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Help: Odd Body Contortions in Meditation + Reaching Samadhi

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Hello everyone,

This is my first post! Much love to you all. Spirituality, consciousness, etc. has called me at a very young age. My father experienced a lot of astral projection in his teens, followed by visions of alternate dimensions, and sat me down and told me I would experience odd things and to be careful who I shared these things with. I don't want to go too deep into the back story here as I have a specific situation happening and I'm not sure if it's normal or what to do about it. 

My partner introduced me to 5-MeO-DMT through her shaman. My 5-MeO experienced completely changed my life as it does with most people, experiencing "oneness" with all and a realization of the truth of reality. I believe it is called "Samadhi". This was about 3 weeks ago. During my 5-MeO experience, the more I completely surrendered, the more my body would move into this very odd, snake like "wave" while laying on my back, my arms would move in a symmetrical fashion starting from my root chakra, top of hand opposite of top of hand facing inwards, up my chakra line to my shoulders and and out to repeat again. When I would completely surrender, I would breath out HEAVILY and even let out a moan with all of my might (I was not in control of this) and in that moment I would experience oneness within the full surrender. I figured it was just the 5-MeO as I read most people lose control of their bodies in the state. 

Now, since experiencing this state of consciousness, I am able to get very very close to this state while meditating within 30 or so minutes. It's as if the 5-MeO unlocked something in my consciousness. The problem is, the closer I get to the state, my body again begins to move in this peculiar way. My eyes are also forced open which is also super odd. The more I surrender, the more intense my body moves. Just about 20 minutes ago, I found a meditation that helped me get there very quickly - right before I hit that non duality state of white light and bliss and infiniteness -  I was contorting so much and breathing loudly in my condo, I could feel all of my bones cracking (not in a painful way) and it pulled me out of focus. I was honestly freaked out and felt my neighbors upstairs could hear me.

I'm not sure at all what is happening. If anyone could help me that would be amazing. Since my experience, my curiosity as in overdrive and my vibrational frequency has been insane. I love so much harder. I am more patient. More understanding. I see things from a higher perspective. Something beautiful is happening, but I want to be able to meditate and get into this space without my body completely losing control.

Thank you for any help and guidance you can give me. - Henry

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@HMRJ “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Buddha

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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It's totally fine. Don't worry about it, let it do it's thing. It can be really freaky, extatic, painful, whatever - it's ok.

Look into what kriyas are: might put you more at ease to see that it's part of the whole deal :) 

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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