
What do you think really happens when we die?

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What is Death to you?


Is it really poff and you are gone forever?

You live once and then gone forever?

If so, how did we get here in the first place? How can something arise out of not even nothing?

Would it not be more plausible that life IS and will always be in one way or another?


Please share your thoughts and feelings about what death is to you?

Edited by Adamq8

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- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Just read it brother.  You can find answer of your question with details. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@Adamq8 Where were you before you were born?

Nowhere, right? Right. So, you came from nowhere. In other words: you were already here.

Birth and death are like the south and north pole of a magnet, they are One.

Therefore, when you die, you go to the same place where you were before you were born: nowhere

You see? To be born is to come from nowhere and to die is to go nowhere.

What does this tell you? It tells you, that you were never born (since you didn't come from anywhere) and you are never going to die (since you're not going anywhere).


Look at the word "nowhere".

no-where / now-here

They are the same (although this isn't actually related to the etymology of the word, but it's true anyway).


It might be a bit difficult to understand that birth and death are identical, but look at it this way: let's say, that being born is like waking up and dying is like going to sleep.

Aren't falling asleep and waking up the next morning happening at the exact same moment? That's like birth and death. The moment you die, you wake up. 


Only "you" are going to die. But that's like your thoughts coming from nowhere and then going nowhere. And as a matter of fact, it's not only like your thoughts, it actually is your thoughts.

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If you wouldn´t assume there´s a death, this question wouln´t even arise.

You might as well ask "What will happen with my sight when I become a red unicorn"?

see, you just assumed you will become a red unicorn.

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Some people/religions assume there is a reincarnation loop, that only ends with enlightenment.
Other people/religions assume there is an afterlife, an earthly heaven with trees flowers etc, or an multiple astrals.
A different interpretation is a formless pure light/love interpretation of becoming God.

I really really hope that none of those is the case. It seems to me that death is simply the cessation of every "thing". I'm okay with that. I am also not sure about the no-thing-ness. Because as far as I saw into it, life is a dream, and waking up from the illusion by dying might mean that there is a "place" with more substance. Maybe ego death is not the same as actual dying. However it's just a memory for me.

As far as my interpretation goes is that this pure consciousness incarnates again and again, but does my perspective incarnate? I don't think so, and hope this isn't the case. A drop goes into the ocean and an after being mixed up an other drop is born out of the ocean. So consciousness reincarnates, but not perspectives.

Some people claim that after death we can decide to come back or not.

I would love to hear the interpretation of someone who considers himself enlightened enough to get it.

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Yeah kinda. Best actor is the one who doesn't even know he/she/it/rest of the genders(see @mandyjw) is acting at all. 

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@Adamq8 only direct experience man. 

only when you die (if you die) you will know.

Anything else is beliefs mixed with speculation mixed with incomplete evidence. 

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2 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

I think you get what your heart desires after you physically die 

Since it is always now. Make your own conclusion. Go dream. ❤️

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Death sounds like nothing to me ?



This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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I would say that the i that you are dissolves and the being that you really are continues to be, as always. Since it is the entire universe, that your i disappears is irrelevant, but could be that that i is somehow reborn, or restarts with part of its identity, to continue evolving in some way

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Question what experience do you have before you were born?

There is no experience of time before you are born and suddenly you were there. A cosmic sea of infinity and a consciousnesses emerged and became aware.

Now imagine that when you die you feel like going to sleep. Your body will slowly lose all the higher functions, complex thinking will shift to just feeling without thought/concepts. You are not your brain and all clusters of cells will experience their own individual deaths. The body will sense that oxygen is depleting and start to tingle and warm up eventually moving towards a state of non-feeling like a sleeping body part.

Your body is slowly dissolving and it is peaceful because your worries only happen when the brain is still fighting to maintain it's concepts and ego that wants to survive. The moment you surrender and give in to becoming one with what always had been all worries fade away and you merge with the experience of grandness and Reunion. It feels like that mind that has always so desperately been fighting has now given in and you are coming home to the ethernal.

And now knowing that everyone will be with you maybe you can accept death more easily.

Now your mind and body have dissolved into infinity. You are back at the place before you were born, timeless. Here comes the part of belief, whoever you were, what you life was about, you must have faith that if you strip everything away and become one you will not be gone but one thing remains. The observer that experiences nothingness is who will always be present.

This idea that you will be waiting before waking up is at the core of reincarnation. Now many religions portray their own cultural images and feelings onto this subject but I fully convinced that you should strip away any cultural ideas, these might only be relevant to your early stage in death as you still identify with these concepts and get feeling of guidance until the conceptual thinking has fully dissolved.

You have been waiting all this time, timelessly waiting, and now you are here.

Where did you come from, what is your intention to keep walking forward and who will you become?

Remember that wherever you are you will be at home. Your mind will always give you reasons to suffer but that's because you don't believe or know in who your are unconditional. The fear of something is worse that the thing itself, so be fearless, be mindful and live with feeling and not the mind who tries to conquer and own everything.

Live a mindful life, don't get lost in the abyss of fear, unnecessary stress and delusion. You know what to do.




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There is comfort in knowing that we know nothing about what follows human life. Learning to embrace uncertainty is a supreme lesson of life. I have studied near death experiences, and believe it is possible that a karmic imprint, perhaps even a personality, persists beyond death. It is only a possibility, but there is some solace in it.

The primal realization, what really matters, is that life, and everything in it, is unavoidably ephemeral. Anything we cling to will eventually lead to suffering. The ultimate wisdom is to realize that we are already infinitely abundant. Our essential nature is unchanging. Nothing that is real can be threatened. Therein lies the peace of God.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I'll probably reincarnate as a dead corpse.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Gesundheit Maybe you already did ;)


Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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