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If God is so intelligence, why he is stucked/lost in his own dream?

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Sorry but I can't help but to laugh when I hear about this "infinite intelligence" that God supposably has.

There is only God/Reality. There are no separate or individual entities.

So the theory is basically God is totally lost in his own Imagination. God is so intelligent that he is lost in suffering because he is so dumb that can't wake up to the fact that he exists, and believes that he is thoughts, therefore God thinking that he is a separate self/the mind.

Not only that, but God stumble upon teachings of non duality, do practices, have awakenings etc...yet he is so "intelligent" that in the most reincarnations he is in, he still is trapped in to the individual/ego illusion. It's clear than in most of incarnations of God, God is totally lost and deluded. But is that even in incarnations where God learns about non duality, even on this ones is not so common to God to wake up to itself. And you Call that intelligent haha! That the guy can't even wake up even if he stumbles with all kind of hints. And he still doesn't get it. Lol.

So that's why I go crazy when I hear that God is intelligent. I think he is not.

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i think it's to do with "every possible possibility" type of thing

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@Javfly33 That's because you confuse  human/animal intelligence" with real intelligence. We're not talking about human intelligence (although it is of course part of universal intelligence). 

Infinity means EVERYTHING. So yes, Brahman forgets itself completely because it is infinitely intelligent, not because it is stupid. 

God is not a dude. Don't project human ideas on it like saying 

11 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I think he is not.

as if there's some entity who has a certain level of cognitive ability or whatever.

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Courage and love look like the stupidest most FOOLISH qualities to someone who identifies with being intelligent. Also God a "he"? Where'd ya get this "he" shit? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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This is because you are trying to grasp what God is using your mind and intellect. Stop personifying God, it is not what you think it is.

Intelligence is only a distinction in the human domain, referring to certain capacity of a being to cope with obstacles. God is also infinite intelligence because "he" is not limited to any form whatsoever. So basically you can carve any degree of intelligence from it.

You are also confusing your self-mind with God. Self-mind is a only a form of God, so of course that a self-mind that absorb any teaching will only form a new matrix of beliefs and concepts. Self-mind cannot and will not "realize" God, because it is only a limitation "within" God.

I would also suggest replacing the word God with Consciousness or Nothing or Emptiness, I have a 'feel' that you have some form of negative connotation towards that word and this is never a good disposition for inquiry.

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15 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Sorry but I can't help but to laugh when I hear about this "infinite intelligence" that God supposably has.

Read your entire post again, but substitute "God" with @Javfly33

One can't help but laugh. 

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13 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Courage and love look like the stupidest most FOOLISH qualities to someone who identifies with being intelligent. Also God a "he"? Where'd ya get this "he" shit? 

Let go of "Patriarchy". Why does it trigger you so much. 

It's great to be a man. ?

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look at the cosmic orchestra where each piece fulfills its role, where each molecule is in its place, where the perfect synchrony exceeds the imaginable. kneel humbly if you grasp even a tiny part of its magnitude. but never try to cover it with your human mind, it's impossible

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Just now, zeroISinfinity said:

Let go of "Patriarchy". Why does it trigger you so much. 

I don't know, maybe because there's been a miniscule percentage of female leaders and whole lot of SMITING from male leaders for the past few millennia that men have exclusively been in power and trying to play God? They don't even try to play New Testament God, but OLD Testament God, cause more smiting enemies that way I guess. Testament to testicles I'd say. So over it. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Let go of it all. Opinions, Thinking all relative distinctions you've been making. All you. You are singular. 

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Do you want to awaken or to fall what Leo calls "illusion" and continuosly BS yourself? 

Meditation is good for letting go. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@zeroISinfinity I think you're projecting some stuff on me. I wrote that in a "funny, cause it's true" tone. 

Since you're being serious though, I grew up in the patriarchy of a Baptist Christian church and it's somewhat funny to see the same exact thought patterns and the use of the archetype "God" carry over into enlightenment and nonduality here on the forum and elsewhere. It would be dishonest and avoidant of me to pretend that it's not a potential problem. I can identify an imbalance or problem and want a resolution without having to suffer for it. That's just like me telling you to suddenly stop getting turned on by hot women because you won't awaken that way or something. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Well told you Truth. How you get lost in dream and "what a lux" as @Nahmlikes to say.

Didn’t meant anything bad to you afterall you are me. ❤️

Consciousness is God. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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god always returns to god so taking a few twists and turns to get there is nothing ;)

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What you are basically referring to has nothing to do with real intelligence, but with "common sense". 

What you say may be right using common sense, but you have to understand the fact that God could't live as a human and experience all the purification up to the major realization of who he really is, if he didn't self-deceive himself upon birth.

Forgetting about his true nature is therefore necessary to live in the exact way he wants to. 

He could have made him less self-deceived, but, by doing that, he would have a completely other experience :)

Maybe there are other galaxies or planets where God is incarnating in other intelligent species who are much less self-deceived and closer to the source than humans.

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@mandyjw I know it's not a "he". I wanted to make sure females wouldn't get offended but i didn't know how to explain it in english sorry!

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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This was my insight on LSD & DMT 

Source puts limits on itself so it can no longer be source. If we took all the ‘bad’ out of our reality we would simply be source again. If we didn’t try so hard to ‘forget’ we would simply be source again.

Too much to handle. 


Edited by JimBo

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@JimBo interesting thanks for sharing

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Do you realise if god doesn’t spin this bullshit to itself then it would be impossible to live a human life. The only reason you can live as the human you are is because you are spinning so much shite and believing it that it’s creating your entire reality. It’s like a spiral of shit you’ve built around the nothingness, emptiness that you truly are to have you believe your alive as a human living a life of significance. If that’s not intelligent and clever I don’t know what is. It’s absolute genius!

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Anything would look stupid from a higher perspective. And vice-versa.

I like the idea that God is a neutral thing that we shouldn't be attributing qualities to. So, instead of saying God is infinitely intelligent, it's better and more accurate to say that the ego is infinitely stupid. Cause of the limitations imposed on God by the ego-mind.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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