about the world and keep watching Leos videos. I feel really fogged minded because of my unhealthy habits like 

- lack of sleep

- bad food

- no exercise 

- not completely doing what i got to

just to much information to process right now

Edited by Mercy

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9 minutes ago, Mercy said:

I'm just try to stick with learning more about the world and keep watching Leos videos. I feel really fogged minded because of my unhealthy habits like 

- lack of sleep

- bad food

- no exercise 

- not completely doing what i got to

just to much information to process right now

I understand.  Take a break, sort out your values (take a holiday to think about what you want) and then get your habits in order.  This IS the work.  Hundreds of hours of videos and content is not the work, the content should be assimilated very gradually in tandem with the practical efforts and habits.

For example, I'm doing a new meditation course, it's 12 hours worth of audio.  I listen to a portion, and then practice that until I get it right and it's natural, then I move on.  It took me a year to learn one meditation technique.  Then I had to wait a while after that to get the real benefits.  Everything takes time.  

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Reconciling LoA with enlightenment work is tough. But doable. It's a real test of your ability to hold paradox and your nimbleness of mind.

You sort of have to become a CPU with 2 cores, each running simultaneous but opposite paradigms, compartmentalized to each core.

Not recommended for newbies.

If your goal is build some personal success for yourself. Just focus on LoA for now, with a plan to come back to enlightenment work after a few years of working on your success goals. Just don't get lost in chasing success. It will never fulfill you. And keep a daily meditation habit going no matter what.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just do things which help both. Like one of sadhguru or nithyananda's yoga camps. They're called inner engineering and inner awakening respectively. And there are plenty of other things along the same line. When I get out of high school, it's what I think I'll try to do a bit of.

Edited by Will Bigger

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8 hours ago, kurt said:

The law of attraction works

The Law of Attraction feeds on people’s greed, it said that you can attract whatever you want in your life – money, success, the perfect relationship, great house, car etc – simply by focusing on it with the positive intent to have it.

In other words, by using positive intention, or positive thinking, you can manifest whatever you want for your life. It appeals perfectly to the greedy, lazy age we live in.

We may consciously think we want more money, and focus on the visualization of a nice fat bank account of a few million, but if there is a belief in our unconscious mind that we don’t deserve to be rich, that we will never win the lottery, that it is something for other people not me, then guess what – no matter how much and for how long you visualize those millions, you will never get them!

You cannot change reality. The night will still be there; you can think that it is daytime for twenty-four hours, but by your thinking it, it is not going to be light twenty-four hours a day.

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Edited by Leo Ushers n The End

It's better to burn out than fade away

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