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What Information Are You Really Nerdy About?

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With the idea that people can nerd over anything and that nerdiness is the appreciation of information, what information/activities are you really nerdy about?  Why that information?  How has the information that you nerded about over changed over time?  How is the information transforming your "arrangement" of "self"?

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What a great way to define nerdiness, living out your "appreciation of information".
I'm a bit nerdy about space, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, oh and the recent UFO research/releases. Because in my opinion it touches on the deepest questions of humanity, and can potentially tell us about how reality is built on a fundamental level - and also the fascination of the mysteries hidden in those domains. Sometimes it makes me feel inspired and less self centered, thinking about and being inspired by the deepest questions make you realize how petty many of your every day problems really are.

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Judging from my reading list over the past few years, I have a special affinity for philosophy, metaphysics, and history. Part of what I find so fascinating about those subjects is not only how they can be used to form a solid epistemological foundation on which to explore aspects of reality and society, but because the more I learn about those subjects, the more I realize how much more there is to be learned. They are also excellent for learning how to put societal trends and historical events into a larger context, and for helping to make sense of the world.

Edited by DocWatts

I'm writing a philosophy book! Check it out at :

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Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology.

My interest in nutrition has helped my body & brain beyond anything honestly. I literally feel more intillegent and more energetic/focused.

My interest in Pharmacology and Neuroscience made me explore different supplements and phytochemicals that have become a part of my daily regimen. They  also incited me to explore psychedelics and tap into states of consciousness that were unlike anything  I could imagine. That too was an important healing phase of my life

Neuroscience/Psychology/Philosophy is for healing  my mind.  Getting better at socializing, understanding myself, other people, and the nature of reality. 


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psychedelics and plant medicine :P its just so interesting their transformative power

my nerdiness + research led me to find them and experience them in legal ways :P

i also like editing videos, running, and stretching. these days im really into stretching so im reading and doing a lot of stretching

what about you@PepperBlossoms


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spiritual instincts/instinctual variants :D depth psychology in general

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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Great answers.  Thanks for the replies.  The stuff that I "nerd" over changes pretty frequently - it has varied over time by taking pit stops at topics such as boys, spiral dynamics, philosophy, psychology, physics, atoms, magnets, aliens, healthy food/toiletries, politics, the ego, engineering, dead by daylight, leo videos, religion, history, careers, acting, money/debt at government levels, emotions, group need vs. escape, plants, what attracts materialism, hiking trails, non duality, productivity, abandonment, sustainability, war, concept of free education/medicine, personality disorders, how to think, enthusiasm, etc. 

I am kinda always on the lookout for more and more info and insights and epiphanies and interests don't tend to stay nerding out on the same thing for too too long - I somehow find myself moving from one interest (phase) to another.  (Has to be a balance of staying long enough to get stuff out of it and see what all you have to gain from focusing on that to going on to something else.

I enjoy talking to people for the heck of learning something new or a new way of thinking/perspective as well as just doing stuff to see what happens - (example - have swiped right on dating apps on every single person regardless of their profile to learn about their career/life when single) although yes that can be problematic as in the end path is unknown but the path is basically to not get stuck in one aspect of life too long and to try to explore many aspects to get more lenses to look at life from.

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Philosophy and metaphysics.  You might be surprised to know that all other fields such as physical science.. Math.. Psychology..language.. Social sciences.. History.. Medicine etc are all just branches of philosophy. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Philosophy and metaphysics.  You might be surprised to know that all other fields such as physical science.. Math.. Psychology..language.. Social sciences.. History.. Medicine etc are all just branches of philosophy. 

I have found similar insights like that too!  They are basically a variation of- If statement A is this and statement B is that, then statement C is that - or some sort of if/than; if A is true and B is true, then C must be true; or other logic structures.. 

Good point on language.  There is so much of that.  If we decide that object is "apple" and that color is "red", then you can say the apple is red.

Can start to find philosophy in everything.  I went through for a while saying that everything was engineering, or that everything was optimization, or everything was arrangement - based on what framework I am trying to find and associate.

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