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Doing Stuff No Regard For the Outcome

5 posts in this topic

Have you ever done stuff for the heck of doing it with no regard for how it turns out?

Why did you have that mindset?  What did you do?  How did it turn out?

Accept a job in engineering just to learn more about what engineering is; go into an acting class just to experience acting; trying out for a play just to experience the audition part; watching a surgery just to experience that; having your boyfriend's family go on vacation with your family just to see what would happen; quitting your job just to experience something different; talking to random people just to see what they have to say

What's your story?

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I just got back to work after a 2 week vacation that involved lots of driving (3000 miles) lots of family (3 of whom are >80, and another whose immune system is compromised) and lots of alcohol and junk food (but also some good food and water). I also got my hair cut and donated for the 6th time during my vacation. But I hardly wore a mask. Just the minimum to not be kicked out of places. And some relatives had COVID already. So who knows? I could be an asymptomatic carrier now.

Also, I heard that employees who travelled out of state would have to quarantine and get tested before going back to work. I never told management my vacation plans, so here I am. Let’s see how the next couple weeks go.

As for why I had that mindset, it’s my vacation time to spend how I wish. I spent months watching people all around me be idiots trying to live “normally” while I stayed about as distant and safe as one can while still working. This was my turn to be the idiot and not care. Selfish? You bet. But my mood is MUUUUUUCH better, and life feels like easy mode right now. I ended 2020 and began 2021 on a waaay high note!

Edited by Willie

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Two times spring to mind:

I quit my job of seven years, without any sort of plan and lived off my savings. If I were to do it again, then I would definitely have a plan or a purpose for doing it. All I did was burn through my money and in the end I had to go work again!

I booked a flight half way round the world to New Zealand, booked a hostel and went. No plan and a small rucksack: one long sleeved shirt, one short sleeved shirt, thin walking trousers you could turn into shorts, thick walking trousers, a pair of boots, a pair of flipflops, some underwear, toiletries. I had a ball, met a ton of people, regained some of my youth back and did some amazing things (bungeeeee). It was exactly what I needed at the time.

57% paranoid

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There is everything to learn; but there is also nothing to learn.

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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