Every time I skim over one of my journals, I notice that the opening posts are very peculiar and dependent on the circumstances that I'm facing at the time. Yet, I feel that I somehow have to provide a long-stretching vision for the future that I will work upon. I hereby release myself from this need and wholeheartedly embrace my peculiarity, with the full trust that the Unconscious guides me towards liberating my true self.
This year, I want to put my effort into becoming more self-reliant and grounded. I want to let go of any egoic attachments that under the guise of safety, give me reasons to put off living for later. This includes money, status and pride. I want to dedicate more time on self-reflection, as this year's number is 25/7. I want to experience living in nature, hiking, bushcraft and contemplation. I want to spend the night outdoors, relying only on my personal equipment and skills and develop the capacity to spend 3-5 days out. I do not seek extreme situations and I do not seek physical death. I love and respect my body and I want to spend time with it, learning its ways. I want to learn to enjoy limitation, being something concrete. I also want to create an anchor to this world that will allow me to be more balanced with respect to my work and my family. I want to be more grounded, deliberate, alert, aware, awake, cautious and conscious. I want to give full expression the repressed nomad within me. I want to start a youtube channel where I will share my peculiar mix of spirituality, philosophy, engineering, programming, bushcraft, herbalism, learning and introspection. I want to deepen my connection with the Sage and become a worthy student, firmly resting in the beginner's mind, without falling into false humility and pretense.
This year, I want to embody my Idiot fully and live according to the true meaning of the word paradox, παρά-δοξος.