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Gretchen Bitang

What is Mind?

6 posts in this topic

What is MIND?

Is the MIND limited to living beings? why?
Is the MIND a product of evolutionary process? why?
Would it be possible that the MIND as an entity will cease to exist in the future? why?
Is it true that being a human is only in the level of the MIND? why?
Is it true that only the MIND exist at all? why?

Thank you for all your enlightening ideas. Newbies here.

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The question is the answer, let the questions wash your "mind" and that washing is the answer

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3 hours ago, Gretchen Bitang said:

What is MIND?

@Gretchen Bitang You expect to understand mind by using your mind. No go.

Step away from it, so you can see. That's to under-stand. 

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Why do you think that a mind exists? Have you ever experienced it? 

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3 hours ago, Gretchen Bitang said:

What is MIND?

In our direct experience mind is a single occurrence of the thought "mind".

As an abstract concept, it's something like a prism that light refracts itself through to create apparent separation, like a prism that seems to create and project separate colors. 

3 hours ago, Gretchen Bitang said:

Is the MIND limited to living beings? why?

Living beings ARE mind, they don't posses a mind. There are no real actual separate minds. There is no separation outside of mind to create the separation of living and not living. 

3 hours ago, Gretchen Bitang said:

Is the MIND a product of evolutionary process? why?

It cannot be a product OF a process that occurs over time, because mind is required to create the concept of time. 

3 hours ago, Gretchen Bitang said:

Would it be possible that the MIND as an entity will cease to exist in the future? why?

Again mind is what is projecting the idea of future as a thought occurring right now. The question is based on an assumption that if examined in direct experience, is incorrect. 

3 hours ago, Gretchen Bitang said:

Is it true that being a human is only in the level of the MIND? why?

Yes because the thought "human" is a separation. Alive, dead, human, animal, to be a human you must be something an not another thing. You require the separation of mind to identify with any one thing over any other thing. 

4 hours ago, Gretchen Bitang said:

Is it true that only the MIND exist at all? why?

When you say "only" what you are excluding other than mind? There's no actual prism like in the above metaphor that we can point to that really has existence. It seems that there is something we call mind that causes things to exist, but that's forgetting the light itself that is apparently separated by this none "thing" we can't actually locate. 

That light itself is consciousness, awareness, pure Knowing. Mind is a thought. A thought cannot know a thought. Only Knowing can Know and is Knowing itself. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Gretchen Bitang 

Contemplate your own questions. How to contemplate? Leo created amazing video ;) 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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