
Any predictions on the Georgia Senate runoffs?

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A serious repudiation of Trumpism

Or maybe the Trumpists did not vote because they were pre-convinced that there was going to be fraud again.

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Sanity, honesty, wisdom and love has prevailed.

Edited by Blackhawk

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By the way Warnock will be the first black senator in the state and the first democratic senator in about 20 years

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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5 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Is it though? Trump gained an additional 7 million votes despite running arguably the most incompetent and corrupt administration in all of US History. That's in addition to the hundreds of thousands of deaths directly caused by his criminally negligence in the midst of a pandemic.

A 50/50 Split in the Senate still leaves a Biden administration with dismal prospects of getting any significant legislation passed, due to Republicans being able to use the filibuster to smother any meaningful legislation in the cradle.

That's to take nothing away from the people of Georgia though, and to the grassroots organizers who busted thier ass to get out the vote and flip the state Blue.

Even though only around a quarter or a third of the country actually likes Trump's brand of Authoritariaism, our political system also happens to give these people disproportionate influence over the rest of the country. 

I'll take whatever I can get.

Of course 45% of the country are morons. That's a given.

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2 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

Or maybe the Trumpists did not vote because they were pre-convinced that there was going to be fraud again.

I mean the big picture.

In the big picture Trump's ugliness cost Republicans the entire 2020 election. Which is exactly how it should be. Razor thin, but authoritarian has been rejected by most Americans.

Idiocy and selfishness should be punished at the ballet box. Because in the end idiocy and selfishness lead to bad governance -- and people don't like that.

Looks like Georgia is so thin it's within recount territory. So I'm still skeptical if Dems truely have the senate. Mitch McConnel has got to go. The man is a beast.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I mean the big picture.

In the big picture Trump's ugliness cost Republicans the entire 2020 election. Which is exactly how it should be. Razor thin, but authoritarian has been rejected by most Americans.

Idiocy and selfishness should be punished at the ballet box. Because in the end idiocy and selfishness lead to bad governance -- and people don't like that.

Looks like Georgia is so thin it's within recount territory. So I'm still skeptical if Dems truely have the senate. Mitch McConnel has got to go. The man is a beast.



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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I mean the big picture.

In the big picture Trump's ugliness cost Republicans the entire 2020 election. Which is exactly how it should be. Razor thin, but authoritarian has been rejected by most Americans.

Idiocy and selfishness should be punished at the ballet box. Because in the end idiocy and selfishness lead to bad governance -- and people don't like that.

Looks like Georgia is so thin it's within recount territory. So I'm still skeptical if Dems truely have the senate. Mitch McConnel has got to go. The man is a beast.

Warnock will be totally safe from any recount possibility because he already won his election by a 1.2 percentage point margin when it was called for him. In fact, it looks like his margin of victory will continue to grow ever so slightly even with approximately 1-1.5% of the votes left to report for Warnock and Loeffler. "According to Georgia law, if two candidates are within a 0.5 percentage point margin or less, either one is able to request a recount." https://www.vox.com/22216363/georgia-senate-runoff-recount-rules. So that race is done.


Now as for Ossoff even if the results of the Georgia Regular Senate Runoff Election (which is the one between Ossoff and Perdue) determine that the results ended up being within the recount territory, it will still be extremely unlikely that a recount will ultimately change the outcome of that race, given how much ahead Ossoff is over Perdue now. The difference in total votes between Ossoff and Perdue right is about 18,423. The initial count where Biden defeated Trump in Georgia was by around 14,000 votes. This was before the state of Georgia did the two completely thorough recounts for that state's presidential election results, including one hand recount followed by the machine recount. After both of those recounts were 100% completed, Biden ultimately won the state by 11,779 votes. Furthermore, if I recall correctly, according to the history of all U.S. elections, recounts very rarely if ever change the outcome of any election when the difference in votes ends up being around 5,000+ votes.

Edited by Hardkill

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@Hardkill I hope so

It's crazy how razor thin US elections are. Especially when the Republicans keep putting up monsters as their candidates.

The saddest thing of all is that these elections should be a slam dunk for Dems.

Which is the clearest proof that people like Ken Wilber and Don Beck are wrong. America is nowhere close to solid Green yet, let alone Yellow.

The rural parts of the country are shockingly regressive. The real question no one is asking is: as cities develop, how do we help rural folks evolve? If we leave the rural folks behind it will come back to bite us, as we see with Trumpism. Trumpism is a rural phenomenon.

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37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's crazy how razor thin US elections are. Especially when the Republicans keep putting up monsters as their candidates.

The saddest thing of all is that these elections should be a slam dunk for Dems.


In any other western country no one would vote for Trump/republicans.

Actually I'm not sure if they would vote for them even in third world countries.

Edited by Blackhawk

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Hardkill I hope so

It's crazy how razor thin US elections are. Especially when the Republicans keep putting up monsters as their candidates.

The saddest thing of all is that these elections should be a slam dunk for Dems.

Which is the clearest proof that people like Ken Wilber and Don Beck are wrong. America is nowhere close to solid Green yet, let alone Yellow.

The rural parts of the country are shockingly regressive. The real question no one is asking is: as cities develop, how do we help rural folks evolve? If we leave the rural folks behind it will come back to bite us, as we see with Trumpism. Trumpism is a rural phenomenon.

All of the mainstream media organizations have now finally called it for Ossoff! Also, he's now definitely out of the recount territory!

Yeah, I've been hearing from progressives like Cenk lately that Dems should in general be winning these kinds of elections, but they instead have most of time been feckless. Though, I still don't fully understand why they suck at framing and branding compared to the Republicans and why they negotiate too much with them. This is why I made that thread "Do Republicans actually campaign better than Democrats?" If you don't mind, could you help me understand why this is?

Oh yeah, there's no way that the USA is overall even close to solid Green or beyond. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the country largely range from being Red to Orange?

Yeah, the rural areas and the privileged yuppies areas (where I grew up in and have lived in for almost my entire life) have always been the most politically regressed parts of the country. Though, I would still say that the rural folks are in general not as evolved as the rich yuppies because the rich yuppie areas are have much greater highly educated per capita than the rural folk areas do.

Edited by Hardkill

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So Georgia is officially a swing state. Beautiful. Can't wait for this to happen to Texas in the next decade. 

Edited by Lyubov

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

So Georgia is officially a swing state. Beautiful. Can't wait for this to happen to Texas in the next decade. 

@Lyubov It might even be this decade if we're lucky.

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

So Georgia is officially a swing state. Beautiful. Can't wait for this to happen to Texas in the next decade. 

Trump is a special case. Don't count on it when there is a more reasonable conservative running like Mitt Romney. They will go for a Mitt Romney type like a dog for a bone.

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Well, it also helps that Stacey Abrams assisted in registering all of the disenfranchised voters. If anything, this just proves how much the GOP rely on gerrymandering and voter suppression in order to be relevant. More southern states like Florida and Texas need a Stacey Abrams, because they for damn sure would have turned out blue this election cycle.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump is a special case. Don't count on it when there is a more reasonable conservative running like Mitt Romney. They will go for a Mitt Romney type like a dog for a bone.

can a moderate like Mitt even win a primary in this day and age of crazy? 

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23 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

can a moderate like Mitt even win a primary in this day and age of crazy? 

Crazy can't be kept up forever. Things will temper out. When all these crazy conservatives lose a bunch of elections all over the place the lesson will be re-learned that crazy Republicans can't win. And so moderates will come to the fore like George W. Bush. And they will have much better chances of winning.

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