
How do you Integrate Non-Duality into Daily Life?

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How do you integrate/experience non-duality into your life?  How you found any belief/experience systems better than non-duality?  How has non-duality helped you with coping mechanisms?  Example - being okay with eating a vegetable noting that you are choosing your survival over the vegetables but also that you and the vegetable are part of the same arrangement and are just rearranging the vegetable's portion of the arrangement to take on a different form; being okay with the death of your peers and yourself - noting that our arrangement will transform to an arrangement that can no longer remember it's past portion of self's memories (based on science of the existing arrangement); noting that arrangements are arranged in a way that will respond to other portions of the arrangement based on arrangement

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All the social construct is based on duality, so its hard to go back to normal life after understanding the true nature of reality.

I try to play the dual game knowing that we are one, this helps to have more empathy for other beings and understand that good and evil  are necessary... my ego tries less to fight than before.

But we have to keep going, otherwise living without ego would lead us to personal abandonment, neglect of personal needs and death.

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I am wondering what ways we can go about it so that we can take away the duality as much as possible or other ways of thinking about it/perspectives to take on and various integration techniques.

@Rajneeshpuram I can see that the non-duality lens can help with the ego development as it can tear away the need to dominate and understands that it is all in this together (but yet there is also a way of splitting off with limited access such as only accessing ones own thoughts) and wants to explore portion of the whole but also the whole.

  On 1/5/2021 at 5:21 PM, Rajneeshpuram said:

good and evil  are necessary

what makes good and evil necessary?

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  On 1/5/2021 at 7:14 PM, PepperBlossoms said:

I am wondering what ways we can go about it so that we can take away the duality as much as possible or other ways of thinking about it/perspectives to take on and various integration techniques.

@Rajneeshpuram I can see that the non-duality lens can help with the ego development as it can tear away the need to dominate and understands that it is all in this together (but yet there is also a way of splitting off with limited access such as only accessing ones own thoughts) and wants to explore portion of the whole but also the whole.

what makes good and evil necessary?

If youre trying to 'do' non-duality or take away duality, wouldnt that mean a dualistic perspective? The foundation is non-dual, you have no option of that, then anything you do pretty much lends itself to duality, all you have to do is be aware of this duality and see that youre not it. Its not some kind of lifestyle so to speak

Edited by Consept

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@Consept okay thanks.  That makes sense.  If I tend to live in the dualistic mindset for day to day activities, I have just found that non-duality can be a helpful mindset to remind oneself of to cope with situations that seem very harsh.

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Through meditation and psychedelics I reckon. 

IMO, There's actually no need to 'integrate' because you are already one with the universe.

We are made of cells and cells contains atoms and molecules which are basically the same for all living and non living things so obviously we are one and the same. 

Also, the electrons in our atoms can also move creating new chemical reactions. The moving electrons create a magnetic field. Everyone of us has magnetic field. It's just that the magnetic field is extremely weak (cancel one another) and not detected. 

The reason why Earth has a north and south pole is because Earth constantly rotate in the same direction.

There are many things more to talk about non duality such as your thoughts and emotions in relation to others.


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@hyruga What if the idea of non-duality is way off then and duality actually is more accurate?

Yes we could say that everything including ourselves is made of atomic particles but - if the atomic particles are separate from each other and each their own individual thing, and if everything is made of these separate atomic particles, then everything would seemingly be separate.

Sure at human scale a table looks like a table for instance, but at the micro scale, a table could look like a huge crowd of particles each with its own separate self... so we have tiny things that are just clumped together to make bigger things at scale A that are just clumped together to make bigger things at scale B and on and on..

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Need someone who is enlightened on oneness to explain.

Particles occupy a small part of the universe though. Energy is the major part.

Reminds me of an energy question. Radiation can travel through vacuum or any radiation. How come no student ask the teacher 'How does energy travel through the vacuum?' or 'how come there is electromagnetic wave'? :D

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Your awareness comes first, everything, including your ideas about Non-Duality or anything else are within your awareness. Your getting lost in ideas, ideas are just content that you are aware of, there is no self that can benefit from an idea of Non-Duality, that is an illusion. The only thing in your experience that is not an illusion is awareness, this is something you can experience for yourself. I feel the way youre currently seeing it is that this idea of Non-Duality can help you live a better life, this is a contradiction because there is no 'you', that's what needs to be seen. Non-Duality is what's left when the self and all its ideas have been dropped, it's what has always and will always be there regardless of the content the mind throws up 

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@Consept Okay thanks.  I guess the thing is is that when we drop self and all ideas and take on being complete oneness, we basically become the metaphor of a napkin - where we can't do anything as there are no boundaries or distinctions to play around with.

To experience a life in the dual world then, enables the napkin to do so many more things and so we have to continue the illusion of the dual world to contribute to these crazy experiences and creations that otherwise a napkin wouldn't get.

We then get @hyruga energy travelling through vacuums and electromagnetic waves and particles and electron colliders and magnetism and electricity and internet and me and you.

I am still questioning though the absolute validity of oneness - if a magnet can have an attractive and repulsive force.. there is the duality right there.. that can be experienced without psycadellics.

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You integrate it by living it :)

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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  On 1/6/2021 at 6:51 AM, PepperBlossoms said:

@Consept Okay thanks.  I guess the thing is is that when we drop self and all ideas and take on being complete oneness, we basically become the metaphor of a napkin - where we can't do anything as there are no boundaries or distinctions to play around with.

To experience a life in the dual world then, enables the napkin to do so many more things and so we have to continue the illusion of the dual world to contribute to these crazy experiences and creations that otherwise a napkin wouldn't get.

We then get @hyruga energy travelling through vacuums and electromagnetic waves and particles and electron colliders and magnetism and electricity and internet and me and you.

I am still questioning though the absolute validity of oneness - if a magnet can have an attractive and repulsive force.. there is the duality right there.. that can be experienced without psycadellics.

It's not so much that you drop it completely, not many can just decide and that right away, it's more you become aware of the illusion. You have a choice in that you can believe whatever concept you want, this is what's taught to us as we grow up and to some extent its true, but it doesn't change the ultimate reality that is that you're just awareness. This is not a belief or concept this is something that can be directly experienced or directly seen, if you just believe the concept it makes it no different than any other belief. 

Your choice essentially is to believe illusion ie your mind or experience reality. You may believe that illusion let's you do different things but to compare it you'd have to experience Non-Duality, that's the investigation you need to conduct 

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  On 1/6/2021 at 10:06 AM, Consept said:

It's not so much that you drop it completely, not many can just decide and that right away, it's more you become aware of the illusion. You have a choice in that you can believe whatever concept you want, this is what's taught to us as we grow up and to some extent its true, but it doesn't change the ultimate reality that is that you're just awareness. This is not a belief or concept this is something that can be directly experienced or directly seen, if you just believe the concept it makes it no different than any other belief. 

Your choice essentially is to believe illusion ie your mind or experience reality. You may believe that illusion let's you do different things but to compare it you'd have to experience Non-Duality, that's the investigation you need to conduct 

Well said.  If one has not experienced one belief system/perspective/understanding to the that max it can go, they will tend to not be aware of all the things that there are to it and will thus could also be representing something less accurately than someone with more experience/knowledge.  I like to think of a person's acceptance of a belief system based on the experiences that they have had/observations made/conclusions drawn that impact how they interact with the world and what they see with it.  I am assuming that the typical baby is born and grows to see the world in a dualistic way and it would take something beyond the original programming, typical experiences of a human to see/experience/be the non-dual way.  As there are people who have experienced oneness, it would be interesting to see how they are able to go back and forth from one to the other or if there is no back and forth and they tend to stay in the non-dual and what exactly changed.  Thanks.

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  On 1/5/2021 at 2:09 PM, PepperBlossoms said:

How do you integrate/experience non-duality into your life?  How you found any belief/experience systems better than non-duality?  How has non-duality helped you with coping mechanisms?  Example - being okay with eating a vegetable noting that you are choosing your survival over the vegetables but also that you and the vegetable are part of the same arrangement and are just rearranging the vegetable's portion of the arrangement to take on a different form; being okay with the death of your peers and yourself - noting that our arrangement will transform to an arrangement that can no longer remember it's past portion of self's memories (based on science of the existing arrangement); noting that arrangements are arranged in a way that will respond to other portions of the arrangement based on arrangement

   It's similar to mindfulness informal practices,  applying mindfulness to experiences and objects.


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  On 1/6/2021 at 4:51 AM, PepperBlossoms said:

@hyruga What if the idea of non-duality is way off then and duality actually is more accurate?

Yes we could say that everything including ourselves is made of atomic particles but - if the atomic particles are separate from each other and each their own individual thing, and if everything is made of these separate atomic particles, then everything would seemingly be separate.

Sure at human scale a table looks like a table for instance, but at the micro scale, a table could look like a huge crowd of particles each with its own separate self... so we have tiny things that are just clumped together to make bigger things at scale A that are just clumped together to make bigger things at scale B and on and on..

Take this idea of separate particles into infinity.  Could you have separate infinitely?  Wouldn't there need to be a container or space for separateness to exist or within?  Can you have two objects separate (or infinite in this case) without space between them and if so where does this space come from or exist if its what allows for these supposed 'separate' objects to exist as 'separate'.  And if this is a requirement for 'separateness' itself then these surely exist in its container, and if this container is the body/ground/foundation for 'objects/separate parts' then everything IS connected.

This is a rushed explanation.

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Tehya Sky wrote this book called "A Ceremony Called Life".

The description of the book is "When your Morning Coffee is as Sacred as Holy Water".

I haven't finished reading the book (so I can't give a full recommendation) but I think that book was written as a response to your question. haha

Edited by Brittany

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@Brittany Thanks for the book suggestion!  I think I'm gonna have to get it.  It looks pretty good so far of the preview I saw.  I like it how the writer is able to find captivating things in moments and things.

@Mu_ Thanks for the explanation.  Interesting note on how everything is connected because it cannot exist as separate outside the container (I hope I got that summed up right).  It reminds me of the chinese finger trap for some reason.  The "space" between the two objects is also an "object" too- everything is solid - it is just with different things in different places - different origamis.  Makes the idea of "space" or what seems to be "empty" (but still a thing) an interesting, curious phenomenon - and hard to grasp because if the earth is rotating around its axis around an orbit around the sun which could also be moving around something else and else and else... and then all the THINGS within the system moving too, and how the "space" just lets us go through it... or waving one hand through space.. weird stuff.  Space is the road that things can travel through but space is also the things travelling at the same time, through itself.

@nistake @Consept Thanks for sharing the video.  The speaker had some beautiful things to say.  I really liked the part about silence as well as energy - I've noticed that the sound of cars, loud AC units, loud talking, etc. can be bothersome and there is a beauty to silence - and that silence is not a lack of sound but merely the baseline - sound is the addition.  The speaker's gentleness is very admirable as well.  I liked it how he got excited when the other speaker brought up identity but did not force a discussion to stay on it or how it was discussed that it can take many years to really integrate a new observation.  It was also an intriguing point in how if one is low developed in one area, it may tend to influence the other areas.


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